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Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I had another miscarriage early evening on my flight on my way home from Dallas. This has to be the most horrific experince of my life, passing clots in an airplane bathroom.
I just can't believe it happened again.
I am going into my Dr's appt tomorrow and see what they say. I guess the next step is seeing a Fertility Specialist??
Has anyone seen a fertility specialist or gone through 2 miscarriages?? Anything you could share i would greatly appreciate? What tests due the run, how long is the process.
Any success stories of women going through reoccuring miscarriages and then a healthy pregnancy. I need to hear some good news...b.c i feel like I am losing hope.
p.s i think i am going to take a break from the site for awhile.
Posted 12/16/09 8:47 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 810 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I'm so sorry, I have had 2 miscarriages, although not back to back, I had one, then a healthy pregnancy then a second mc, but we're still trying. I'm starting clomid this month should AF ever decide to get here. Don't lose hope, as hard as that may seem at this point. You have every reason to be devistated, take a break for a little while, and give yourself a break from all the craziness of TTC. You need time to heal. I promise you'll get through this, and you will have a beautiful baby one day. Like I've been told I'll tell you.. All in good time you'll see! Hang in there!
Posted 12/16/09 8:58 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 2448 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
i am so sorry. take your time we are here when you are ready to talk
Posted 12/16/09 8:58 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Oh i am SO SO sorry for your loss
Here's my story to give you hope... After my 2nd MC, my OB did a MC panel (bloodwork) and suggested an HSG. The MC panel showed MTFHR so I started taking baby aspirin and folgard. I was also charting and suspected a progesterone issue due to a short luteal phase and I was right. So she started testing me at 7DPO when we started trying again to see if I needed supps.
When I got PG the third time, I was put on progesterone immediately. I carried that one to 7wks (my other 2 were chemical between 4-5 wks) but there was no HB. I kind of think that might have been a fluke and a chromosomal issue. After that I saw an RE and we started doing a monitored cycle right away. I got PG that first cycle and the RE didnt wind up having to do anything for me except monitor me VERY closely but I needed that piece of mind in case something did go wrong again (I thought maybe he'd at least figure it out if it happened again).
My recommendation is to get the tests done now to give you a little piece of mind when you do TTC again. I know how scary it is and honestly even at 15 wks, I'm terrified I'll go to the dr tomorrow and get bad news. Hopefully that goes away. Please know recurrent MCs are extremely common (more than I ever knew) and many people go on to successful pregnancies. I am proof that there is HOPE and I know many others on here shared their stories with me when I was in your position so there's quite a few of us out there.
If you need anything dont hesitate to FM me I have an AMAZING OB who helped me through this not far from you and she sent me to a great RE as well if you need one.
Posted 12/16/09 9:01 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/09 3923 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Oh Rachel, I was just thinking about you. I am so, so sorry I can't even imagine how difficult this is for you. I know many women have had recurrent m/c's and gone on to have healthy pregnancies, so please don't lose hope. I hope your doctor is able to give you some suggestions tomorrow for how to proceed. Just know that we are here when you need us
Posted 12/16/09 9:18 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09 648 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
OMG I am beyond sorry! I saw this post and my heart sank before I even clicked on the link!
I've had 2 m/c now but not a healthy one yet so I am no help.
I just don't even know what to say...
Posted 12/16/09 9:26 PM |
Due with Baby #2!

Member since 10/08 2004 total posts
Name: Tricia aka MattandTricia07
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry! My heart aches for you. We're here for you when you're ready to come back. I wish you peace.
Posted 12/16/09 9:53 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09 890 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for you.
If I were you, I would seek out some advise/treatment from a Dr. with expertise in recurrent miscarriages. Not every RE specializes in this... the girls on the Infertility board will be able to provide a good reference.
that you will have some answers soon!
Posted 12/16/09 10:19 PM |
Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09 2585 total posts
Name: C
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I'm right there with you Last month I also had my 2nd m/c and it was just devastating. I have heard that most doctors won't even see you until you've had at least 3, because 2 could just be a simple coincidence, but I AM planning on calling my OB after the Holidays anyhow, just to find out if she WILL take me. I do want to be checked soon before I conceive again. But please believe that all hope is NOT gone. I do have a friend of mine who actually experienced quite a few M/Cs and now has 3 beautiful healthy little girls. Just the fact that you CAN conceive is a good thing, it's just a matter of finding out why they won't 'stick'.
I totally understand you going on a break from this website and TTC - I have too. I just need to get away from all of this TTC stuff, so I really only come on every once in a while. I think it's good to take a break. But we'll all be here for you when/if you decide to come back. PLEASE FM me if you need to talk.
And I am SO sorry that you had to deal with this on a plane. That HAD to be tough. With me, I started noticing some spotting while I was at work. i spent the last half hour freaking out, thank God it didn't happen earlier in the day. I would have been a wreck
Posted 12/16/09 10:33 PM |
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Oh NO Rachel, I am so sorry I can not even imagine what you went through on the plane. I understand you taking time away from this site, it's stressful. I'm your friend on FB though & am there if you need ANYTHING!
Posted 12/16/09 11:01 PM |
Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I'm so sorry for your loss!!!
I also had 2 losses and was under an RE's care. (we had male factor issues). After our second loss, I went to see a perinatologist who ran lots of blood work. I have MTHFR and had a protocol of aspirin, mentax (folic acid),and lovenox.
Before seeing an RE, you might want to look into seeing a perinatologist. Your issues might be immune related as opposed to reproductive related.
I see Dr Kofinas in Garden City. He's very thorough and will find what the problem is.
Good luck!
Posted 12/17/09 12:37 AM |
ridiculously blessed!!

Member since 7/09 1912 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
i am so very very sorry i will keep you in my prayers
Posted 12/17/09 6:56 AM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so, so sorry for your loss. We are all here for you.
Posted 12/17/09 8:09 AM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
i am so so sorry... i had 2 MC's this year and DH and I decided that we would try one more time before going to an RE and the plethora of testing so i don't have any advice on that. just wanted to say how sorry i am and i'm here to talk if you need someone
Posted 12/17/09 8:42 AM |
We have our miracle!

Member since 8/08 3634 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Oh I am so so so sorry I'll send you a FM but wanted to write here too. I am so sorry you are going through this again If you need anything at all or just want to talk I'm here. I totally get that you need a break from here...
Posted 12/17/09 8:55 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
i am so sorry for your loss...
please dont ever give up! Fertility specialist are there to fix the problem! i would definitely see one! I highly recomend Dr. Braverman! after my 2nd loss, i just couldnt bare to lose another without any testing done. so after seeing him and ruling out a few things from testing.. i am now pregnant with twins!! If you want to talk our have any questions , FM me!
Posted 12/17/09 9:28 AM |
My prayers have been answered

Member since 10/08 3642 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry I hate that this happens to us. I have had 4 miscarriages in the past year and it is devastating so please if you need anything FM me.
I see dr. Braverman as well he is wonderful and will help you through this if you chose to see him.
I understand about taking a break from the boards I had to also- do what you need to to help you get through this
Posted 12/17/09 10:01 AM |

Member since 8/08 1688 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Oh my God, Rachel, I am so sorry. I have never been to a RE or fetility expert but I just wanted to offer you lots of and support.
Posted 12/17/09 10:31 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/09 396 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry. I go to LIVF and really like them. I am here and going through the same thing.
Posted 12/17/09 12:43 PM |
2 boys 2 girls!!!!
Member since 7/08 3324 total posts
Name: M
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Oh Rachel I am soo very sorry for your loss .
Posted 12/17/09 1:10 PM |
Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
Thank you everyone for all your help and kind words.
I am def going to make an appt with a fertility specialist after the Holidays.
Posted 12/17/09 7:37 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/09 111 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry for you lost. I had two m/c myself. It is so hard to go through one not to mention two. If you would like I can share my high risk doctor info with you. You are in my thoughts
Posted 12/17/09 8:03 PM |
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry for your loss!!!!
Posted 12/18/09 1:35 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/09 644 total posts
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry for your loss Rachel I have also had 2 m/c's. I have not seen a specialist.. we have decided to try one more time before we go that route... I did have a m/c blood panel done though... though nothing came up from that... I wish you the best of luck !
Posted 12/18/09 10:24 PM |
Re: DEVASTATED!! I had a 2nd Miscarriage
I am so sorry for your loss!
Posted 12/18/09 11:29 PM |
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