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My 6 month checkup..

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


My 6 month checkup..

I had my 6 month checkup tonight. I was a little disappointed with the results although in the end, I guess all is ok.

First off I gained 6 pounds this month and honestly I dont even know how? I dont eat that much and I was really trying to watch my weight. So at six months that bring me to about 14 pounds overall. Then when the nurse took my blood pressure, she said it was a bit high which the doctor was concerned with. But she waited about 5 minutes and then took it again herself and it went back down to 130/80 which is what it is usually so she seemed less concerned. She talked to me about leaving work earlier than planned..I am a preschool teacher with 5 weeks left of work but she said since strep throat is going around so much in my school and my blood pressure was a bit high, she wanted me to take it easy. She said I shouldnt be on my feet so much. I already work part time so cutting back hours for me is not an option. I think I wil finish the 5 weeks and just call out when I feel I need to. Other than that, I didnt have a sono, only heard the heartbeat with the doppler, which sounded good.

One thing she was a little concerned with was that the baby wasnt moving as much as it should be by now. She told me I have to get the baby to would she like me to do that?? I do everything I can to make him/her move, but I only feel slight flutters sometimes. I just hope all is ok..

I go back on June 1st for my glucose test Chat Icon and a second check on my blood pressure. I hope its better by then. Although I must tell her thats a bad day to take it again due to my anxiety of will be through the roof!!!!!!! LOL

Just wanted to share.

Posted 5/16/06 11:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: My 6 month checkup..

FirstChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon 14lbs at 6 months is absolutely normal! Do not forget that the baby is gaining weight, you are gaining blood, and the amniotic fluids weigh a lot, too. So it's not just fat you are gaining, you are gaining all of those other things. I plateaued for quite some time and even lost some weight, but since two weeks ago, I've been gaining like crazy, and I really do not eat anything too crazy. The baby has definitely gotten huge, so I'm attributing most of it to that.
As for your blood pressure, if it came back down while you were at the doctor, I'm sure it is fine. Tons of people have "white coat sydrome" and their blood pressure will elevate when they go to the doctor. If your bp is usually normal, I wouldn't let them freak you out about it. Even when my pressure was spiking really high, my doctor wasn't overly concerned. She kept an eye on it, but it did come back down, so I wouldn't worry over it just yet.
Just hang in there, mama. You'll be ok, and I'm sure the baby is ok, too. Maybe try drinking some OJ and your little bean will jump around some moreChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
You're always in my thoughts!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/06 7:49 AM

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