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Her temp is up to 103.2!-updated at 4am

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Her temp is up to 103.2!-updated at 4am

At 5pm when Emily woke up from her nap her temp was 101.9. She has since been soo cranky, not letting me put her down, crying so much, absolutely miserable. DH just got home so he helped me take her temp again (literally had to hold her down Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ) and her temp is up 103.2.

I just called the pediatrician and had them page the doctor. I'm so worried.

I know you guys (well, Barbara) always say to let a fever ride out, that it's fighting off the infection -- but how high is too high? SHe's NEVER gone this high. At what point do I need to give Tylenol? Is tylenol or Motrin better?

ETA: I just got the call back from the Dr and she said at 103-104 you get concerned and just to try and keep the fever down by alternating tylenol and motrin. she said to take her temp again in 30 minutes and then about once every hour after that.

I just feel bad for my poor little girl. She is miserable!

ETA #2: It's about 4am. I just put her to bed for the 3rd time tonight. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I really can't complain -- considering how she must be feeling she is doing great --- she was up at around 11:15 and then again at around 3:15 -- basically every 4 hours, which is OK with me so I can re-check her temp and give her more tylenol/motrin if needed. Last check her temp was down to 99 which is REALLY good. She definately feels better when her temp is lower. She is actually responsive and not just laying there like a lump!

I just hope we don't have days more of this. I hope it's over soon! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/16/2006 3:58:37 AM.

Posted 8/15/06 7:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope she feels better

Posted 8/15/06 7:10 PM

My Everything

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!

That high I would give her Tylenol or Mortrin. Under 102 I am more inclined to say wait it out.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon To mama and Emily

Posted 8/15/06 7:16 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!

My Dr. also says to let the fever fight off infection- but once he hits 103 I give tylenol and a luke warm bath...

Just keep offering her some water!

Posted 8/15/06 7:17 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!

Also what about giving her a lukewarm bath. Does she like baths? Would that maybe help the fever and make her happy a little bit?

Posted 8/15/06 7:17 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Thanks guys! I gave her the tylenol and called the dr and she said to take her temp again in 30 minutes and if it is still high to alternate tylenol and motrin to keep it down since it went up so high in only a bit under 2 hours -- she doesn't want it to get out of control. Definately if she still has a high temp after the next temp I'll give her a lukewarm bath.

I think we're in for a LONG nap!

Posted 8/15/06 7:20 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Melissa just know that the very high fevers are associated with Coxsakie. We are still battling her fever here too. It was 101 at the doctors with Tylenol in her system. This is just a cruel cruel illness.

Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:21 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Chat Icon Chat Icon poor little girl! Feel better soon!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:22 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

At 103, you definitely call the doctor. While it's normal for an infant to go up that high, you need the ok from the pediatrician. You also need to prepare yourself for a febrile seizure (we never had it - Thank G-d!)

Mel - you have the best mommy instincts! Hang on - you may be in for a rough night.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:23 PM


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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

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Posted 8/15/06 7:36 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Hope she feels better soon.Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:38 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

oh sweetie - Im sorry, it must be scary. I hope Emily feels better SOON!

Posted 8/15/06 7:40 PM

My Loves

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

ohhh- I hope she feels better soonChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon - Hope Emily feels better!

Posted 8/15/06 7:42 PM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Poor Emily Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:44 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Oh no!
Poor little Emily.Chat Icon
I hope she gets better SOON!!!
Hope you don't have too rough a night.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:47 PM

My girls

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

I hope she feels better Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 7:57 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Hope she feels better and you too!

Posted 8/15/06 8:10 PM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Whenever Damien gets a fever it is always up near 103Chat Icon I feel your pain. You can also put lukewarm compresses on under her armpits and in her groin along with her head. It always helps to bring down his fever before the motrin kicks in. I hope she feels better real soonChat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 8:11 PM

Stop kissing me!

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

I hope Emily feels better soon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 8:56 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Awww, I feel so bad for Emily! I hope she feels better soon!!!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 8:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Aside from the tylenol/motrin, I just give cool/lukewarm bathes. There isn't much else you can do at that temp and you have to trust that their immune system is doing the job.

Just remember, only because so many people think it will bring the temp to "normal," it will only relieve the fever about 2 degrees.

She'll be fine. Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 9:04 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

we are a high temp house as well, we have hit 103.8 and one time 104.1!!Chat Icon Chat Icon My docs tell me that it is not uncommon for 105, so sit tight, this is the time when temps are at their highest, it shoudl gradually go down through out the night although she will feel like sh eis on fire around 2-3am, I hope this ends soon for you, this is the worst part about being a MommyChat Icon Chat Icon
BTW- try not to do luke warm baths because when they get out their body is cool and the natural instinct if the body os to up the temp, so you can make the temp go higher, sponge downs are best, and make sure they are absolutely warm and not cool.

Posted 8/15/06 9:04 PM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Oh no, I hope she feels betterChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 9:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Her temp is up to 103.2!-just got the call back from the DR.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 9:18 PM
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