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<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
The time has finally come to share my news. I am happy to announce I am 12w1d pregnant. I had my ultrascreen this morning and everything looks great. This has been a long 2 year journey with many disappointments along the way. I don’t post much at all about my cycles, but as you all know, my first IVF resulted in a BFP that ended in a miscarriage which was just devastating to us. While my beta started off low the first time, I was in beta hell for almost 4 weeks while I waited for it to drop so I could cycle again. As soon as my beta went below 5, I was able to start back on BCPs. My 2nd cycle was so different from my first in terms of results. My first IVF, resulted in 6 eggs, 5 fertilized with ICSI and 3 made it to a 3 day transfer. Nothing was left over to freeze, which meant my 2nd cycle was another fresh cycle. This cycle, my protocol changed (but not significantly), and I added acupuncture treatments 2x per week while stimming. This cycle resulted in 18 eggs, 16 were ICSI’d and 14 fertilized. They still did a 3 day transfer, and the day of the transfer, we put back 3 grade 2 8-celled embryos and there were still 10 left in culture they were watching. Out of those 10, 6 made it to freeze. We were thrilled with those results. I honestly believe the acupuncture played a huge role in my success this cycle. Since I never test early, I was convinced this cycle would be a BFN because I had not one symptom, not even from the Progesterone. Last cycle, I had every pregnancy symptom under the sun.
On June 2nd, I had my first beta and I couldn’t believe I was pregnant! My number was great. They had me come in 2 days later for another beta and they wanted to see at least a 60% rise. So of course, since I have to do everything the hard way, I fell just short of the 60% rise (53% to be exact). They had me come in 2 days after that again for another beta just to make sure it was going up. That beta number more than doubled. At that time, we were told it was possible 2 of the 3 embies implanted, but one may not have been strong enough, but I was definitely pregnant and should be happy with my beta results. We went the following week for our first sono and were told we should see the gestational sac and yolk sac (I was 5w2d); we saw one gestational sac, but no yolk sac. So again, they had me come back 2 days later to check for the yolk sac. Imagine our surprise when we saw 2 sacs and yolk sacs! We were prepared for multiples, but since we only saw one sac 2 days earlier, we never expected to see 2 when we went back. My 6 week sono a week later confirmed 2 heartbeats. We were thrilled. Unfortunately, when we went back for my 7 week sono, Baby B no longer had a heartbeat and was only measuring 6w1d. We were of course disappointed but at the same time just thrilled beyond words we still had a healthy baby in Baby A. Baby A’s heartbeat sounded so beautiful and measured perfectly. While we were over the moon about twins, and were sad about it, we really couldn’t be any happier right now with what we are blessed with.
I want to thank each and every one of you ladies for helping me to get through all of this (even though I didn’t post much about myself). Every one of you is a true inspiration to me. One of my first posts on this board was a question about how do you know or decide how far you are willing to go to get pregnant. I was told, you just do it. Truer words had never been spoken. This time last year as we prepared to start our first IUI cycle, I told my husband if IUI didn’t work we needed to have a serious talk because there was no way I was emotionally able to handle the IVF process. After my last failed IUI, there was no hesitation moving to IVF. I was anxious and excited to start. After my m/c, I was very anxious to start a new cycle as soon as possible. It made me remember that post and the responses… there really was no decision to be made….I just had to do it, no question.
This is by far the most amazing group of women I have ever “met”
Posted 7/29/08 11:12 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
OMG OMG OMG!!! It's an epidemic!!! I'm so happy and thrilled for you Congratulations!!! And know that your story gives me SO much hope - I'm so happy I decided to do the acupuncture, at yours and others prodding
Posted 7/29/08 11:15 AM |
1 year already!!

Member since 5/05 3360 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
I'm sorry about the loss of one of the babies but am so glad that your other baby is doing fine!!!
Have a happy & Healthy pregnancy!
Posted 7/29/08 11:16 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Congrats. I am sorry for your lose but very happy that you have a healthy Baby on the way
Posted 7/29/08 11:16 AM |
Two under two!

Member since 5/07 3703 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
OMG!!! THAT IS WONDERFUL!!! It's so exciting seeing everyone get their BFP's! I hope it's catching!
Posted 7/29/08 11:18 AM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
OMG I'm SO SO SO sO happy for you!!! H&H pregnancy to you!!!
Posted 7/29/08 11:21 AM |
Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07 5213 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
This is just wonderful news and I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 7/29/08 11:21 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
aww..Michelle you are my inspiration.
I am so happy for you guys.
I wish you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy and a happy life with your new addition.
Posted 7/29/08 11:30 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm still soooooo nervous, but I know that comes with the territory!
Posted 7/29/08 11:35 AM |
Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Wonderful news!!!!!!
Posted 7/29/08 11:38 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/07 1694 total posts
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
What wonderful news! So happy for you.
Posted 7/29/08 11:38 AM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Posted 7/29/08 11:46 AM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
You know how I feel but again CONGRATS!!! So happy for you!
Posted 7/29/08 11:49 AM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Congrats!!! What an amazing blessing!!!!
Posted 7/29/08 11:50 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Once again, I will say congratulations!! I'm so glad your ultrascreen went well.
Posted 7/29/08 12:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1854 total posts
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Congratulations and have a happy and healthy 9 months! Thanks for sharing your story with us, it gives me alot of hope.
Posted 7/29/08 12:09 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
MAZEL TOV!!! You know how incredibly thrilled I am for you. You have overcome some incredible obstacles and are a very strong woman. This is incredible news!!!
Message edited 7/29/2008 12:12:49 PM.
Posted 7/29/08 12:11 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you
Posted 7/29/08 12:14 PM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
I suspected when you reminded Jen about RMA's policy about PIO for 8 weeks after the BFP!!
What OB are you going to now?
I'm so so happy for you !!!
Posted 7/29/08 12:15 PM |
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Congratulations, that is such wonderful news!!!! All the best to you!!
Posted 7/29/08 12:16 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/08 695 total posts
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
That is AMAZING news!!!!! Congrats!!! Happy and Healthy 9 months!!
Posted 7/29/08 1:00 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
Posted 7/29/08 1:30 PM |
My golden boys!

Member since 3/06 4419 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
WOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!! I am beyond thrilled for you!!!!!!!!!
Posted 7/29/08 1:48 PM |
Need to find some hope!

Member since 2/08 2485 total posts
Name: Beth -Ann
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
I'm so glad everything went well today.
Congrats congrats congrats!!!!!! I had no idea
Posted 7/29/08 1:50 PM |
Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08 2430 total posts
Name: Elisabeth
Re: Okay, here goes...My turn to share (long)
A very healthy and happy 9 months!!
Posted 7/29/08 2:10 PM |
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