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39.5 week appointment and kind of bummed

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Member since 3/06

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39.5 week appointment and kind of bummed

I swear every week I walk into the doctors appointment, I end up feeling worse when I walk out.

Last week I was told I wasn't dilated at all, ok whatever I was ok with that. Ever since then I have been walking nonstop to try and move things along. Then Sun I was in L&D for what I thought was a fluid leak, it wasn't but when the residents checked me they told me I was 1 to 1.5 cm dilated. I thought yay!, at least some progress. Sunday night I lost some if not all of my mucus plug. I really thought things were moving along.

I was excited for my doctors appointment yesterday. My dr. walks in, examines me and tells me I'm not dilated at all. I was shocked, and stupidly didn't say anything about what they had told me at the hospital about being a little dilated. Looking back I know I should have said something to him, but I was literally so upset I thought I was going to lose it in the office. So here I am, due on Monday and making NEGATIVE progress. I didn't even think that was possible!!! I would just have assumed that maybe the doctors in the hospital had made a mistake and I wasn't dilated at all, but I had two different doctors there check me and say I def. had some dilation.

Either way he wants me to come in next week (I'll be 40 and a half weeks) and I guess see where we are then. Is there any hope of this baby coming on time. I am so thankful that the baby is healthy, and I feel like such an ungreatful emotional mess every time I get upset about having no progress and being so close to my due date Chat Icon

Message edited 7/17/2009 8:03:04 AM.

Posted 7/17/09 8:01 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 39.5 week appointment and kind of bummed

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Posted 7/17/09 8:03 AM

So in Love!

Member since 11/08

1281 total posts


Re: 39.5 week appointment and kind of bummed

dont worry 5days before my sils due date she was only 1cm dialted she gave birth two days before her due date things chnage so fast dont worry it could happen before u know it.

Posted 7/17/09 8:05 AM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: 39.5 week appointment and kind of bummed

I know of plenty of women that were not progressing at all, and then out of the blue they were in labor the next day!

It can just happen fast for some people!!!!!

Posted 7/17/09 8:14 AM

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