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Member since 10/06 2114 total posts
Name: mommy
37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
I know it's probably a combination of being exhausted and all the stuff I need to do right now, but I feel like I went from excited to nervous to overwhelmed and not excited. Anyone else feel that way - is it normal or should I book an appointment with a shrink? I'm tired of talking about it, I'm tired of thinking about it. I realized something may be wrong with me when I saw an email suggesting last minute breastfeeding/bottle feeding items that you should have on hand and my first thought was - who cares? I hope it's just that I'm running on empty. It's also hard b/c DH is still very excited as is everyone else - I feel like the woman in that pp depression commercial who pretends to be excited, but I just want to sleep and not have heartburn and be able to clean my house without panting like a dog in heat or without my feet hurting so bad I want to cut them off - the house is a mess and I think that's stressing me too, but I have no strength and DH is pretty busy with his new job.
Message edited 4/18/2008 12:42:44 PM.
Posted 4/18/08 12:40 PM |
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Member since 3/06 2908 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
I think what your feeling seems completely normal.
Is hiring someone to come in and clean out of the question? Maybe your Mom or his Mom or your sisters could help. I know when my house is a wreck it's impossible for me to relax (and I'm only 8 weeks!!)
Posted 4/18/08 12:54 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
It's the're hurting, tired, suffering from heartburn etc..
40 weeks is a very long time to anticipate something, you know? I felt the same way, I was laying around in the heat having phone calls asking if I felt anything yet.
I only became really excited again when I had the induction scheduled b/c I knew an end was in sight.
The feelings you are having will go away I promise. I think 35-40 weeks is the toughest time personally!! Hang in there!!
Posted 4/18/08 1:05 PM |
My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
What you are feeling is TOTALLY normal... and VERY understandable. 40 weeks of carrying a baby human inside you takes a toll not only on your body physically but mentally. Rest assured though, when the time comes and you are going to the hospital to delivery your baby, I am pretty sure that your feelings of being overwhelmed will be pushed aside and replaced with adrenaline and excitement. YOU will be FINE! BETTER THAN FINE!!!!!
Hang in there just a little longer... you can see the end in site! And pretty soon you will have you beautiful baby in your arms and the last 40 weeks will be a distant memory!
Posted 4/18/08 1:05 PM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
I don't have any personal experience with this, but everything you talked about sounds logical. You're exhausted for crying out loud! Enough is enough with being preggo...I can totally see that being me. Sending you lots of hugs to help you get thru the last leg of your journey.
Posted 4/18/08 1:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/08 1060 total posts
Name: Tiffany
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
Im sure its normal..we all have good days and bad says and when we all had smaller belly's it was exciting b/c our bellys werent in the way yet early on and the anticipation of birth was months away! Now, being that you are 37 weeks, I could def. see being overwhelmed a totally normal feeling! Your body has gone through alot in 37 weeks!! It gets old I guess after so long! I too just wish I could clean my house without having to sit down every five minutes to catch my breath or to wait for my back pain to subside so I can continue a once easy task of vacuuming! This morning for example, I was doing the dishes before going to work and i realized how much my belly was in the way and i have to lean down and tilt my belly so my belly button (which sticks out and hurts) does not hit the edge of the counter and my arms are totally extended as far as possible as Im scrubbing plates and cups which is causing back pain! So, I guess with all this being said.. just think, you arent the only overwhelmed one out there who isnt totally excited anymore and just wants this all to go away and to just hold your newborn. (dont forget too, on the internet everyone suggests all these different things to use an dproducts and i too at times think, ugh who cares..a bottle is a bottle.. what did they do back in the days!? lol)
Posted 4/18/08 1:45 PM |
Love my girls!
Member since 10/06 2114 total posts
Name: mommy
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
Thank you everyone - I think it's all the things mentioned... I am very frustrated that I can't reach stuff without my belly in the way (and yes, it hurts when it's pressed against a counter). I was never tall to begin with, now it's even harder. I can't wash my face without hitting my belly into the counter. Shaving legs and other parts has become so hard - who wants to be bothered? I was at a wedding last night watching people dance, I felt more in the way (the wait staff kept hitting into me or my chair) and I felt bad that I probably didn't look like I was having a good time. I felt huge and seeing people on the other side, swinging their kids around on the dance floor (not to mention several were back to sizes 5 and under) just made me wish all the more that I'd have the baby already. Seeing the little ones brought back excitement a bit, but wearing a dress that made me look like a house - with ballet shoes that I'd never normally wear made me feel even more like I want to wear normal clothes and feel comfortable again. I danced one slow dance with DH, but there was a lot of "club-type" music, and it was just giving me a headache (I felt like an grumpy old lady). We left kind of early, which I also felt bad about, but I couldn't even say goodbye to everyone I wanted too b/c I kept getting in the way. DH finally said, just keep walking toward the door. There were a lot of people and one waiter even hit right into my belly! That was when DH had enough and told me to just go toward the exit.
Posted 4/20/08 6:32 PM |

Member since 8/07 5974 total posts
Name: MB
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
I've been feeling a bit of that myself and I'm also 37 weeks. I'm definitely excited but I think that emotion is on the back burner right now. I'm just tired of being pregnant and thinking about everything to come. Maybe this just means that we're ready! Don't worry...I've been told this is normal ...I'm sure we'll both be fine
Posted 4/20/08 7:13 PM |
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Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
We have the same due date!
Anyway, I feel the same way you do and this is my 2nd baby. I'm more stressed out and don't feel excited at all this time around, I guess cause I know what to expect this time and its freaking me out!! I can't do much now cause my Dr wants me on bed rest (he's away on vacation... ) and its very hard for me to do that when I have my DD to take care of. Its hard to feel excited towards the end of your pregnancy when you feel so large and can't walk up the stairs with out feeling like you want to pass out--lol
Feel better!
Posted 4/20/08 8:45 PM |
Love my girls!
Member since 10/06 2114 total posts
Name: mommy
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
It also didn't help that last night - after tossing and turning b/c I couldn't breath I finally fall asleep and then I got a horrible cramp in the arch of my foot in the middle of the night. I woke up screaming and poor DH almost had a heart attack. Now I'm so ready to be done with pregnancy... yet seeing a crib for the first time in the baby's room today was very surreal. I looked at my excited DH and said "so we're really doing this baby thing - huh?". He looked at me like I was nuts. It was just a huge reality check.
Posted 4/21/08 8:32 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/08 1060 total posts
Name: Tiffany
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
Posted by clwp
It also didn't help that last night - after tossing and turning b/c I couldn't breath I finally fall asleep and then I got a horrible cramp in the arch of my foot in the middle of the night. I woke up screaming and poor DH almost had a heart attack. Now I'm so ready to be done with pregnancy... yet seeing a crib for the first time in the baby's room today was very surreal. I looked at my excited DH and said "so we're really doing this baby thing - huh?". He looked at me like I was nuts. It was just a huge reality check.
awww....its def. very surreal.. we put our crib together on saturday and i looked at it all put together with all of DD's things and i just stared like.. "wow..our lives will be changed forever"
I hope you had somewhat of a better day today!
Posted 4/21/08 8:42 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/07 605 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
you are not alone. I had so many to do lists. and never finished them. (gave birth at 37 weeks) Just accept the house will be this way for a few months. Enjoy what you can because when you meet your little one you will think "wow that was you in there" I am so in love and sleep better now then when prego. Even though I am up every 3 hours. I sleep deeper and feel better. You will quickly forget all this discomfort when your meet your little one or at least after the first few adjustment weeks. Hang in there. you will be past this soon. What a great time of year to have a baby.
Message edited 4/21/2008 11:19:37 PM.
Posted 4/21/08 11:18 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: 37 weeks - a little overwhelmed rather than excited
Posted 4/22/08 8:10 AM |