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3rd Trimester Ladies....low fluid?

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My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


3rd Trimester Ladies....low fluid?

I went for my 36 wk appt yesterday & baby is growing well....6lbs, 6 oz & all looked good until they did the sono & she said the fluid was a little bit low. She then gave me a chart to monitor baby's movement (no problem there, baby moves at least 10x in an hour--not every hour just when baby is active), but I'm wondering if anyone else was told this & how it was handled.

She sked me for another sono next Tues. & said to keep my fluid intake up.

She doesn't think I'm leaking fluid.

My feet were also swollen & she said to keep them elevated.

Message edited 6/6/2007 3:23:01 PM.

Posted 6/6/07 3:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/05

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Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies....low fluid?

Cindy -

If you detect ANY change in the baby's movement, contact your dr. ASAP - I had low fluid, and he was just not moving enough - I didnt know why - but thats what the reason was when we did the sono and saw I had a pocket of fluid left, and had to go immed. to get induced....

I urge you to just be hyper aware, and if you have any concern at all, be in constant touch with your dr. Not to get you nervous, but because I went thru this and I was almost sent home until I convinced my dr. that something was different, I want to always urge moms to be very vocal and aware of these changes....

Posted 6/6/07 3:34 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies....low fluid?

I agree, take care of yourself and watch baby's movements, you can't be too careful!

See, I'm always concerned my fluid is low. I have no rationale behind it, but I just wonder if I'm leaking it or if it's low. My dr doesn't do any more sonos, so I always wonder how I'd know if it was low Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/07 3:48 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies....low fluid?

interesting you posted this- i am going through this right now too. 2 weeks ago at my 36 wk appointment she thought i was "measuring small". so i got a sono- baby measured fine but turns out my fluid was much lower than she felt it should be. it was like at a 7 on a scale where 13 would be most ideal i think. i was told i had to drink drink drink!! i knew i wasn't getting enough juice/water b/c i am always having to pee so i was avoiding drinking too much. since that sono i have upped my fluid intake A LOT. at my 38 week appt. yesterday my fluid levels were back up to a 10 which is a good improvement. now i won't have to be induced earlier which is great. keep on drinking and drinking especially with the weather being so warm. it's easy to not take in enough fluids! sorry i told my long story but i was worried when they told me and i just wanted to share! i am sure everything will be ok! Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/07 3:59 PM

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