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Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

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<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

I agree that the whole Island/Hatch thing is a psycological experiment. Not sure about the island being in a bubble underwater though. I think the "others" or the "hostiles" as desmond's hatch mate called them, are also part of this experiment but in a different capacity of some sort. They probably (or obviously) don't consider themselves hostiles based on Henry's remark of "We're the good guys"

An entire summer of speculation!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Definately going to have to watch the re-runs

Posted 5/25/06 2:35 PM
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Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
No Reruns for LOST's Third Season

ABC has released its fall schedule for the 2006-2007 season, and it seems that executives have listened to complaints from fans of the show. Lost will not be airing reruns for its third season. The show will air seven new episodes consecutively in the Fall (late September or early October) in its current time slot, then will be replaced by a new thriller starring Taye Diggs, Day Break. Lost will then return to its home in February, airing all new episodes until the season ends in May.

Okay, we we'll have to go from October to February without any new episodes Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon But then at least from February until May it's all new!

Posted 5/25/06 2:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

170 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

I was watching the view this morning and Michael was on and he said he was not scheduled to be on the third season, did anybody else see it? But he said the writers could change that.

Posted 5/25/06 3:11 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Posted by MrsRbk

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
No Reruns for LOST's Third Season

ABC has released its fall schedule for the 2006-2007 season, and it seems that executives have listened to complaints from fans of the show. Lost will not be airing reruns for its third season. The show will air seven new episodes consecutively in the Fall (late September or early October) in its current time slot, then will be replaced by a new thriller starring Taye Diggs, Day Break. Lost will then return to its home in February, airing all new episodes until the season ends in May.

Okay, we we'll have to go from October to February without any new episodes Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon But then at least from February until May it's all new!

Actually with the first 7 weeks it will be end of Nov/beg of Dec through Feb not quite as bad. Chat Icon And to be honest, not much worse then what they did to us this year. Chat Icon

Posted 5/25/06 3:20 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Posted by JustMarried

I was watching the view this morning and Michael was on and he said he was not scheduled to be on the third season, did anybody else see it? But he said the writers could change that.

It's possible since Walt was only on the show for about 7 minutes this season. But didn't the Libby actress appear on talk shows after her character was killed pretending she wasn't going to be back too? I can't imagine any of the actors would be permitted to talk about what has not been filmed yet.

Posted 5/25/06 3:22 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

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Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Posted by Christine

It's possible since Walt was only on the show for about 7 minutes this season. But didn't the Libby actress appear on talk shows after her character was killed pretending she wasn't going to be back too? I can't imagine any of the actors would be permitted to talk about what has not been filmed yet.

Your kidding!! Ugh!! That would so pi$$ me off if they just let Michael and Walt sail away without answering what testing they did to walt and why he's so "special". And not for nothing, you forgot your dog!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/25/06 3:27 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Posted by Christine

Posted by JustMarried

I was watching the view this morning and Michael was on and he said he was not scheduled to be on the third season, did anybody else see it? But he said the writers could change that.

It's possible since Walt was only on the show for about 7 minutes this season. But didn't the Libby actress appear on talk shows after her character was killed pretending she wasn't going to be back too? I can't imagine any of the actors would be permitted to talk about what has not been filmed yet.

She (Libby) was in last night's episode briefly

Posted 5/25/06 3:28 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Posted by Diva
And not for nothing, you forgot your dog!!!! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon OK I'm sorry but we share a similar brain. I was screaming this out last night when they sailed off -- "WHAT ABOUT VINCENT!!" DH was like "oh please shut up" Chat Icon

I agree though, I'd hate it if we never saw Walt & Mike again. Walt has some 'powers' and is 'gifted' and we don't fully understand yet what he's all about (they alluded to Walt a lot last season) Plus I really WANT to see what the whole thing is with the Others interesting in taking the children and what exact experiements they are doing to them Chat Icon

Message edited 5/25/2006 3:30:40 PM.

Posted 5/25/06 3:29 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Posted by MrsRbk

After I clicked on Pre-Boarding Check in, in big letters across the screen it said:


Remember Ethan???????

You have to re-arrange spells OTHER MAN.

THis is a really old thread on and all the LOST forums out there. There haven't been any new updates in a long time, but its so fun! Once you get the plane chart, click on the "numbers" at the bottom that coorespond to the seats...the seats that each of the Losties was on will light up...then click each seat. Make sure you have your volume on...and wait until you hit #42!

Posted 5/25/06 5:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

OH, did anyone else think of The Lost City of Atlantis when Sayid and Jin saw the statue of the foot?

the statue of the romanesque foot sealed the deal for me....that was the first thing I said.
Also, here is a quote I found on a website about Atlantis:

"The scientists and technocrats of Atlantis were not jealous of their skills and learning. They acted as industrial missionaries who spread their knowledge all over the known world. They taught the Egyptians and the Mayans how to build pyramids and the Greeks how to construct Atlantes, the sculptured figures of males which support the architraves of temples and other buildings. They spread their knowledge of metallurgy, astronomy, medicine, magnetism, and many other arts and sciences wherever the ships of Atlantis could sail. They invented reading and writing, mathematics, agriculture, architecture, and all the concepts of human civilisation. It was rumoured also that Atlantean scientists expected to discover the mystic force which powers the Cosmos, and that when they had harnessed this force there would be no limit to human achievements."

Here is the link: Atlantis info

Posted 5/25/06 5:16 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Where are my fellow LOST fans??!!

Here is another supporting theory for Atlantis:

1. Atlantis was know for it's menagarie of animals (polar bears, green birds, sharks, boars).

2.The giant neo-roman statue (doesn't eplain the 4 toes)

3. Atlantis has always been thought of as a super advanced society. Dharma and Hanso would gratly benifit from the researching and cultivating the advances and mysteries of the "lost" civilization.

4. Atlantis has been theorized to have harnessed a power so great that they destroyed themselves (like the giant electromagnet that almost reaked devistation on the island).

5. there are also all of the refrences to different mythologies aroung the world (the Dharma symbols((swan,arrow,whatever the medical one is)) mixed with the outer rings of the symbols, the heiroglyphics of the the countdown clock, and many others. There are theories that Atlantis was the great super society that started it all from the egyptians, to the romans, to the mayans and aztec, and cultures in thailand and asia. Check out alexander graham, or graham alexander, i can't remember.

6. Atlantis rising from the sea would explain the black rock ship.

Posted 5/25/06 5:16 PM
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