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Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
I'm curious to see what you all think...
I post on here sometimes. I like to comment about the pictures mostly because there are really cute kids here. I would never voice an opinion on parenting since I'm not one myself yet. Does anyone care, or not care?
What are your opinions?
Posted 3/10/09 1:48 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
i LOVE when even "nonparents" come on here - it's great to get compliments, and every so often some much needed perspective is given as well.
however, i would think that people who aren't parents wouldn't be able to give out specific parenting advice because they don't have the experience. just like i would never give advice about dealing with a 2-year-old, b/c i don't have one, KWIM?
Posted 3/10/09 1:50 PM |

Member since 4/08 7758 total posts
Name: colette
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
In all honesty I LOVE that you post when you see a cutie, etc. And frankly if you're around kids (be it family, friends, through a job, whatever) there are times when your input can be very valuable, that would NEVER offend me. I know there's a fine line, but what's the difference between you posting here to offer some help/kudos, or ME posting here in response to a post about a 2 year old who's dehydrated when I only have a 6 month old??? There is no difference, I will reply if I can be helpful and that is that!
OOO lb get out of my BRAIN! But I posted yesterday about pedialyte frozen pops my sis used - just cause i don't have a 2yo doesn't mean I couldn't offer help, KWIM?
Message edited 3/10/2009 1:52:08 PM.
Posted 3/10/09 1:50 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by colette
OOO lb get out of my BRAIN! But I posted yesterday about pedialyte frozen pops my sis used - just cause i don't have a 2yo doesn't mean I couldn't offer help, KWIM?
well that is different! you're not giving advice that is 2-year-old specific.
i am staaaalllkkking you...
Posted 3/10/09 1:54 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I say the more the merrier! We all have thoughts and opinions and no one should be made to feel unwelcomed or that there are requirements to post. So it doesn't have to be to comment on pictures only....if you have an opinion, should be equally respected.
I do think there is a line that should not be crossed for all boards. Respect is high on my expectation list...for everyone. The problem is that varying definitions seem to exist and that's a gray area that seems to never get resolved.
Posted 3/10/09 1:58 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I think you should feel free to post your opinions even though you are not a parent
being a parent doesn't automatically make you a know-it-all
Posted 3/10/09 1:59 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by Ang-Rich
I say the more the merrier! We all have thoughts and opinions and no one should be made to feel unwelcomed or that there are requirements to post. So it doesn't have to be to comment on pictures only....if you have an opinion, should be equally respected.
I do think there is a line that should not be crossed for all boards. Respect is high on my expectation list...for everyone. The problem is that varying definitions seem to exist and that's a gray area that seems to never get resolved.
As usual, I agree with Ang.
BUT I do have to say that sometimes this board moves vveerrrry fast and sometimes I know if I don't know someone's name/child, I don't always look at the post. Shame on me. But at the same time, it doesn't mean as a whole, this board is unfriendly, you know?
Message edited 3/10/2009 2:01:09 PM.
Posted 3/10/09 2:00 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by Mikismom
I think you should feel free to post your opinions even though you are not a parent
being a parent doesn't automatically make you a know-it-all
I agree. If someone is looking for advice and you know of an option that worked for a relative, friend's child, etc, don't be afraid to post b/c you're not a parent.
Posted 3/10/09 2:05 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I hate all the board rules - post wherever you like, and if you want to tell me my kid is cute, all the better
Posted 3/10/09 2:06 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by SweetCaroline
I hate all the board rules - post wherever you like, and if you want to tell me my kid is cute, all the better
ha, I agree
so much board policing
Posted 3/10/09 2:09 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I don't care who posts here as long as they are respectful.
I posted occasionally before I was a parent. The majority of my posts were replies to pictures but I have at times been able to post based on my experience as a kid too..
Posted 3/10/09 2:11 PM |
Our Ron is an awesome Ron

Member since 4/07 9091 total posts
Name: baby fish mouth
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
ewwwwwww go away unless you've had something in your uterus.
Posted 3/10/09 2:12 PM |
Life is Good!!
Member since 1/08 6460 total posts
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by Mikismom
Posted by SweetCaroline
I hate all the board rules - post wherever you like, and if you want to tell me my kid is cute, all the better
ha, I agree
so much board policing ITA
Posted 3/10/09 2:14 PM |

Member since 4/08 7758 total posts
Name: colette
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
My proposed drama graveyard board would've been so much more fun, and much less divisive.
Posted 3/10/09 2:14 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
For the most part, I don't care if a non-parent posts here as long as they're respectful. Frankly some of us parents aren't respectful & hey...I'm not the board police
I've seen the hurt feelings on the Childless Families board & it's a shame. I've been tempted to post there to give my opinion on some of the awful comments that were made to those who were childless & to the awful comments about parents, in general.
Do I want to post "your husband may just find you sexier than ever after you have children" or "yes, I lost my identity for a little while but you find it again & it's stronger than before because you had a child"? ...yes I definitely do. I have to quell my impulse to say "that's awful that someone said that.", etc.
But you know what...I don't really belong there. That is a board that is a safe haven to vent. There's a lot of anger on there because - unfortunately - for those posters on that board, they got the short end of the stick...either because of IF or because of the crappy, crappy people they've come in contact with. That's their place.
Posted by colette
My proposed drama graveyard board would've been so much more fun, and much less divisive.
Message edited 3/10/2009 2:30:18 PM.
Posted 3/10/09 2:29 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by nrthshgrl
For the most part, I don't care if a non-parent posts here as long as they're respectful. Frankly some of us parents aren't respectful & hey...I'm not the board police
...But you know what...I don't really belong there. That is a board that is a safe haven to vent. That's their place.
I completely agree
Message edited 3/10/2009 2:36:12 PM.
Posted 3/10/09 2:35 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I posted here a few weeks ago for some help and got good suggestions. 
Thanks again!
Posted 3/10/09 3:08 PM |
Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Thanks everyone for responding. I pretty much assumed it was ok to post over here from the beginning, just wanted to make sure.
Posted 3/10/09 3:08 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by KeithHernandez
ewwwwwww go away unless you've had something in your uterus.
Advice is advice. Just because someone has the same age DC, doesn't mean their advice is good. Same goes the other way around. Just because you don't have a DC doesn't mean you don't have some good ideas. (I pop over to the Pregnancy forum once in a while and give advice.... I'm not exactly "qualified" to be over there, but nobody seems to mind... )
Posted 3/10/09 3:18 PM |
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I posted here a cute story about my baby brother and it made me so happy to see all the nice responses I got. I want a child badly, and I love the fact that people are welcome as long as you have tact.
And I love looking at the kiddos pics-the LIF'ers make such adorable babies!
Posted 3/10/09 5:51 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Don't care- unless you are some psycho child predator
Posted 3/10/09 5:54 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
Posted by Ang-Rich
I say the more the merrier! We all have thoughts and opinions and no one should be made to feel unwelcomed or that there are requirements to post. So it doesn't have to be to comment on pictures only....if you have an opinion, should be equally respected.
ITA-I think its kinda silly to say if you are not a parent you can't offer advice because, for me anyway, parenting has been a lot of trial and error while getting to know my kids. I love different opinions
Posted 3/10/09 6:13 PM |
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I welcome discussion from everyone! I'd really like to post more on the childless board because I was both single and childless for a long time! I was in my position by choice but there were a lot of things that people said and did to sting me. I want to try very hard not to become like the people who treated me that way. I've already learned that I won't please everyone, but I am still always learning. ETA: Someimte it's the non-parents who give me very open minded advice.
Message edited 3/10/2009 6:27:10 PM.
Posted 3/10/09 6:26 PM |
Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I agree with all of you here. As long as you are respectful, there should be no problem with anyone posting on ANY board.
Posted 3/10/09 6:28 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: I'm curious to see what you all think...
I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with a non parent posting here. I have plenty of friends without children that I love to see give me an opinion or comment.
Posted 3/10/09 6:30 PM |
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