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2nd induction 4/7/11

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Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


2nd induction 4/7/11

Hi ladies,

I had my little girl one day before my due date Chat Icon

I went to the dr on Wednesday the 6th to see if I had made any progress. When he checked me, he said that I was at 2cm. Because my blood pressure has been rising and I have a history of low amniotic fluid, he said that he would induce me either Thursday or Friday and wanted me to come back to the office Thursday to check my blood pressure again.

On the way to his office, after a last breakfast as a family of three Chat Icon, the office called and told me to go directly to labor and delivery at Winthrop, that he would check me there since he had another induction scheduled. This news made my DH think we were definitely having the baby, but I was being more cautious.

When I got there, they checked my blood wasn't terrible but wasn't great. My dr came to do another internal and found that I had dilated from 2 to 4 cm overnight! I had no idea, other than the fact that my back hurt really badly all night. The dr made the decision to induce me that day and the nurses came in to start the admission process.

I was moved to a delivery room around 11:15 and the nurses told me that I would get pitocin (I had been induced previously and needed cervadil, but no pitocin). They also told me that because I was already 4 cm that I could ask for the epidural whenever I wanted. I think the pitocin was turned on around 11:45 or so and my dr came to break my water (it didn't hurt...felt the same as an internal, but that may be because my contractions hadn't started). I started feeling contractions pretty soon thereafter, but was able to breath through the pain. My nurses went to lunch at noon and I set a goal of waiting until they came back to ask for any type of pain relief. Although the pitocin was at its lowest setting, my contractions were very strong.

Sometime around 1:30, the contractions were all I could focus on, so I asked the nurse for the epidural. My dr came to check on my and I was at 5 cm. He joked that I could have the baby at 3:30 because he had a c-section at 2pm and would be ready for me afterwards. They needed to give me 15 minutes of IV fluid before administering the epidural, so I was glad I didn't wait until it was desperate. The anesthesiologist was awesome...he worked quickly and I started to feel some relief. The only downside was that the epi made me REALLY itchy.

I wasn't able to sleep, but I rested until 3:15 when my dr came back and told me that I wasn't going to be ready for delivery at 3:30 but maybe I would be ready for 5:30.

The epidural seemed to wear off around 5pm. I was feeling the contractions as very dull but the pressure below was intense. My DH kept watching the contraction monitor and was confirming that I did feel the contractions. My dr came in at 5:15 or so to check me and I was between 8 and 9 cm. My DH said that the contractions were coming one on top of the other (he was awesome for speaking for me) and the dr decided that he could turn the pitocin off...there was no reason for me to have so many contractions so quickly. He also said that if I wasn't ready to deliver at 5:30 that he would get them to top off the epidural.

At 5:45, I was ready to have the baby...they had me do some practice pushes and then they started getting the room ready. Because they didn't top off the epi, I felt every part of the delivery. It was good because I could feel the contractions, but difficult because it hurt! they had me push three times for each contraction, and the nurse insisted that I hold my breath, which I didn't like. By the third push of each contraction, I was spent. I pushed for about 35 LO's head was turned sideways and I had to push really hard to get her past my pubic bone. My DH told me that he saw her hair and then her ear, so she decided to come out in an odd position. I heard my dr say that she was posterior based on the way I was pushing. The other downside to the epi wearing off is that I could feel the stitches for my episiotomy, even with the local.
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All in all, it was a very calm labor and an easy delivery. And here she is: Leah Jennifer, born 6:23pm, 8lbs 3oz, 20 inches loing. She spent sometime in the NICU at Winthrop and I cannot say enough good things about the nurses that work there.

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Posted 4/12/11 2:36 PM

Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06

10164 total posts

True love doesn't end with happily ever after...

Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

She is beautifulChat Icon Congrats!

Posted 4/12/11 2:40 PM

2 Girls and 1 Boy!

Member since 7/07

3504 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

Congratulations! She is gorgeous!!!

Posted 4/12/11 2:58 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

She is GORGEOUS!! Congratulations! Love all that hair!!!

Posted 4/12/11 4:25 PM

His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06

2902 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

What a beauty!
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/11 3:02 PM

Happy Autumn<3

Member since 12/10

1328 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
shes so precious!

Posted 4/18/11 11:50 PM


Member since 7/06

2969 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

Awwww....She is just precious Sarah Chat Icon She looks just like you. Congratulations!!!

Posted 4/23/11 9:27 AM

Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

2202 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

she is an awesome kid, but im kinda bias... since her parents are my kids godparents :)

Posted 4/27/11 8:56 PM

Happy Autumn<3

Member since 12/10

1328 total posts


Re: 2nd induction 4/7/11

awww she is beautiful!! congratualtions!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/11 9:55 PM

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