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LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~ Update-9/21
here we go!!
Backround: Me-30 DH-35 i had 2 previous losses, 1 at 16Weeks due to IC, and the 2nd was a Chemical. after all recurrent testing, everything turned out normal except for FSH level.. which was borderline. so we have unexplained IF.
backtracking a little..
8/6/09 ............... Baseline Sono & B/W.. everything great! no follies, CLEAR!
8/7/09 ............... Start Dexamethasone & Lupron .. giving myself that first injection was not fun.. now i am used to it! piece of cake so far!
8/13/09 ................ another Sonogram/ B/W.. once again, everything looks great.. all clear and ready to move forward! also, this was my last day of Lupron!
8/14/09 ................ Start Ganirelix , and Tuesday next week is the start of stimming!! my RE increased my dosage because of my egg quality, so we will be doing 450iU of Follistim! then my next update will be after my appt on Friday 8/21 to check my follies!
8/21/09...... back from the RE for the follie check.. and i have 10. i am a little concerned about the count.. but he kept reassuring me that its not the quantity ,but quality! so i felt a little better after that.. especially since we are dealing with egg quality issues. so the lead follie is a 15 followed by 14,13, and a bunch of 12's on my right i only had 3.. and they were all 12's.
so i start Menopur tonight, along with my stimming still.. next appt is Monday for another follie check!
Follie check was today and things are moving so quickly!!
i have 3 measuring at 19
have a few 17, 16's and 15's.. i have a few 10's and 12's also. so they are all mixed , but he said they all were growing nicely! Dr. B hopes that i will have 14 eggs to retrieve!
so with that, we are looking at a Thursday , or Friday ER date!!
i go again tomorrow (tue) for another check! this is becoming so real
Well things are moving right along.. its going so fast , i can't even keep up! i am trying to grasp it all !
so ER is this friday!! i stim tonight for the last time, trigger tomorrow night .. then ER friday!
my follie sizes are doing well.. the highest as of today was a 22.. followed by a few 21, 20 and smaller ones.
its still hard to say how many will be retrieved and then make it ... so he thinks 8. i am still trying not to think about the number. so i am feeling pretty good!!
i am VERY scared about the ER though.. i am having such anxiety.. i wish it would stop however, i am excited at the same time!
i thank you all for the support!! words can not even express my gratitude!
Egg Retrieval is done and a Success!! everything went so well today, everyone that said it was easy and not to worry was right!! so thank you! the staff at American Fertility was wonderful and very comforting! what a great experience!
i was surprised to find out that 16 eggs were retrieved!!
i should be getting a phone call tomorrow for the fertilizating report!
i thank you ALL for your prayers!
Fertilization Report is in.. and out of 16 eggs retrieved.. 9 - matured and all 9 fertlized! i was so happy to hear this news! Dr. B said all is going perfect so far!
we are trying to get to a 5 day transfer! so we shall see! i guess that will be my next update! so either Monday or Wed Transfer!
today is Transfer day!!! just found out this morning like an hour ago.. i just wanted to come on real quick to update.. have to go get ready for our big day!!
we have 3 Grade A , 8 cell eggs transferring 2. the other 3 eggs are 6 celled.. not sure the grade.. but the RE thinks we will definitely have a few to freeze!
i can't believe today is the day!! i am so excited, and things have gone so great so far! i am so happy
i will update on how it went when i get home.. i am taking tomorrow off too, just to relax!
Transfer Done!! and all went great! transferred 2 perfect eggs!
all i have been doing is relaxing and taking it easy! back to work tomorrow! so all we do now is wait for the pregnancy test at the office hope these embies stick!
i want to again thank you all for the supoprt! the thoughts and well wishes! i couldnt have gone through this IVF process without you all ! thank you again!
I am so happy to announce that my 1st IVF cycle was a success!! Big Huge Shout Out to Dr. Braverman for all of this!! what an amazing doctor!! you did it again!!
1st beta at 10dp3dt was a 356!!!
i can't even describe the feeling, after the struggle of 2 losses and going through Infertility, cycle after cycle.. i am just so overjoyed.
I honestly could not have gone through all of this without this board right here. and many friends i met on LIF along the way. I will always cherish that.. and my prayers will always be with you .... never give up!!
the power of prayer runs deep! and thanks to Diana for all those beautiful prayers sent to me.. thank you!!!
2nd beta is monday!! (((((((((STICKY DUST))))))))))
went for my 2nd beta yesterday (monday) and its at 1595! everything is going great !
1st sono is scheduled for Friday!
Thank you again for all the support , and wishes!
my 1st sono was more than what we could hope for. DH and I are expecting TWINS! we got to see the sacs and Dr. Braverman saw the start of the fetal poles which was excellent! so next week will be my 6 week sono and i hope that we see the heartbeats !
i am sorry i have not updated sooner, i am still just in shock pretty much, and very happy to say the least. while being cautiously optimistic.
so this will probably be my last update, I can't believe that its been over a month since i started this journal. and what a happy ending
Thank you all for your endless amount of love and support.. i continue everyday to pray for each and every one of you!
Message edited 9/21/2009 1:36:21 PM.
Posted 8/14/09 9:49 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Twin mommies are twice as nice

Member since 4/08 1861 total posts
Name: J
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good Luck Deanna!! I am really praying for you and I look forward to your updates! The time goes so fast once you get started!!
Posted 8/14/09 10:02 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Deanna I am always rooting for you! Best of luck!
Posted 8/14/09 10:06 AM |
Member since 2/08 8081 total posts
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Yay my IVF twin!!!!!!! You know I'm praying for you Dee!!!!! I'm so happy for you and I'm even happier we have each other to lean on
Posted 8/14/09 10:09 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Posted by daisy32
Yay my IVF twin!!!!!!! You know I'm praying for you Dee!!!!! I'm so happy for you and I'm even happier we have each other to lean on
thank you Lisa for inspiring me to do this! i LOVE having you as my IVF twin!
and thank you ladies for the well wishes! means alot!
Posted 8/14/09 10:13 AM |
My prayers have been answered

Member since 10/08 3642 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
YAY ! De all my prayers --good luck!!!!
Posted 8/14/09 10:20 AM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Please know that my prayers will continue to be with you throughout this journey!!
Posted 8/14/09 10:25 AM |
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good Luck
Posted 8/14/09 10:40 AM |
Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07 17048 total posts
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck De! I look forward to reading about everything during your journey!!!!
You're always in my prayers!
Posted 8/14/09 10:46 AM |
Mother Mary Pray for us

Member since 7/07 2052 total posts
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck DEANNA!!!! I am really praying for you!!!!!!!!
Posted 8/14/09 10:59 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/09 87 total posts
Name: Roberta
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Best of luck Deanna!
Posted 8/14/09 11:17 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
All my prayers for you Deanna!
Posted 8/14/09 11:23 AM |
Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07 5213 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck
Posted 8/14/09 11:53 AM |
love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck Deanna!!! Always praying for you!!
Posted 8/14/09 12:03 PM |
I'm a mommy to a 2 year old!!!
Member since 1/08 1694 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Deanna I am so happy for you!!! Good luck!!!
Posted 8/14/09 12:28 PM |
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Wishing you the best of luck!
Posted 8/14/09 12:32 PM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
You know I'm always praying for you De! Keep your spirits up and your energy positive. This is it for you sweetie.
Posted 8/14/09 1:28 PM |
3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08 8178 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck!
Posted 8/14/09 1:42 PM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck!!
Posted 8/14/09 1:56 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09 890 total posts
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Posted 8/14/09 2:04 PM |
My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Oh Deanna GOOD LUKC GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!!! I am for you!!! Can't wait for all your updates!!!
Posted 8/14/09 2:28 PM |
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
OMG De!!! You are getting there! I am so rooting for you and you know, these journals are good luck!
Posted 8/14/09 3:16 PM |
I love you so much!

Member since 10/08 1761 total posts
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck to you!
Posted 8/14/09 3:27 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good Luck!!
Posted 8/14/09 4:09 PM |
I believe in miracles!

Member since 8/07 2462 total posts
Name: A
Re: ~Deanna's IVF Journey! ~
Good luck!!!! Ill be starting IVF very soon so Im really happy I get to read your journeys before I begin mine!
Posted 8/14/09 4:27 PM |
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