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Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

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Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

This seems to be a celeb "thing" these days. I am not talking about knowing prior to labor that you might need one, or if there are other health related circumstances. I am talking about doing it to fit into your schedule or to have the baby by a certain time.

Posted 9/15/05 7:30 AM
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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I don't get it!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 7:33 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I have researched it for myself so I am AOK with it.

Posted 9/15/05 7:34 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

If there is no legitimate reason I think it is a ridiculous idea.

Posted 9/15/05 7:42 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

My aunt used to be an OB (changed specialty) and she is all for it.

When I initially got pregnant, I wanted an elective c-section and so did DH. DH wanted it more for control reasons - he loved the idea of scheduling spontaneous 3 am run to hospital. I wanted it because I didn't want all those things that going through labor does to your body. It wasn't the pain I was afraid of, because that's what the epi is for, it was ripping & stitching, the pooping, the hemmoriods... all those lovely things about child birth, that I really didn't mind missing out on.

But then, as my due date came closer, I started to feel that natural was more the way to go because it was my first and because I wanted a quicker recovery. I also wanted to experience actually going into labor rather than just walking into a hospital, feeling fine and having major surgery.

Well, I ended up NEEDING a c-section, and the recovery was really no picnic. I'm still on the fence about it but I think that if it's your first, you should at least try for natural childbirth.

Though I definitely understand the desire for elective c/s. I oppose to elective c/s done early to avoid late term stretch marks.

Posted 9/15/05 8:10 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I think that its ok as long as people research and understand the choice they make before making one.

I know that my ob/gyn does not believe in the request for c sections unless medically necessary.

Posted 9/15/05 8:15 AM


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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I don't see why it's anyone else's business how people choose to have their baby. If natural is a better option for you, great! If elective cesarean is, great as well.

Posted 9/15/05 8:21 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Well i think if i had the choice i would do a C-section too.
Unless it posses some health risk to the baby....Who cares

Posted 9/15/05 8:44 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

although I had no complications with my C-Setion....I feel I missed out on the whole natural labor experience. I wanted to be there hitting Ken, telling him he is never going to touch me again....instead we were scared into wasn't at all what I pictured...and I hate that I was scared for my baby instead of excited to meet my new baby.

So if we ever have the oppurtunity to have another child and I am able to go natural then that will be my choice....although my doc told me that with my history....he will probably suggest a c-section so that I don't risk another infection....which in that case since its what best for me and the baby...thats the route we will go.

Posted 9/15/05 8:52 AM


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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by Leeners

I don't see why it's anyone else's business how people choose to have their baby. If natural is a better option for you, great! If elective cesarean is, great as well.

I agree. It is a personal choice for the mother, and none of anyone else's business the reasons why they choose one or the other.

Posted 9/15/05 8:52 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by IrishTracy

I don't get it!! Chat Icon

I don't get it either.
My friend chose to be induced because her doctor was going away and she wanted to make sure her doctor delivered the baby. I don't fully understand that either.

I thuoght I heard that Britney scheduled a c-section so that having the baby wouldnt interfere with her that true? Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 9:11 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I don't think it's anyone business. I orginally wanted an elective c-section because I was afraid I had a problem that my mother had and didn't want to risk a vaginal birth ( in the long run I needed a vaccum extraction so I am in total belief that her and I have the same problem) and it would have been great I could have had my parents in town as well as been guaranteed that my husband would be home and not deployed.
Instead I keep having cases of PTL and I decided the baby was just testing me and he was coming out the way he wanted to. Plus I have a history of healing too fast and building scar tissue so I didn't know if I wanted to mess with that or not.
I had a vaginal with no hemmroids, no pooping and ended up only needing 3 stitches so I have no complaints especially since their wasen't an epidural either and I'm now in full believe that if God brings you to it, he will bring you through it but I also believe in whatever floats your boat who cares the baby has to come out if you choose one way over another that is fine in my book. I think it is just hard for some because they didn't have a choice so they will never understand because they wanted a vaginal really bad.

Message edited 9/15/2005 9:21:57 AM.

Posted 9/15/05 9:21 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Well, if it was choice I would maybe go the easiest way out. I had a very difficult pregnancy & labor w/ Marissa. As long as the baby is no danger or it doesn't affect the baby, then it's all good. IMO

Message edited 9/15/2005 9:24:14 AM.

Posted 9/15/05 9:23 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

too each their own I guess but yes although labor itself can be horrible and painful, I would not give up that experience for anything and the spontaneity of it is a big part of all the excitement , I think too much is scheduled and planned now a days and this just adds to it! Plus the recovery is much harder with a c section

Posted 9/15/05 9:35 AM


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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I had one...not by choice, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Posted 9/15/05 10:25 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Are There Risks Associated with C-Sections?

Cesarean birth carries greater risk for both the mother and the baby than a vaginal delivery. Some of the increased risks for the mother include possible infection of the uterus and nearby pelvic organs; increased bleeding; blood clots in the legs, pelvic organs and sometimes the lungs; and, in very rare situations, death. For babies, there is the risk of being born prematurely if the due date is not accurately calculated. This can mean difficulty breathing (respiratory distress) and low birthweight. The baby also may be sluggish as a result of the anesthesia. A cesarean birth also is more painful, is more expensive, and takes longer to recover from than a vaginal birth.

I would never judge, but for me I would try and deliver naturally.

Posted 9/15/05 10:43 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by kelleherkm

My friend chose to be induced because her doctor was going away and she wanted to make sure her doctor delivered the baby. I don't fully understand that either.

Actually, this I do get. After hearing some horror stories about doctors who botched surgeries, I think knowing that my doctor will be there versus someone who is on call that I know nothing about would make a difference for me.

Posted 9/15/05 10:49 AM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by kelleherkm

Posted by IrishTracy

I don't get it!! Chat Icon

I don't get it either.
My friend chose to be induced because her doctor was going away and she wanted to make sure her doctor delivered the baby. I don't fully understand that either.

I thuoght I heard that Britney scheduled a c-section so that having the baby wouldnt interfere with her that true? Chat Icon

Well this is what happened to me, I was scheduled to be induced not by choice but by my doctor because she was going on vacation that same weekend. My due date was the 19 and I went in the hospital at night of the date, my daughter was born on the 20th without having to do anything.Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 12:02 PM


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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

after watching my sister give birth, vaginally, I am on the fence. Our poor vaginas, what they go through!!! She did have the hemorroids, she had a lot of stitches because she tore. But it was also an amazing experience to watch this little life being born naturally. So I don't know what I would do. My sister did have the baby early and was induced but b/c of high blood pressure.... And she did have an epidural although by the looks of her at the end it didnt look like it helped much!Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 6:05 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

I wouldn't elect to have a c-section, unless i needed one -

I 'm due in February and if i go naturally then so be it - don't get me wrong im scared to death of pain also - but i just couldn't imagine scheduling a c-section because im afraid of pain, it fits into my schedule..etc.....

I mean, women have been delivering natural for ages (even without epidurals) and they have all survived - they even went on to have other children - so its bad im sure - but it can be done.

Its definitely a personal decision, if someone chooses c-section than so be it.

Posted 9/15/05 6:32 PM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Im really not against it....I think if I could have a c-section I would....

I never delivered vaginally or c-section so I have nothing to compare it too...

I think its a personal decision...and it says nothing about the person, or what kinda mother they will be...

Posted 9/15/05 6:36 PM


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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by dpli

Posted by kelleherkm

My friend chose to be induced because her doctor was going away and she wanted to make sure her doctor delivered the baby. I don't fully understand that either.

Actually, this I do get. After hearing some horror stories about doctors who botched surgeries, I think knowing that my doctor will be there versus someone who is on call that I know nothing about would make a difference for me.

Yeah, I'd feel better too, with someone who'd been through the process with me, who knew me and made me feel safe.

Posted 9/15/05 6:43 PM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

My mom was induced with me. The dr. was going to be on vacation so she had me by appointment.

Posted 9/15/05 6:44 PM

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

I mean, women have been delivering natural for ages (even without epidurals) and they have all survived.

no ma'am, not ALL of them haveChat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 6:52 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Britnet Baby Spinoff: What do you think about elective c-sections?

Posted by DebG

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

I mean, women have been delivering natural for ages (even without epidurals) and they have all survived.

no ma'am, not ALL of them haveChat Icon

I didn't say ALL women Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 7:02 PM
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