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4 month checkup....

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Member since 5/05

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4 month checkup....

In the words of my MIL.. Oy Vey! Took Jacob to the ped for his 4 month checkup. Seems that his head looks better and his neck, but now he's telling me that his knees are pointing outward and now i have to turn them inward each time i change him. I have to count to 10 and do it 10 times. Then I brought up the cereal issue that he has been HORRIBLE on rice and now oatmeal. Passing gas all night long and being awake every 45 min. He told me to check that the cereal is soy free (which it is its beechnut) and also gluten free. He said some companies use soy fillers and Jacob could have a gluten sensitivity. And that i would have to buy organic if that was the case. He said he is not gaining weight like he should be from the last visit, ( i guess based on the percentile) And i have been noticing that Jacob is refusing to drink his formula alot lately. He'll drink like 2 oz then shake his head back and forth and push the bottle away.

The doc believes its the Acid Reflux acting up again.. so he upped his dose back to 3x a day for the zantac. Funny thing is usually babies with reflux need to eat in an upright position, Jacob pushes his body down until he is laying completely flat when he drinks a bottle. It is the strangest thing. If he refuses a bottle when i hold him, all i have to do is lay him flat on the floor and he'll drink more. I told the Doc and he said he is a very tough child to figure out.

So P.S., the doc told me to wait two days to start the cereal again (since he got 3 shots today). But i called Beechnut when i got home asking about the gluten and whatnot, and the woman told me there is no gluten or soy fillers. She said my best bet would be to wait like 4 more weeks and try again, and if he has the same reaction he could be allergic to just grains in general.. And that maybe to try fruit after that. UGGGGHHHHH... this is such crap! so many issues to deal with... And the doc said also since he is on nutramigen that is a hypoallergenic formula so that could be causing him to be so sensitive to any other type of food. I really dont know what to do. This child is totally bizarre, and 150% pure HIGH MAINTENANCE!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Chat Icon Any suggestions????

TIA.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 9:50 PM
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Re: 4 month checkup....

I don't have any advise or suggestions but Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/06 10:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 4 month checkup....

Maybe his little system is just not ready for cereal just yet. I would wait.

Chat Icon Chat Icon It'll get better!

Posted 5/2/06 10:11 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: 4 month checkup....

OOooohhh Noreen- Im soo soo sorry- it seems you and jacob can never catch a break lately....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Do you give him anything for the gas mylicon drops.... the 1st few days Ryan had gas, so Id just give him some drops.... after the first week- his belly adjusted....

Posted 5/2/06 10:25 PM

Life is good!

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Re: 4 month checkup....

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Posted 5/2/06 11:13 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: 4 month checkup....

Posted by -DonnaMarie-

Maybe his little system is just not ready for cereal just yet. I would wait.

Chat Icon Chat Icon It'll get better!

I agree. Solids are not for nutrition at this point. Just to get them used to taste and texture. If its making him miserable I would just stop all together.
Sorry about the weight gain but honestly I wouldn't stress about that either if he's having wet diapers, growing and meeting milestones. My daughter has consistently dropped in percentiles but she is totally healthy. She is just not a big eater. If she is hungry believe me she eats but if she's not just like Jacob she will shake her head back and forth.
As for the AR I hope it gets better. I think shortly after the 4 month mark we started to see a turning point with any signs of her being in pain and we stopped meds. Now at 7 months she seems almost normal. Pretty much no spitting up which seems like a miracle.
I know its stressful having a baby with problems (we've been down that road and are still dealing with stuff) but it does get better. It seems like somehow their bodies eventually figure it all out.

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Posted 5/3/06 12:43 AM

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