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Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Anthony Robert 9-17-08
I was sheduled to be induced at 8pm on 9-16. They inserted the cervadil at @ 10pm on Tuesday night. I started contracting mildly immediately. My DH stayed with me the whole time ~ I had to yell at him to go home and get some rest at @ 3am, and I got some sleep as well. At @ 9:30 am on Wednesday, they checked me and I was 3 cm dilated and everything was going smoothly. They then started me on the pitocin. Wow did I start feeling the labor then! It was really getting painful at @ 1pm and the contractions were starting to come @ 3 mins apart. I caved and got the epidural at @ 2pm and I was mad at myself for not doing it sooner. I was in heaven!! The epi wore off on one side of my body after an hour and I was feeling back labor terribly on my right side to the point I was in tears from the pain. They re-did it, and again, for some reason, it wore off on the same side after 45 mins. The doc and nurses started coming in more frequently at this point and kept insisting that I wear my oxygen mask (but wouldn't tell me why). At @ 4:30 my doc came back in to check me and I was still only @ 3-4 cms, but my contractions were coming about 1 minute apart. They kept insisting I wear the oxygen. At @ 5:15 my doc came and told me I had to have a c-section. I started arguing with him that I didn't want one and that he shoud just stop the pitocin and let me keep going naturally ( I was obviously out of my mind). That is when he told me the real reason. The cord was around the baby's neck and with each contraction, he was basically getting strangled and his heartrate kept dropping dangerously. We needed to get him out right then and there! I went to pieces. I cried hysterically like never before and completely fell apart. The next thing I knew, DH was all suited up and I was being wheeled into the OR. I remeber thinking how bright it was in there. I was so scared. They gave me a spinal because I was not responding well to the epi's. I felt alot of tugging and poking. My DH was next to me the whole time holding my hand. I remeber hearing the doc say, "ok, lets meet this little guy" and a minute later I heard the sweetest sound I have ever heard in my life, my little boy crying. He was "born" at 6:01pm. They took him to the tray immediatley to get cleaned up. He was 8.5 lbs and 21 inches long. They brought him over to me and held him up by my face and I gave him a little kiss and they took him back again. I think I passed out at that point. I woke up and the doc was closing me but I had the feeling I couldn't breathe. I kept screaming that I couldn't breathe and the doc was telling me that if I could scream, I could breathe, but I kept fighting him and actually broke the table where my arm was out and tied to, so they gave me drugs to knock me out. I woke up in recovery @ 8pm and baby was in the incubator. I was finally brought to my room and got to see my son for real at @ 10pm but I was shaking so badly that I asked the nurse to take him back because I didnt want to hurt him. I woke up feeling ok at @ 5am and the nurses brought him to me. I stared at him for 2 hrs in sheer awe. It is really just about the greatest thing in the world and the feeling is indescribable. To say I am so in love with him doesn't begin to describe it. The bond and the love is insant and so deep, not like anything else I can even compare it to. This little boy is truely my little miracle. Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 9/26/2008 11:54:28 AM.
Posted 9/26/08 11:47 AM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
hes gorgeous.
Posted 9/26/08 12:01 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
He is so friggin adoreable. And Ryan just can't wait to hang out with him.
I will never forget his birthday either
Posted 9/26/08 12:58 PM |
Drama Momma

Member since 9/06 9947 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
I know it wasn't your dream L&D but it rarely is for women. He is precious! i am so glad I got to meet him today. Congratulations mama, you did awesome!!!!!!!!
Posted 9/26/08 7:44 PM |
life is good =)
Member since 5/07 4216 total posts
Name: We're so blessed!
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
congrats absolutely beautiful
Posted 9/28/08 12:53 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/10 331 total posts
Name: Lina
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
AWWW love my little anthony!! Can't wait for the next little one!
Posted 9/23/10 9:14 AM |

Member since 4/08 7758 total posts
Name: colette
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
O my gosh Dina I never read your BS til it was bumped tonight, what a story ! Anthony has been beautiful and perfect from the first moment And um WHO looks that beautiful after a csection, WHO besides you???????????
Posted 9/28/10 10:47 PM |
Re: Anthony Robert 9-17-08
Posted by colette
O my gosh Dina I never read your BS til it was bumped tonight, what a story ! Anthony has been beautiful and perfect from the first moment And um WHO looks that beautiful after a csection, WHO besides you???????????
Colette, you scared the living cr@p out of me! I just happened to check this board and I saw Dina's SN and just thought-didn't I talk to her two days ago and she was still miserably preggers?
Posted 10/3/10 9:35 AM |