Please say a prayer for my sister...Update 10-5-08
Things are not looking good for the baby or my sister. I don't know too much right now but please pray for them. It kills me that they are sooo far away from here and I can't just run over to the hospital to be there for them
Update: I just talked to my Mom. My sister is in ICU. They are trying to get her blood pressure down. And the baby is not getting enough blood from my sister because of her heart condition. And the fluid around the baby is getting very low. My parents are going to call her again tonight to see how things are going.
9-19-08 - I just spoke to my sister. She seems to be in good sprits. My parents just got there too!! Thank goodness she is not alone. Her pressure is stabilized and the Dr's said she is def making progress. She is waiting for her OB now to see what happens next.
Thank you for all your prayers. They are working so far
9-20-08 8am
I spoke to my Mom late last night and my sister is having contractions. But everytime she has one, the baby's heart rate goes really low. I asked her what they are doing and they are still just monitoring her. They haven't even done a sono for 3 days. I am sooo mad about this. Shouldn't they being doing more?
I just spoke to my Mom again. They just diagnosed her as having Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). This is caused by her heart defects and is causing the uterus not to grow. They are just monitoring her again!!!!!!!!!
9-22-08 Spoke to my Mom and seems I scared my sister a bit when I talked to her yesterday. She now has a long list of questions for the OB when he comes in tonight. Still no sono just stress tests which have been showing her having contractions.
Thank you all again for your prayers. After talking to my sister the other day I guess she realized that this is not a joke. That they are both seriously not doing well. SHe had a long list of questions for the OB.
He is coming in today and running some more blood tests and doing a sono. If the baby isn't growing still they are going to do a c-section. But if she is and her blood comes back fine, they are going to have her hang on a little more and then induce her.
My OB is soo angry. He doesn't understand why they won't take the baby already. He said with that condition both can die. Thanks Doc
Supposedly the OB will not let her go another week without having baby Spencer. We shall see. I have heard all this before.
Big surpise the one sono machine at the hospital broke They took her pressure last night and it was 170/100 and then this morning it was the same. That is soooo bad. Just do a c-section already. They could both die with a pressure like that!!!!!!! But no he wants her to go over to his office today for the growth sono and then he will figure out what he wants to do.
This is sooo frustrating I could kill someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They estimated last week that the baby weighed close to 5lbs. Sounds good to me now lets get Spencer out!!!!!!
My Mom is calling me as soon as the sono is done. They are doing it at 10:30am.
Well they did another sono today and the baby isn't looking that good. It looks like she is getting smaller which I didn't even know could happen and is only about 4lbs. She is now 37 weeks which is good but the baby is really small. They started inducing her about an hr again and put some gel inside her to soften her up. Hopefully this goes quick and the baby is ok
Just got off the phone with my Mom. Now my sister has little fluid left inside her uterus. They gave her another shot of that stuff inside her. She was just soo upset my cousin who is down there on vaca and a nurse was there and my BIL when this went on. My cousin is now flipping out on everything that is going on. A nurse comes in in front of my cousin and BIL and said to my sister "Are you complaining again?" She said you know I was in here for months and my baby died and I am not complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a flipping byetoch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cousin was sooo mad, my sister started crying hysterical. My cousin and BIL went right to the Dr's office and said listen you need to tell us exactly what steps you are going to take and fire that nurse!!!!
The OB said he finally consulted with her cardiologist here and thought that a c-section will be too much on my sister but at this point there may not be another choice. If she doesn't go into labor by tomorrow, they will do a c-section. They already have a cardiologist on standby to be at the c-section for my sister.
I am sooo scared now. What if something happens to my sister Of course I want the baby to be ok but right now I am more worried about my sister. I wish I was there. What if she goes into cardiac arrest or something on the table.
Please everyone prayer that this baby comes out tonight by some miracle
Just spoke to my mom. My BIL got into an accident last night on his motorcycle. Someone made an illegal u-turn and plowed into him. He is really banged up. My parents went to the scene and he didn't want to go to the hospital because he didn't want to leave his bike but someone nearby took it in her garage for him and my parents took him to the ER. He is really banged up and in pain but it will all heal. His arms are in bandages and his skin is all raw.
Never a dull moment!!!!
My sister had a lot of cramping last night so she is hoping that something is going on. If she is dilated at all, they will start pitocin. If she isn't they will do the c-section. They already told her she couldn't eat this morning.