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4 week old cranky/screaming- thrush, reflux, sensitivity? Help!
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/07 559 total posts
4 week old cranky/screaming- thrush, reflux, sensitivity? Help!
My 4 week old has been a great breastfeeder since the beginning. She use to eat 20 minutes each side and rarely needed to be burped. These past three days, she has been much more cranky and has acted like she is very hungry, but when I put her to the breast, she starts screaming when she starts eating. She seems like she is in pain. She has so much gas we have to stop feeding like every 2 minutes so that she can burp. Now she is only eating for like 10 minutes total and most of it is spent crying. She will still be burping up gas if we burp her 1-2 hours after feeding. It's to the point that she is spending all of her awake time very upset. She gets so upset and rooting that we keep trying to eat, but that starts the whole crying cycle all over again. She has also been sleeping alot more. I feel like she is sleeping so she can ignore whatever is bothering her.
I really feel like she is in some kind of pain before/during/after she is eating. Her tongue is very white and I can't clean it off, but she was tested for thrush last week and it came back negative.
Anyone elses DC every been like this? Any was it attributed to anything like thrush, food sensitivities or reflux? It's breaking my heart and I don't know what to do. I am open to any suggestions!
Thanks for getting through this!
Posted 7/31/09 8:40 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 4/09 203 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: 4 week old cranky/screaming- thrush, reflux, sensitivity? Help!
My daughter had the SAME thing at 4 wks old! She wasn't breastfed but the doctor determined she needed to be put on Gentlease formula because she wasn;t breaking down the milk properly. SHe would fuss in between feedings, but still want to eat if that makes sense. It killed me too we used to be able to hear her belly rumbling....since hten she was switched to a soy formula and *KNOCKS ON WOOD* we have had a different baby since. She has been going down at 10 and waking up at 7-7:30......mainly because she is able to eat and digest more at a feeding rather then eating a ton of small meals....Not sure if you are open to formula feeding....have you tried gas drops? I found mylicon made her worse...a cousin recommended little tummies..worked wonders!!!! GOOD LUCK!
Posted 7/31/09 9:14 PM |
I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06 2441 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: 4 week old cranky/screaming- thrush, reflux, sensitivity? Help!
Same eact scenario with my DD. My doc thought it was a milk protein allergy, so I stopped eating any and all dairy products and foods with dairy in them. She stoppped screaming a few weeks later, and now at 5 months, I think that she is beginning to get more tolerant of some things that contain dairy, but not all. Try not eating any dairy for a week and see how she is.
Posted 7/31/09 10:46 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 1171 total posts
Name: Shira
Re: 4 week old cranky/screaming- thrush, reflux, sensitivity? Help!
this happens with my dd also she is 8 weeks. I just posted something similar on the breast feeding thread. I still dont know what it is but it seems to me its either gas or she doesnt realize that she is full if thats possible. she doesnt do it every feeding but once in a while and its very frustrating. Anyway sorry I'm no help, if you figure out what it is please let me know!!!!
Posted 7/31/09 11:55 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 1125 total posts
Name: bethany
Re: 4 week old cranky/screaming- thrush, reflux, sensitivity? Help!
Posted by luckyinlove
Same eact scenario with my DD. My doc thought it was a milk protein allergy, so I stopped eating any and all dairy products and foods with dairy in them. She stoppped screaming a few weeks later, and now at 5 months, I think that she is beginning to get more tolerant of some things that contain dairy, but not all. Try not eating any dairy for a week and see how she is.
same thing happened to me and dd.
Posted 8/1/09 12:33 AM |
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