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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Am I doing something wrong? If I ask her if she wants to try going potty for the day she says no.
She knows when she's wet or dirty....
Posted 7/10/08 9:35 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
DD is 28 months and I'm in the same boat... she wants nothing to do with it....although for a few months she would sit on it everyday and even peed and pooped on it and then since then she has NO interest so I don't push it...
I'm sure she will be ready soon...
Posted 7/10/08 9:40 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 5/07 497 total posts
Name: mom mom
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
When my son was three i started trying and gave up b/c he just wasn't interested... So i started again when he was 3.5 and within 1 week-totally trained. Give her some time sometimes they just aren't ready. GL
Posted 7/10/08 9:45 AM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Emily is 33 months and up until this week she had NO INTEREST at all.
She could completely control it. I'd put her in underwear and she'd stay dry, NO accidents, litereally for like up to 6 hours at a time. The girl was able to control it like a champion.
BUT she had no interest in potty training.
Now I am proudly able to say that we've been hardcore potty training since Sunday ---- and today, on Day 5, she's doing great.
Yesterday she only had one "half" accident, peed a bit on the floor then realized, ran to the potty and finished up there. She went on to pee on the potty 8 times yesterday, and I had to bribe her to get off at bedtime because she wanted to go "one last time." (even though she had just gone 15 minutes earlier)
So ... what is workign for us?
We went diaper/pull-up free. She hasn't work a pull up since Saturday, except for sleeping at night. First 3 days she went naked from waiste down, last 2 days she's been wearing either panties or training panties, the cloth gerber ones.
We put the potty seat in the living room. She doesn't like to be interupted with the playing and was just giving me an attitude. Plus sometimes running to the potty in the bathroom just took a little TOO much time. We had a lot of accidents in the hallway.
We got really consistent with rewards. She has a potty chart --- it's a piece of cardstock paper that I drew a potty on. Every time she goes on the potty we put a sticker on the chart. We went sticker shopping together and she picked out ones she liked (princesses, lisa frank stickers too). She already filled up one chart and I had to make her a new one last night - i can show you a pic if you'd like.
We also give her M&Ms or chocolate covered raisins when she pees, but not every single time, only if she asks. We did give her 3 or 4 each time the first few days but now she's more excited about going and less about the reward.
Also we went to BRU and I let her pick out her own potty seat. We also have 2 DVDs and books, but I don't think they helped TOO much, I really think it was just the consistency in trying, not using diapers pullups as a crutch, and consistency in her sticker chart.
Hope this helps.
We are literally right in the middle of it now so feel free to FM me. I'm home for the summer
Posted 7/10/08 9:46 AM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
With my girls I started trying at around 2ish. Would try for a long weekend and if I didnt get any where by Monday I would stop and then wait a month or so to start again....
When the twins were ready it only took a couple of days. They went to their grandparents on a Friday and came back Sunday potty trained. They were not quite 3...
With my eldest basically one morning she was just ready. We put her underwear on her in the morning and honestly that was it. For naps, nighttime etc....please keep in mind she was 4!!! (She has Down Syndrome so she was late with the potty training)
When they are ready they are ready!!!!
Posted 7/10/08 9:54 AM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Logan will be 3 at the end of August and has NO desire at all to potty train. He knows what to do, when he should do it but just doesn't want to. He honestly would rather sit in a dirty diaper ALL day!! Whenever I ask him if he wants to go on the potty he says NO, Logan goes pee pee in his diaper . Honestly, I should be trying harder but I'm just so tired now that I'm due next month. Luckily he doesn't have to be potty trained for school in Sept but I do know I'm just making it hearder on myself by not doing it before the baby comes .
Posted 7/10/08 9:54 AM |
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Don't worry! My niece was 3 1/2 when she trained. She's not going to go to kindergarten still in diapers!
Posted 7/10/08 9:59 AM |
Back in LI!

Member since 5/05 1525 total posts
Name: Robyn
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
robert is going on 31 months and has no desire to want to try..I have him try on the bjorn potty and the regular potty with the seat, he will sit there for long time and nothing..of course until I put his diaper back on..
so frustrating
thank goodness nursery school he starts in september and doesn't need to be potty trained
Posted 7/10/08 10:01 AM |
Member since 5/05 5025 total posts
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Posted by ckdk
DD is 28 months and I'm in the same boat... she wants nothing to do with it....although for a few months she would sit on it everyday and even peed and pooped on it and then since then she has NO interest so I don't push it...
I'm sure she will be ready soon...
Same here!
Posted 7/10/08 10:02 AM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Jared just turned 3 and has no desire to be potty trained either. I have to get him trained by September when he goes to school...but he really fights me.
Posted 7/10/08 10:10 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Totally normal plus add to that the pregnancy and i'm not surprised. She'll get it try not to stress about it.
Posted 7/10/08 10:10 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Don't stress. It took my friend's DD to a few months over 3 and one day she was ready and just did it. My friend did not have the energy at 6 months pregnant to fight with her about it. It looks like not fighting was the way to go, it all worked out.
Posted 7/10/08 10:13 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
30 months is just fine for showing no interest in the potty. Look they won't be going to high school peeing and pooping in their underwear, so it really makes no difference if they pottytrain at 24 months or 40 months, unless of course, school requires it.
I found for Alex, pottytraining is a delicate balance between gentle persuasion and letting her believe it is her idea.
So, when she was a little over 2 we bought a potty and put it in the living room. We also bought the potty power DVD and let her watch it. I bought a couple of potty books and I put up a sticker chart in her bathroom.
FOR MONTHS she would just sit on the potty endlessly and do nothing. I didn't pressure her at all, I let her take her own pace.
A few months into it, I took her to Target with me and we bought her big girl underwear. I started putting her in them for a few hours at a time. She had quite a few accidents, but it was ok, I didn't make a big deal out of it - I figured this was the only way she would learn the sensation of having to pee or poop.
Then I started putting her in undies for the whole weekend while she was home and awake. She stopped having accidents, but would literally hold in the pee for HOURS until I'd put her diaper on for nappytime or bedtime and then fill it up in minutes
Then I introduced skittles. The miracle drug I let her sample one and told her she would get one skittle for everytime she peepee'd on the potty. That very day she peed on the potty, no joke, like 20 times. That's how she learned to hold it in so well. She would pee a little, run and get a candy, go back to the potty, pee a little, run and get a candy, etc, etc, etc.
After a few weekends of this she was fully potty trained during wake hours. So, I sent her to school in her underwear. A few days later she asked to take a nappy at school without her diaper so they let her. She had one or two accidents that week, but then was fine.
A month later (now) we took her out of diapers for the evening.
It's an evolution - and the key is to give THEM all the tools they need as an incentive (sticker chart, potty chair in the right location, candy incentive, underwear, etc), but to ease off, and let them come to it on their own
Posted 7/10/08 10:14 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
Have you tried a sweet reward?? M&M's are working great in my house
Posted 7/10/08 10:27 AM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
my son was 3 yrs and 5 months when trained. At that point he was totally ready and was completely trained. day and NIGHT in 3 days. The older they are the faster they get trained. Just keep trying. If there is no interest give it up for a couple of weeks and go back to it. She will get trained. dont worry.
Posted 7/10/08 10:57 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: 30 months old and NOT actively potty training
When Christopher first turned 2, he was potty training successfully; going #1 without any issues, but never went #2. He suddenly lost all interest and would scream when I tried putting him in underwear. It took up until this past week for him to gain an interest again. He will be 3 next week and he is going #1 and #2 without any problems (except for bedtime...still wears a diaper then). I realized there was no use pressuring him and figured when he was ready to do it, I'd pursue it a little more. He let me know when he was ready again.
Posted 7/10/08 11:07 AM |