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LIF Adult

Member since 3/07 1165 total posts
Name: Jackie
3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
We are looking at a condo that is on the 3rd (top) floor of a building. It has no elevator. We are only planning on being here 4 years, so resale is important. Would this be an issue for you?
ETA: We live in Pittsburgh, where elevators are far and few between. This building was built in 1908 and most things were built before 1940.
The type of things we are looking at are likely to be resold to medical residents, as we would live less than a mile from a major medical center.
Message edited 5/5/2008 9:16:46 PM.
Posted 5/5/08 8:46 PM |
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Member since 3/07 39159 total posts
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
Yes. I'm lazy and would never look at a place without an elevator. And seeing the news today with so many places in Long Beach where the elevators are broken. Anyone with a disability is stuck in their apartments. It's terrible. And DH has a issues walking, we would be screwed if we lived in a place like that before his accident.
Posted 5/5/08 8:51 PM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
We live on the 3rd floor now (rental) with no elevator and we don't mind it at all. We'd never use the elevator even if we did have one.
We actually wanted the top floor since there are cathedral ceilings and it makes the place look 10x bigger.
Posted 5/5/08 9:07 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/07 358 total posts
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
I wouldn't mind. I'd rather be on the top floor. I always take the stairs, even when there is an elevator. So to me it wouldn't be a problem.
Posted 5/5/08 9:09 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
i think it could negatively affect the resale. it wouldn't be a deal brekaer for me, but anyone with health issues (heart, asthma, arthritis, etc.) or physical disabilites where they might need a wheelchair or walker, could not consider your co-op.
ALso, people with young children might not like that.... My mom still tells us she nearly died with 3 children under the age of 5 and a fourth fllor walk-up in Queens!
Posted 5/5/08 9:10 PM |
Member since 2/06 5616 total posts
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
take into consideration when you have grocery or anything heavy you'll be lugging it up three flights of stairs. Also moving your furniture in.
Posted 5/5/08 9:10 PM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
I used to live on the 4th floor of a walk up and it was a PITA with laundry, groceries or if I was not feeling well or if I was just plain tired.
Would this prevent family or friends from visiting? Does that matter to you? My mother wasn't able to walk up to my apt back then.
The third floor would be a little better, but not much.
Posted 5/5/08 9:10 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
oKAY, I'm currently in a 4th floor walk up with no elevator b/c the building is about 85 years old. Is it a PITA? Yes...but you adapt! With groceries, we used canvas bags which were easier to carry and now we have Peapod With laundry, I do small loads so it's not heavy at all to carry it down. But honestly, if we could buy the apartment next door and stay here for another 15 years, we would!
ETA: it's the top floor and I looove that nobody is above us. It's like the penthouse
Will it be hard when we have a baby? I'm sure, but we've decided that we won't have a carrier and the stroller would be kept either by the mailboxes or in the car. And that kid will learn to walk by 6 months! And do his own laundry by 2 years!
Message edited 5/5/2008 9:16:25 PM.
Posted 5/5/08 9:14 PM |
So worth the wait :)

Member since 10/07 2862 total posts
Name: Helen
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
I definitely think there's plenty of people that its not a deal breaker for, especially since you said its from 1908...does it have some old charm? some people just understand that an older building doesn't always have modern amenities.
but at the same time, it will definitely exclude some buyers, people who can't handle stairs because of health problems perhaps.
is this area very trendy? if it attracts a younger buyer, I don't think a walk up is that much of an issue.
Posted 5/5/08 9:39 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/07 839 total posts
Name: Thomas
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
Near a hospital I think it is ok, you can always find a health conscience doctor type to buy in an area like that.
Posted 5/5/08 10:00 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
I live on the third floor of a walk up. It was a PITA to carry groceries, laundry, whatever before I had a baby. Now, with a baby, it is really difficult. If there are a lot of young people in the area, it may not be much of an issue for resale.
Being on the top floor is great for noise - no one above you, but I think the apartment does get warmer in the summer, since you are right under the roof.
Posted 5/5/08 10:07 PM |
Lovin' my mini man!

Member since 3/07 2475 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
pro - tight buns!
Posted 5/5/08 10:12 PM |

Member since 6/07 2618 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
We own a 3rd floor walk up condo and it hasn't been too bad. Being 9 months pregnant and going up all those stairs is a little tough but I make do. The units on our floor have sold despite the fact that they are on the 3rd floor. I don't think it will affect resale.
Posted 5/5/08 10:22 PM |
My happy babies

Member since 3/06 3428 total posts
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
we live in boston where there are alot of brownstone walk ups- our realtor told us that a walk up cuts the pool of prospective buyers by half
for a one bedroom - i would not think it is bad to have a walk up - ecpecially if it would be to sell to other students -
i would not get a two bedroom walk up - also rememebr a lot of who is moving in to the citys are baby boomers and they want elevators
Posted 5/6/08 8:49 AM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Re: 3rd floor walk up condo- pro or con?
We live on the top floor of a co-op as well with no elevator (its a pre-war building)...
The # 1 Pro about it...It's quiet...we don't hear anything; no one on top of us running around and we have a nice view of the water
When we went to look at the apartment with the RE we didn't even think about the 3 flights - we liked the apartment and where it was located in the building...
Posted 5/6/08 9:30 AM |