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Member since 8/07 5974 total posts
Name: MB
4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
DD will be 4 mths on thursday and has been a great sleeper. all of a sudden though for the last few days she wakes up every few hours whining and all we have to do is give her the pacifier and she goes back to sleep for a few more hours. i dont want to start the habit of getting up to give her a pacifier all night. what's up? what should we do? she's too little for CIO and i don't even think we need to do that yet. she naps great during the day and usually w/o a paci! right now she's been sleeping since i gave her a bottle at 6 am WITHOUT the pacifier. Do you think it's a growth spurt and she's hungry at night??
Posted 8/9/11 10:08 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to FOUR little men!
Member since 8/08 9655 total posts
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
4 Month Sleep Regression
DS went through it and that is when we did CIO! Most babies go through this at 4mo. Hang in there!!
Posted 8/9/11 10:13 AM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
Both my boys started this around 3.5 mos. I started cereal early (per ped) and it went away. Unfortunately, with DS #1 it started at 6mos and went to 12mos bet a lot may have been teething related at that time. He was the worst teether ever!
Posted 8/9/11 11:15 AM |
Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08 5647 total posts
Name: LB
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
It is sleep regression. He's too young to CIO. DS just went through this, last 4 nights or so. He's back to his regular schedule now. Just have to tough it out
Posted 8/9/11 7:38 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 6/08 429 total posts
Name: Crystan
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
OMG I am sooo glad you said this. DD will be 15 weeks this week and has been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks old. For the past 3 nights she has woken up and whined. Not screaming or even crying alsmot like shes uncomfortable. My sister did tell me about the 4 month sleep regression so I was thinking it might be that as well. I am hoping she goes back to her old schedule!
Posted 8/9/11 8:06 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/10 806 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
I basically posted the same post a week ago!!
Good luck...I'm still going through it
Posted 8/9/11 8:08 PM |

Member since 8/07 5974 total posts
Name: MB
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
oh boy...i dont remember a 4 mth sleep regression with DD #1!! Is it supposed to be a short phase?? if that IS what is going on right now anyway
Posted 8/9/11 8:38 PM |
Two is better than one!!!

Member since 12/07 4474 total posts
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
Had it with DS1 and having now with DS2. My Ped said it's ok to let him CIO a little at this point.
Posted 8/9/11 8:56 PM |
Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09 5911 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
DS went through the 4 month sleep regression phase too For us, it lasted 3 months until I finally couldn't take it anymore and did CIO.
Posted 8/9/11 8:58 PM |
Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10 1418 total posts
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
This is my EXACT issue right now!! DD is 4 months tomorrow. All of a sudden she went from sleeping 12 hours to waking up and whining. Pacifier works.
DH and I are going crazy! We have been so spoiled with being able to sleep and now being back at work full time and dealing with not sleeping is so hard! I hope that it goes away.
I actually started solids at night in hopes to keep her fuller longer. I am fairly confident it's teething though.........
Good to know we're not in it alone!
ETA: teething and the 4 month sleep regression
Message edited 8/9/2011 9:01:22 PM.
Posted 8/9/11 9:00 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: 4 mth old suddenly waking at night??
Posted by Maria31
4 Month Sleep Regression
DS went through it and that is when we did CIO! Most babies go through this at 4mo. Hang in there!!
same for us!!
Posted 8/9/11 9:41 PM |