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I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Katie went back to her old formula because for the 3rd timethis wk she had to have a suppository to poo. Chat Icon We're taking her to a pediatric gastro on July 14th and hopefully will get some answers to her problems with gas, reflux, not pooing, etc.

Last night...I think DH saw the light. First he came home and laced in to me about how he doesn't understand WHY this is so hard for me to handle ('re gone all day at work and I'm home alone all day with colicky-Katie).

Then my friend called me and I went out with her for about an hour (thank God I was so happy to get out of the house alone). I have a feeling her Mom (who I call Aunt) called Dh and "explained" things to him. Becuase, when I got home he told me to go to bed...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It was 9pm. I went right to bed and he stayed up with fussy baby until 1am. Then he put her in the bassinet in our room and he went to the guest room to sleep. Much to my SHOCK she slept until 5am!! I actually got to sleep from about 10pm until 5am!!!!! I'm in complete shock, really.

This morning I gave her her bottle, thinking she'd only take an ounce or two like usual. She took 4.5 oz!! THEN passed out and has been sleeping for an hour!

I KNOW this is a fluke and she still hasn't pooped but I just wanted to share with you all since you've been a huge support to me...that I got some sleep last night and she is napping today. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Knock wood that this lasts a little longer... or maybe for good (I know, I'm not getting my hopes up)...she is 6 weeks old today Chat Icon

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Posted 6/9/06 10:40 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Family!

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

I'm glad you have a good night, hopefully Katie has more nights like this!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 10:50 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

she is adorable

I am glad you were actually able to get some sleep last nite and glad to see that DH is helping out now.

Posted 6/9/06 10:50 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Maybe this is just the start of a new beginning. I'm glad you got a break.

Posted 6/9/06 10:52 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Excellent! Definitely the best way to explain what you do all day with her is to go out & leave her with him.Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 10:53 AM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

aww glad you got some rest, she is beautiful!

Posted 6/9/06 10:55 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

I'm so glad you had a good night. Chat Icon

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps up for you. Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 10:59 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

I guarantee DH saw the light all by himself just by staying at home with Katie by himself for an hour! Chat Icon When I was at my most desperate and DH just didn't "get it", he stayed home one day to take care of Alex while I rested, to prove to me that it wasn't as difficult as I claimed. Well, about 2 hours later, DH came to me, plopped Alex in my arms and said "I was wrong". Chat Icon From that day forth he was unbelievably supportive, would come home on the button at 5pm and take over until 11pm while I slept. I kiss Alex everyday and thank her for being her absolute *worst* for those few hours DH had to take over Chat Icon Taught him one hell of a good lesson!\

So happy you got some rest! Enjoy while it last! Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 10:59 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Posted by Bxgell2

I guarantee DH saw the light all by himself just by staying at home with Katie by himself for an hour! Chat Icon When I was at my most desperate and DH just didn't "get it", he stayed home one day to take care of Alex while I rested, to prove to me that it wasn't as difficult as I claimed. Well, about 2 hours later, DH came to me, plopped Alex in my arms and said "I was wrong". Chat Icon From that day forth he was unbelievably supportive, would come home on the button at 5pm and take over until 11pm while I slept. I kiss Alex everyday and thank her for being her absolute *worst* for those few hours DH had to take over Chat Icon Taught him one hell of a good lesson!\

So happy you got some rest! Enjoy while it last! Chat Icon

Beth that is too funny - what a GREAT way to prove it to DH!! You know, Katie was up allll night from 9pm-1am being "fussy" and "restless" as DH put he had a little taste of what I go through all day.

Posted 6/9/06 11:17 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

341 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

She is so cute, I just want to hug her!!

I hope it gets easier for you, and that the appt with the doc gets you some answers Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 11:57 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

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Posted 6/9/06 11:57 AM


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

She is beautilful and I can't believe she is 6 weeks old today. I am glad you had a relaxing night and hopefully Katie will sleep longer than normally. It will get better.

Posted 6/9/06 1:07 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

OMG Kathy- she is too cute!

I am glad you got some sleep.

I think Beth has the right idea.

I hope she poops soon! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 1:16 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

She is so freakin' cute!! Glad last night was better, hoping for more nights like that!

Posted 6/9/06 1:49 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

I'm so glad you got out for a little bit and got some rest. It's amazing what one night of sleep can do. You feel like a new woman.

Posted 6/9/06 3:27 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

The men definitly have to learn the hard way. Hope things continue to improve.

Posted 6/9/06 8:10 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

First off - she is sooo beautiful, I can't stand it.

Second - even though she is colicky - and it's been hard - try to appreciate how little she is, I feel like I didn't really with Talia - I was always wanting her to be older, waiting for a stage to pass - I miss her being little.

Third, 6 weeks is a nice milestone - usually babies start sleeping a little better - maybe drop a night feeding - etc, so maybe it wasn't a fluke - and things will start getting easier from here. Also - it's the half way point to 3 months (Which is when they say colic usually ends) so haaang in there!!

Please let us know what happens at the dr. Although I really hope there is nothing wrong with Katie - maybe they can help with her digestive issues and make life a little easier for both of you.

I hope your Dh continues to be supportive. And if he doesn't on his own - just ask him...not to "help out" but to Change her diaper, or make a bottle, you know - more specific instruction - men work better that way. (and if all else fails - leave them alone for 12 hours - believe me he'll be kissing your feet when you get home).

You are doing a great job Kathy - you are a wonderful mom...this time will pass, I promise!!!

eta: why do you have to wait a month to go to the dr?? Can they fit you in earlier?!?!

Message edited 6/9/2006 8:58:58 PM.

Posted 6/9/06 8:58 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

So glad you got some rest!!! I hope your DH continues to be supportive of you and Katie keeps up with the sleeping. 6 weeks is supposed to be a turning point. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Isn't it funny how the dads all think it's so easy until they have to take over for a while? Chat Icon And, btw she's adorable!

Posted 6/9/06 9:06 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

I'm glad you got to sleep- Katie really is beautiful!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 9:22 PM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

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Properly perfect™

Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

I am glad you had a good night....heres wishing you many many moreChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 9:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Yay for you!!!! For some reason I think babies sleep better when daddy puts them to bed Chat Icon

Just to make sure he doesn't forget how hard it is leave him alone with her - say once a week or so.

P.S...DD has the same cute with a heart on the butt Chat Icon

Posted 6/10/06 12:39 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hope this is a sign of good things to come. She is getting so big!. BY the way Ryan was always an every other day pooper, so dont panic if its not every day.

Posted 6/10/06 9:14 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

hope things are continuing to go better for you Chat Icon Chat Icon

She is sooooo freakin' adorable...
Loving the outfit.

Posted 6/10/06 11:34 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

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Posted 6/10/06 1:43 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: I wonder if DH saw the light? Short update...

Shes a doll. So glad he gave you some "me" time and some sleep. That alone makes you feel so much better. Chat Icon

Posted 6/10/06 2:19 PM
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