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3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

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Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

1816 total posts


3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

I just found out that my 3 year old son stole a teddy bear and book from his preschool class last week.

He told me that the teacher gave one to each student. But I found out today that it was missing when the teacher sent the class an email. I asked DS, and he admitted that he took it home because he "liked it".

I told him how we don't take things that don't belong to us, etc etc. I know he is young, but has anyone encountered this? I would like to nip this in the bud, though it appears to be an isolated incident at this point.


Posted 10/25/11 3:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

When I was a kid, my mom and I went to a stationary store and they had those rolls of stickers to buy, where you rip off a small sheet...(they dont have them anymore of course) Anyway, I took a few when my mom wasnt looking....honestly I am not sure I knew it was wrong but when my mom found out, she made me go back to the store with the stickers, give them back to the man and apologize.

I also got "punished" at home. But I am now 32 and I still remember having to say sorry to that man.

Posted 10/25/11 3:58 PM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

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Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

Yes, your DC should have to give it back and apologize. He stole AND lied, you're going to want to nip that in the bud.

Posted 10/25/11 4:00 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

I would make him bring it back and personally apologize to the teacher for taking it. When I was younger (I think around 5) I stole a bazooka from 7-11 and my mom made me go back and apologize to the clerk and I was so embarassed. I don't think I ever did it again after that.

I don't think I would do it when other kids were around though. Just DS and the teacher.

Posted 10/25/11 4:17 PM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

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Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

Posted by Mkr09

I would make him bring it back and personally apologize to the teacher for taking it. When I was younger (I think around 5) I stole a bazooka from 7-11 and my mom made me go back and apologize to the clerk and I was so embarassed. I don't think I ever did it again after that.

I don't think I would do it when other kids were around though. Just DS and the teacher.

Same and I wouldn't make too much more out of it. I mean he's 3

Posted 10/25/11 4:21 PM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

14956 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

agreed with the above but also remember that at age 3, they don't really understand stealing

Posted 10/25/11 4:29 PM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

I stole candy from king kullen when I was about 4. I bragged in the car to my mom. She turned around, brought me back in and plopped me on the curtesy desk and made me tell them what I did. The manager told me people who steal go to jail. I was scared shiitless. Never happened again.

Posted 10/25/11 4:36 PM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

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Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

Posted by brownie

Posted by Mkr09

I would make him bring it back and personally apologize to the teacher for taking it. When I was younger (I think around 5) I stole a bazooka from 7-11 and my mom made me go back and apologize to the clerk and I was so embarassed. I don't think I ever did it again after that.

I don't think I would do it when other kids were around though. Just DS and the teacher.

Same and I wouldn't make too much more out of it. I mean he's 3


Posted 10/25/11 5:00 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

Posted by OffWithHerHead23

Yes, your DC should have to give it back and apologize. He stole AND lied, you're going to want to nip that in the bud.

Agreed. I don't think the stealing is a huge deal, he's 3. The blatant lying about it would upset me more.

Posted 10/25/11 6:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2122 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

when i was 3 i stole a cadbury egg from a store and my mother made me go back in and return it one of the workers and apologize ... i cant even look at a cadbury egg to this day without thinking about it, I would just make dc return the stuff to teacher and apologize and explain that you cant take things that dont belong to you without asking

Posted 10/25/11 6:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

5981 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

He is only 3, my ds is 3. I would simply put in his bag with a note , saying found it in ds bag I spoke with him about taking without asking. I would never use the word stealing when referring to a 3 yo.

If it were my ds I would just tell him not to take things without asking his teacher.

Posted 10/25/11 6:59 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: 3 year old stealing- appropriate punishment?

Posted by bicosi

agreed with the above but also remember that at age 3, they don't really understand stealing

Exactly. It's more like storytelling - he may even actually believe that the teacher gave him those items.

Posted 10/25/11 8:40 PM

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