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just the girls

Member since 5/05 9461 total posts
Name: Janice
3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
Have you had really bad lower back pain? I cant get comfortable at all, to sleep, sit, lay down, drive, my lower back just that its not sciatica kills me, brought tears to my eyes yesterday.
anyone else?
Posted 8/26/08 9:59 AM |
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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
yes, i have had it on and off for a few days now - it's the worst when i am sitting, it's also painful sometimes when i try to lay on my back.
Posted 8/26/08 10:00 AM |
Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
I feel it in my lower back bad when I try to stand up after sitting for any considerable amount of time. My real pain is in my mid back
Posted 8/26/08 10:03 AM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
Yes, almost the entire 3rd trimester my lower back has been killing me. And t is a constant ache, there is no relief from it.
Posted 8/26/08 10:22 AM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
I strangely don't but then again, whenever I sit, Scone is basically resting on my thighs ar this point. When I sleep, I am very careful to keep Scone propped up with pillows so the weight doesn't pull on my back.
excessive standing is a major no-no for me becuase of my severe ankle swelling
but I do have other pains. Scone seems to be stretching a lot and hitting my ribs IN THE SAME SPOT all of the time. I am sooooo sore about 3" to the right of my midline whenever it hits, it literally takes the wind out of my sails and I have to sit and recouperate.
Posted 8/26/08 1:53 PM |
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Member since 12/07 1379 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
Yes my back is killing me too!! If I sit for too long or stand for too long no matter what it starts to hurt!
Posted 8/26/08 1:58 PM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
Yes, I do get that pain. Sometimes I sit in the recliner (pushed back) for a while with my feet up. Seems to help a little
Posted 8/26/08 2:17 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: 3rd tri girls and your lower back ?
It never bothered me until this weekend. (I'm a day under 36 weeks) Starting on Friday I started getting bouts of excruciating pain in my lower back, so much so that I was literally in tears unable to move. Whenever I had a flare-up like that it was accompanied by cramping (like menstrual cramps). I was at the OB today and they said it was all normal in these last few weeks. It's been A LOT better these past 2 days. I've been using the heating pad for 15-20min. intervals throughout the day and especially first thing in the morning when I wake up because I am so sore and stiff. It has made a huge difference in how I've been feeling. Thank god!! Feel least we are in the home stretch now!!
Posted 8/26/08 3:01 PM |