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Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I was PG over the suummer & had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Then I got pregnant 2 months after my first cycle after the m.c and found out on the day after Thanksigiving.
Well, I had another miscarriage early evening on my flight on Wed night. I would of been about 6 1/2 wks. This has to be the most horrific experince of my life, passing clots in an airplane bathroom.
I just can't believe it happened again.
I went to see my Dr yesterday and it looks like i passed everything on my own. When I asked about seeing a Specialist she discouraged me that I should wait till it happens a 3rd time. I will refuse to listen to that and need to find a specialist ASAP.
Has anyone seen a fertility specialist after reoccuring miscarriages or gone through 2 miscarriages?? Anything you could share i would greatly appreciate?
What tests due they run, how long is the process? Once I am pregnant again how often do they monitor you??
Any success stories of women going through reoccuring miscarriages and then a healthy pregnancy. I need to hear some good news...b.c i feel like I am losing hope.
Thank you for everyone's help!!
Posted 12/18/09 10:56 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
Go see Dr. Braverman.
I'm sorry for your losses.
Posted 12/18/09 11:08 AM |
Member since 2/08 8081 total posts
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I'm so very sorry for your losses. I agree with you and I disagree with your doctor. Why should you have to wait till this happens a third time?!?! To me that is just ridiculous. You have every right to seek the help of a specialist. I also had 2 miscarriages. Then I switched to Dr. Braverman....I would highly recommmend him. He specializes in reoccuring m/c's and will run EVERY test under the sun on you. Lots of bloodwork but it's all worth it in the end. It wouldnt hurt to make a consult appt with him...know what I mean...just to see what he has to say and get an idea of how he would treat your situation. Let me know if you want his info. I wish you all the best of luck
Posted 12/18/09 11:40 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06 738 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
This sounds like the exact same thing that happen to my friend. She went to a high risk obgyn in Great Neck after the 2nd miscarriage. I can ask her for his name. They ran a bunch of test and discovered that she had some type of infection that could be cleared up after 10 days of antibiotics. She is currently 9 weeks pregnant.
I will FM you with the name.
Don't give up hope.
Just wanted to add, that I recommended Dr. Bravermann to her, since I heard such wonderful things about him on here. She decided to use the doctor that her obgyn recommended though.
Message edited 12/18/2009 12:26:35 PM.
Posted 12/18/09 12:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06 738 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
You have FM
Posted 12/18/09 12:48 PM |
Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09 8585 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I just wanted to say I'm so sorry! I think you should definitely seek a specialist, if you want to.
Posted 12/18/09 1:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/09 1201 total posts
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your losses
Posted 12/18/09 4:09 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 9/09 133 total posts
Name: Cocoa
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I am so sorry for your losses. I have had 2 miscarriages and after my 2nd this summer I went to Dr. Braverman in September and it is the BEST decision I ever made! He is so thorough and will test you for everything under the sun. I just had my first IUI with him last Saturday.
Message edited 12/18/2009 5:26:31 PM.
Posted 12/18/09 5:24 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 2284 total posts
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I am so angry at these OBs who tell you not to see a specialist. Don't walk...RUN TO BRAVERMAN!!! He is amazing! I am six months pregnant because of him.
Posted 12/18/09 5:56 PM |
I'm a mommy to a 2 year old!!!
Member since 1/08 1694 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I am sorry for your losses. I agree, you should not have to wait to see a specialist.
Posted 12/18/09 8:16 PM |
Love being a twin mommy!

Member since 5/07 2934 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I am so, so, sorry for your losses I absolutely think you should see a specialist. I am sure your doctor means well, but you need answers and shouldn't have to go through this again.
Good luck!!!!!
Posted 12/18/09 8:51 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/06 1623 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I'm so terribly sorry for your losses. It's so devastating.
I think you always have to trust your gut. Nevermind what some Dr. says! If you want to go, go.
I've, sadly, had 3 miscarriages and then got pg after seeing Dr. Braverman. After all his tests, he found out what my issue is w/ becomming pregnant again. I did get pregnant w/ him, except the baby had trisomy 18. I'm going again and have no doubt that I'll eventually be pregnant wiith #2... just a matter of when.
Best of luck to you!
Posted 12/18/09 9:32 PM |
Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
Thank you for everyone who responded!
I greatly appreciate all the support.
Posted 12/19/09 2:58 PM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I want to start by saying I am so sorry for your losses, I have been thru a very similar situation. I had 2 early losses in the course of 6 mos my OB did suggest I see someone (b/c I was 34 at the time). I couldn't get a fast enough appt with the dr he recommended. So I found my own and thank God I did. Through the advice of some ladies on ths board I made an appt with Dr Jeffrey Braverman in Woodbury. He specializes in recurrent losses. He went over all the possible explanations and the treatments and then he started testing. I ended up having quite a few issues going on, all of which were treatable. I had a clotting issue, active natural killer cells, under active thyroid and a 3" fibroid. I should also mention 3 yrs prior I got PG with my son on the first try and had a text book perfectly easy pregnancy. After all the tests were in we discussed our options and I decided on timed relations. I had no trouble getting pregnant so IUI or IVF wouldn't improve our odds any. I used stimming drugs to get some extra follies and triggered and BD'd. In all it was 5 cycles bc 3 were wasted bc my eggs were behaving badly, but we got preggo again. I was on thyroid meds, prednisone and lovenox shots for the clotting problem. I am now 24 wks pregnant with If I haven't answered all your questions or I can help in any way please feel free to FM me.   
Posted 12/19/09 7:29 PM |
Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09 8306 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
awww I'm terribly sorry for what you are going through.
My friend also had 2 miscarriages. She is currently trying again.
I don't have any advice as far as specialists go.... I just wanted to say my heart goes out to you. I'm soo sorry.
Posted 12/20/09 3:18 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/09 367 total posts
Name: TTC since April 2009
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I am so sorry for your losses.
My friend had at least 2 miscarriages before she had her DS, and then again had 2 miscarriages when she tried for #2. Turns out she has some blood clotting issue and needs to take some meds to help her keep a pregnancy. She is now 38 weeks w/ #2.
Good luck!!
Posted 12/20/09 3:29 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I had 4 pregnancy losses before having my healthy twin boys(now 1) via IVF. We found out that at least 2 of my losses were ectopic and I also had high natural killer cells and a few clotting issues. I took prednisone throughout my pregnancy along with lovenox and had an issue free pregnancy. I did end up developing preeclampsia and delivered at 35 weeks 3 days and my boys did great.
Dr Braverman is your best bet on LI. Good luck
Posted 12/20/09 9:29 PM |
I am ONE !!!!!

Member since 5/07 1560 total posts
Name: Lisette
Re: 2nd Miscarriage help needed.
I am so sorry for your losses...I agree with PP's...see a specialist.
Posted 12/22/09 11:24 AM |