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UPDATED 12/15/08 NOW WITH A LINK TO THE M2B's BLOG: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Member since 10/06

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UPDATED 12/15/08 NOW WITH A LINK TO THE M2B's BLOG: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

Link to M2B's Blog...I'm not ashamed of infertility - just pisssed

Hi Guys,
Without going into too much detail, I have a friend who's wife is expecting twins. Unfortunately about 10 days ago she was admitted to the hospital. Long story short if she does have an infection can cost her either her life or her pregnancy. At this point one of the twins is in grave danger as that baby's membrane has ruptured - this is why they think she may have an infection.

I'm absolutely heart broken for them, they're good people who don't deserve this kind of crap (not that ANYONE does).

Please if you could just take a moment to just say a little prayer for them, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks Everyone.


Update #1
November 4th.

Well, it's still not looking good. My friend's wife is still slowing leaking fluid from Baby A's (now being called Angel) sack and there's nothing they can do about it.

To make matters worse, they have contacted over TEN high risk Ob/Gyns and NONE of them will take on her case. They won't even work with her current Ob/Gyn. It's really sad. When I found that out I was beyond p*ssed and shocked. How could a doctor just deny this girl help??

So some good news...

The good news is that she still doesn't have an infection nor fever so they are sending her home. It's really for the best b/c at least at home she won't be as susceptable to germs as she is in the hospital. She will (obviously) be on bed rest, as she has been and will have to take her temp every 4 hours.

Additionally, BOTH babies have STRONG heartbeats in spite of the fact that Angel baby doesn't have very much fluid in his sack, if at all.

At this point they just want her to make it another 5 weeks to get her to the 5 month mark.

This whole thing really sucks. Plain and simple.

They have been battling IF and now finally she gets PG with twins no less and THIS is what happens.

It's just not fair.

Not to get all philisophical, but it's at times like this and situations like this that I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe there is a God in this world. If there really is why is he/she putting my friend and more so his wife and children through this??


Update #2

November 10th.

Ugh... she's back in the hospital. She had another bad "leak" this time it wasn't just brown blood, there was red blood.

Her DH (my friend) rushed her to the doctor they did an exam and her cervix was still shut however, there was blood & mucous on the cervix. Because they don't know what that means, they admitted her.

To make matters worse, while this is all going on, my friend lost his grandfather. So while this was happening he was supposed to be in FL at the wake and funneral but couldn't be there b/c he had to be up here.

I swear, when it rains it pores...

Good news is that both baby's heartbeats are perfect - that is truly the miracle in all of this and I have to be honest I really attribute it to the prayers so please keep 'em coming!!!


Update #3
November 13th.

So, her hospital stay this time was brief. However, this doesn't mean they're out of the woods yet, but first some good news:

She was having mild contractions. But over the course of 36 hours, they slowed down and then stopped completely and her cervix is still shut.

Still no fever and white blood cell count was normal.

The bleeding that brought her to the hospital in the first place has gone from bright red, to pink, to brown. It has since remained pretty much brown, with spots of pink here and there but this is MUCH better than red!

EVEN BETTER NEWS: Both babies are still alive.

Now for the bad news:

The doctors have NO IDEA what caused the contractions nor what caused the bleed.

Baby Angel is not doing too well.

It's amazing and very bothersome all the docs are CLUELESS as to why she was gushing red blood. During a scan, there was no sight of a bleed ANYWHERE; however when they checked the M2B's cervix, there appeared to be blood and mucus all over it. WHY? Nobody knows.

The scan was also really tough on my friend and more so his wife b/c their poor Angel looks trapped. He cannot move. He is just stuck there unable to even flinch.

It's got to be so difficult to look at the sonogram and see this, I can't even begin to fathom how hard their hearts must break. They said the doctor couldn't even measure him properly, because the only thing he can see clearly is his head. The doc did attempt to measure him by his head, and it looks like he is about a week behind.

Some more good news is that baby B (nicknamed "Boxer") is doing great. She still has all her fluid, and is moving around like crazy as usual. She is measuring 16 weeks and 4 days and appears to be perfect!

So at this point she's home and taking her temp every 4 hours, checking for bleeding and cramping and green discharge, and bed rest.

In addition to all of this craziness my friend had to fly down south for his grandfather's wake and funneral. Like I said, as IF they aren't going through ENOUGH. My friend's wife insisted he go and her dad is staying with her just in case anything does happen.

Of course the doctor still gave them scenarios on what will happen to the babies, and also, what can happen to my friend's wife - it's not good.

At this point their feelings are the babies are still fighting and so are they - no matter HOW hard it is on them both mentally and physically.

I am truly inspired by my friend and more so his wife. The fight they are putting up for these two babies is astounding. I'm not so sure I would or do have that kind of fight in me.

The following quote is from the mom to be's blog, I felt the need to share it b/c I was just so impressed with the spirit of fight in her...

My babies are still fighting. And so am I, no matter HOW hard this is on me both mentally and physically. And believe you me, this has been DIFFICULT and will remain DIFFICULT. I know that my babies can be taken away from me at any moment. I also know I am at risk for infection which can endanger my life. I know that my Angel will not be able to live outside of me. I know that this may all be in vain. Every other hour I want to give up. I cry oceans of tears. I beg SB to "allow" me to be weak and throw in the towel.

But....ALWAYS...something comes over me and tells me to KEEP ON GOING, to KEEP ON FIGHTING. It's like a fire in me or something. And I refuse to put that fire out, until nature throws water on me.

So with this update, I ask you all to please continue to pray for my friend's wife and their unborn children.

I can't thank you all enough for the prayers you've given, I'm truly humbled.



Update #4
November 18th

Ok guys PLEASE keep those prayers coming as I THINK in a small way they ARE helping!!

I've actually got a shred of good news...

It's been a week since M2B was let out of the hospital for the second time and she had a follow up with the OB today.

In short, the visit went surprisingly WELL!!! Chat Icon They did a sono and found Baby Boxer is doing her usual thing bouncing around kicking and punching, her heartbeat is perfect and her growth progress is spot on. Also, her fluid is fine no leaks.

As for Angel Baby, he's still hanging in there and the best news of all is that they detected a LITTLE bit of fluid around him. This is good b/c it was first thought that there wasn't ANY fluid so even a little is better than nothing. His heartbeat is still going strong. Unfortunately, they're still not able to measure him so they're not really sure just how far he's coming along growth-wise. But he's still ALIVE at 17 and a half weeks!!!

So to make matters worse, M2B is sick, she's got a cold that has traveled into her chest so now she's battling that. Ugh...

But overall this was really a good report. Again, I can't thank you all enough for the prayers, it's truly inspiring and honestly, I really feel like it's helping so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep 'em coming!!!!

Til the next update...


Update # 5
November 26th

I know it's been awhile since my last update....

Anyway, M2B had to go to the hospital again the other day. She was having cramping and worse yet some greenish-yellow discharge. The docs did an exam, found the discharge, took some to test it but otherwise had nothing else to say.

They scheduled a level II U/S for today...

That went well. Baby Boxer is hanging in there like a champ shes growing and doing great, so basically it's a matter of her holding on. Angel baby is the same too (which is a miracle in and of itself). His heartbeat is doing great but there's still practically no fluid in his sack and while they can't tell for sure b/c they can't really see him in the U/S they're pretty sure he's not developing at the rate he should be. Chat Icon

At this point they have prepared themselves for the understanding that Angel baby will NOT be able to survive outside her womb.

My heart just breaks into pieces hearing that. I pray that the M2B can continue to have the strength to get through this.

I showed my friend this post and he in turn showed his wife, they were absolutely FLOORED by the out pouring of prayers and well wishes. Truly blown away. In addition, I was given permission to post a link to her blog.

I have to warn you, it's emotional and at times graphic. But keep in mind this is a 36 year old woman who's been through IVF, originally started off with 4 babies and is down to two with the real possibility that none of her children could survive this pregnancy. So at times, yes, she's angry and there is some cursing.

If you're one who cannot handle this I suggest not reading it.

I'm not ashamed of infertility - just pisssed


Update #6
December 4th

Some good news...
She had a regular PG appointment and status quo. Boxer is still kickin' butt doing her thing. Angel of course is still stuck where he is with very little if any fluid.

But the good news is that after seeking the help of so many specialists, they FINALLY got a consultation with someone!!! Chat Icon

Hopefully, this doctor will be able to shed some light on the situation. Chat Icon

Keep praying everyone, it's a miracle she's made it this far (19 weeks)!!! God willing she can get to 32 weeks.


Update # 7
December 15th

Ok, so my friend's wife had her appointment with the specialist. It was, as usual, bittersweet.

Baby Boxer is still kickin' azz. Her heartbeat is strong and she's developing right on schedule.

Baby Angel, well, that is a different story. Chat Icon

The specialist was able to finally get a look at Angel with an ultrasound and what they found out was NOT good.

He is still crumpled up in the fetal position. The first thing the doc pointed out, was his foot; it's clubbed. That much they were expecting. However, it was the rest of the new they weren't expecting...

It appears that Angel's leg with the club foot has grown the wrong way; it is backwards. They weren't able to see the other leg, but the doctor said that judging by the position Angel is in, both legs would be the same. Moving up to the arm/hand. Angel has his hand behind his head. It has been in that position for 7 weeks. Therefore, the hand & the arm are also very deformed. Since Angel has been in a fetal position for so long, his spine is shaped like a U. Chat Icon The doctor then looked for the membrane, and she found it, right up against Angel. He is now officially shrink-wrapped and now we know that he is shrink-wrapped in a deformed and unnatural way.

They asked if he was in any kind of pain. The doc doesn't seem to think so and when it comes time to deliver they will make sure he is as comfortable as can be for the time he lasts.

Of course this kind of news is just the most heartbreaking news any parent could get and how she is even perservering on is beyond my comprehension.

Please, please, PLEASE continue to pray that my friend and his wife continue to have the strength to get through this and that Boxer makes it through and goes on to be a happy, healthy child. Please pray for Angel and that he is not in any pain...

Thank you all...


Update # 8
January 1st

Not too much new to report so this time around. Donna (the mother to be) has now made it to just over 23 weeks and Monday will be admitted to the hospital for the rest of her pregnancy.

Boxer continues to do well and growing at a normal rate. Angel unfortunately is still way behind but they did notice he moved a very little bit and they were even able to see his OTHER leg! Other than that though it's still not good for him. Chat Icon

The good part about being in the hospital though is that they'll be giving her steriods and antibiotics which will help fight any kind of infection that could be present.

Hopefully this plan will get Donna, Angel and Boxer to the finish line. Chat Icon

Message edited 1/1/2009 12:32:48 PM.

Posted 10/28/08 10:06 PM

My little lamb

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aka momma2b

Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:08 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

omg, i'm so sorry! Chat Icon

they will all be in my prayers jennie! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/08 10:08 PM

<3 <3 <3

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:08 PM


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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:10 PM

s'il vous plaît

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:11 PM

Mommy to 3!

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Jesss, duh.

Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

I am keeping them in my prayers. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, the babies and mommy to be pull through.

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Posted 10/28/08 10:11 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

Chat Icon Chat Icon for your friend and her beautiful babies!!!!

Posted 10/28/08 10:11 PM

The Key to your new home....

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

OMG Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/28/08 10:12 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

Thank you all so much... I'm really just blown away that this is all happening.

Thank you again...

Posted 10/28/08 10:13 PM

Almost there!

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:15 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:16 PM

To a healthy 2013

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:23 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:29 PM

06ers Rock!!

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:32 PM


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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

Message edited 11/22/2011 6:44:33 PM.

Posted 10/28/08 10:35 PM


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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 10:46 PM


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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/28/08 11:04 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/29/08 12:16 AM

2 under 2...whew!!

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

Of course--hope everything turns out alright!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 12:40 AM


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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/29/08 6:48 AM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/29/08 8:54 AM

Love my boys soooo much!!!

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/29/08 9:28 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/29/08 9:35 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: I've never asked for prayers but I have an old friend who could really use them...

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Posted 10/29/08 9:38 AM
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