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Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

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Happy New Year

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs..., not any that I've known... especially not an alcoholic of 30 yrs.

Posted 9/30/06 11:04 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

An alcoholic should never quit cold turkey after that many years of drinking - the withdrawal could kill them.

Posted 9/30/06 11:35 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Well Yes and no. They have to gradually withdraw from what I understand...and then AA is recommended. It works if they work it. That's what they say. Good luck to whoever this is Chat Icon

Message edited 9/30/2006 11:55:13 AM.

Posted 9/30/06 11:54 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by nancygrace

I also thought that cold turkey could be dangerous in a way bc some alcoholics need some type for drug to get through de-tox Shouldnt u have medical care in case your body has a seizer form withdrawal...i Mean all this is possible ...

Yes withdraw after so many years of abuse can have dire consequences if not monitored by a medical professional. My XH had to be hospitalized while undergoing detox due to years of alcohol and drug addiction. Unfortunately he is still using and abusing .The recovery program AA is a big key to helping those who wish to have support to maintain their sobriety,,I found that the step to get help was just a starting point, the real work comes after they make a decision to
change and try to stay sober,clean etc.It's
a One day at a time lifestyle.

Posted 9/30/06 1:36 PM

I'm a mommy :)

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

it would be hard. especially going through detox with no medication. Usually the 2-3xs a day aa meetings come after the clinic.

But those clinic are freakin expensive and many dont accept any health insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/06 1:45 PM


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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...


Posted 9/30/06 1:51 PM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by nancygrace

can be cured without a 30 day clininc? Doing it cold turkey? But all along going to AA meetings in the morning and night

Cured is not the correct word. Its a permenant disease. AA can definitley help them to recover. Its a community of people who all have the same disease and they help each other to find the higher power needed to stay in recovery.

Message edited 9/30/2006 2:21:41 PM.

Posted 9/30/06 2:18 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

I think that if a person is ready to help themselves, they will, regardless of where they go for help.

Posted 9/30/06 3:35 PM


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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by prncssrachel

I think that if a person is ready to help themselves, they will, regardless of where they go for help.

i agree.

my dad stopped after around 30years because my mom got really sick, and she needed a husband- not another child. he just stopped one day and never went back.

you could have treatment programs out the wazoo-- but unless the person WANTS to stop.... its all useless. At the same time, some of them can want it enough that they do Do it without any other help.

Posted 9/30/06 3:37 PM

My Loves

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

My dad quit cold turkey and has stayed that way for 12 years with just AA alone. In fact, his anniversary was just last week. Chat Icon At the time that he quit, he hadn't gone two days without a drink in 3 years... and he didn't even believe he was going through withdrawal when he quit. He called it a cold but I recognized it for what it really was.

I think it depends on how much this person is drinking. When you say that they've been an alcoholic for 30 years - is that 30 years of drinking to intoxication daily? Or less frequently? I think that makes a difference in whether or not this person needs rehab.

and I agree with neenie 100% - if the person doesn't want to stop no amount of AA or rehab will do anything to change them.

Posted 9/30/06 5:01 PM


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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

i thin every situation is different.... but coming from my experience, the longer they have been alcoholics, the harder it is to recover.. not saying it cant happen... just saying it is very difficult. you have to WANT to do it and you have to get the help you need. And I agree AA and their philosophy... not for everyone.....

and I disagree with the statement that was made that if the dr said they would die that would make them stop. in a few minority of cases maybe but for most, I dont think cant recover from a disease like this overnight.... it just so sad watching someone you love fight this battle....

Posted 9/30/06 5:07 PM

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

My grandfather was a functioning alcoholic for the majority of his 75 years of life.
A few years back, he had a massive heart atack and was forced to quit drinking cold turkey. He was delusional for a while....but he hasn't had a drink in almost 2 years. It is possible - but not fun.

Posted 9/30/06 5:16 PM


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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by Palebride

My grandfather was a functioning alcoholic for the majority of his 75 years of life.
A few years back, he had a massive heart atack and was forced to quit drinking cold turkey. He was delusional for a while....but he hasn't had a drink in almost 2 years. It is possible - but not fun.

glad he was able to do it.....

Posted 9/30/06 5:26 PM

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by prncssrachel

I think that if a person is ready to help themselves, they will, regardless of where they go for help.

Agreed...I know someone who did cold turkey after about 30 years....and they haven't touched a drink since 1987

Posted 9/30/06 8:45 PM

Eva Luna
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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

If they wanted to, yes.

If they're doing because of someone intervening, no.

Posted 9/30/06 8:59 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Yes, I do think its possible. Some people dont have the option of a 30 day program. If they are ready to get sober, they will be vigliant even if they're not "locked away"

Posted 9/30/06 9:50 PM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by nancygrace

can be cured without a 30 day clininc? Doing it cold turkey? But all along going to AA meetings in the morning and night

I know it's possible. My father did it cold turkey, after more than 30 years.

He hit his "rock bottom" when my mother left him and he was alone, with no family around him (the rest of us lived in NY, he lived in Florida).

You could say that forced him into it. But he made that decision himself, after realizing the consequences of his actions. He did 90 meetings in 90 days. My mother went back to him. He's been sober for 12 years next month and still goes to meetings regularly.

I didn't think it was possible either. I didn't even think it was going to last. It took a few years for me to trust that it wasn't temporary.

It all depends on the alcoholic. But it is possible.

Posted 10/1/06 6:19 PM

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by Redhead

Posted by luvsbob4603

Yes! Because If the doctor told them they had Health Issues and if they Took another Drink they would Die, I think they would Stop Drinking.

that is absolutely false

in fact it a majority of the time it would DO NOTHING

Everyone is different but an addict...NEEDS HELP

I don't believe anyone can do it cold turkey on their own

ETA...i have known a alcoholic who was diagnosed with cerosis (sp?)...DIDN"T STOP

I have known smokers with emphazema and cancer....DIDN"T STOP

I completely disagree. First of all, I know someone very close to me who quit taking METH by only going to NA meetings. Secondly, AA is HELP.

Posted 10/1/06 6:25 PM

My Everything

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Re: Do u think an alcoholic of 30 yrs...

Posted by nancygrace

can be cured without a 30 day clininc? Doing it cold turkey? But all along going to AA meetings in the morning and night

Yes. My dad was an alcoholic for probably 40 plus years and seem to be sober now for over 2 years with just AA. It can be done. I wasn't speaking to him when he quit so I don't know what his detox was like though but it wasn't in a clinic.

ETA: My dad is in recovery, not cured. I don't believe and alcoholic or any addict for that matter is cured. They just work a program to live a life in recovery.

Message edited 10/1/2006 11:56:28 PM.

Posted 10/1/06 11:47 PM
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