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Heres an etiquette question

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Double Trouble!

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Well..whether family or friends, I usually offer to help clean and usually do..even if they say no..that is just how I was raised and the way my family is..

But, I would never expect it of a guest. If they offer, I decline them.

Posted 7/27/05 10:38 AM
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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by FeliciaDP

Posted by boosh1002

Posted by Moehick

I always help family and offer to help friends. Usually friends say no but I at least clear off DH and mines plate before they shoo me away.

Why you having a dinner party and looking for polite people to have over!Chat Icon

Na it was a debate me, Don and my mom got into over the weekend. With Don's family they never ask for any help nor will they take it,
with my family its a different story, they ask you to help out, its pretty much required

Dont worry we WILL meet some day!!!

Oh lets just hope that you don't meet Moe by way of catching her with Don and steak sauce in her hand !! Chat Icon Chat Icon (J/K)

Hey Now! I am sure Boosh wouldn't serve steak at such an occasion as our meetingChat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 10:38 AM

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Hey Now! I am sure Boosh wouldn't serve steak at such an occasion as our meetingChat Icon

No steak, just the sauce!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 10:49 AM

I love my DS!!!

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by FeliciaDP

I would never ask for help but I WOULD accept help, actually .. that's pretty much the way its done in our family and when I've gone to friends/vice versa.

what DOES IRK me is during family gatherings, there is inevitably a couple people who deliberately go out of their way NOT to offer to help clean up, etc.. for instance, all the other ladies will be tidying up and this person will just go inside and watch TV while everyone is doing all the work. That to me is just kinda rude

Oh my god that is so annoying. One of DH's SIL does that. We hosted Christmas eve last year. All the other SIL's offered to help clean up and I told them to sit but they helped anyway and that one SIL just sat there drinking her coffee and watching TV. I don't expect people to help but it's always nice of them to offer. I always offer to help clean up whenever I am at someone's house for dinner. Even DH offers to help clean up the table. It's just proper manners to offer to help clean up the dinner table, especially when that person was nice enough to invite you over.

Message edited 7/27/2005 12:09:38 PM.

Posted 7/27/05 11:12 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by bedda26

Posted by FeliciaDP

I would never ask for help but I WOULD accept help, actually .. that's pretty much the way its done in our family and when I've gone to friends/vice versa.

what DOES IRK me is during family gatherings, there is inevitably a couple people who deliberately go out of their way NOT to offer to help clean up, etc.. for instance, all the other ladies will be tidying up and this person will just go inside and watch TV while everyone is doing all the work. That to me is just kinda rude

Oh my god that is so annoying. One of DH's SIL does that. We hosted Christmas eve last year. All the other SIL's offered to help clean up and I told them to sit but they helped anyway and that one SIL just sat there drinking her coffee and watching TV. I don't expect people to help but it's always nice of them to offer. I always offer to help clean up whenever I am at someone's house for dinner. Even DH offers to help clean up the table. It's just proper manners to offer to help clean up the dinner table, especially when tat person was nice enough to invite you over.

i totally agree

Posted 7/27/05 11:17 AM

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

When I am a guest, I always offer.

When I am the host, I never ask and I usually don't like anyone to help me, unless it's my mom or my aunt.

I HATE when my MIL tries to help because she doesn't really do such a hot when she cleared away my dinner plate from the table. I was going to come back and eat more- I only got up to get the coffee started.

Posted 7/27/05 11:25 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by IslandGrl
I always offer to help and usually I am turned down.
I also dont except help when guests come over but I always do appreciate when they ask.
I think it's nice to ask..JMO

Same here.

Posted 7/27/05 11:26 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

DH always says that when we go to the SIL's house (the one that never offers to help) to do what she does and just sit there.

But I can't do that. That was not the way I was raised. I know my manners when I am at peoples homes...

Message edited 7/27/2005 12:12:28 PM.

Posted 7/27/05 12:12 PM

Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

As a guest I always offer to help.
As a host I always refuse help.

Posted 7/27/05 12:25 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by mrsmck

As a guest I always offer to help.
As a host I always refuse help.

I agree...

Posted 7/27/05 12:31 PM

22 Months?!!!!

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by boosh1002

Posted by Moehick

I always help family and offer to help friends. Usually friends say no but I at least clear off DH and mines plate before they shoo me away.

Why you having a dinner party and looking for polite people to have over!Chat Icon

Na it was a debate me, Don and my mom got into over the weekend. With Don's family they never ask for any help nor will they take it,
with my family its a different story, they ask you to help out, its pretty much required

Dont worry we WILL meet some day!!!

moe, you can come over and be on sauce patrol

Posted 7/27/05 6:50 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

i always offer when im at someones house- and when people ask to help me - depending on who it is, maybe ill have them clean off the table for dessert or put out clean spoons or something. if its a huge group i wont even let them help.
if its like 2 close friends or family- why not?

Posted 7/27/05 7:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by LMFitz

Posted by FeliciaDP

I would never ask for help but I WOULD accept help, actually .. that's pretty much the way its done in our family and when I've gone to friends/vice versa.

Same with us - we always end up with the women in the kitchen cleaning up and chatting and the men off elsewhere being loud. Chat Icon

And I always insist on helping out when I'm over anywhere for dinner.

And never come empty-handed! Chat Icon

Ditto on all accounts Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 8:37 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by neeniebean86

Posted by LMFitz

Posted by FeliciaDP

I would never ask for help but I WOULD accept help, actually .. that's pretty much the way its done in our family and when I've gone to friends/vice versa.

Same with us - we always end up with the women in the kitchen cleaning up and chatting and the men off elsewhere being loud. Chat Icon

And I always insist on helping out when I'm over anywhere for dinner.

And never come empty-handed! Chat Icon

Ditto on all accounts Chat Icon

double ditto on all accounts!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 8:39 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: Heres an etiquette question

i automatically help to clean.. maybe because i was so usedto it growing up in a household with 6 siblings and me being the oldest. I was always cleaning!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 8:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Its definitely nice and courteous to offer to help clean up. Its very rare that somebody actually ACCEPTED my offer to help.

Usually they just say "thanks... but I got it". Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 10:47 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

I always offer. EXCEPT at my Inlaws house. They made their 7 month pregnant daughter comeover and cook them Christmas (at their house) dinner while my MIL sat on the couch.

BUT the main reason why is because I once put Ice cream away at their house while I cleaned off the table. My FIL opened the freezer and the ice cream slid out of the freezer. WELL He threw it across the kitchen and Screamed "Who put the F-ING Ice Cream away" I was so upset (My parents never yell) That was the last time I ever helped them. They didn't like the way I did then he can do it himself!

Posted 7/27/05 11:09 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heres an etiquette question

Posted by june262004

I always offer. EXCEPT at my Inlaws house. They made their 7 month pregnant daughter comeover and cook them Christmas (at their house) dinner while my MIL sat on the couch.

BUT the main reason why is because I once put Ice cream away at their house while I cleaned off the table. My FIL opened the freezer and the ice cream slid out of the freezer. WELL He threw it across the kitchen and Screamed "Who put the F-ING Ice Cream away" I was so upset (My parents never yell) That was the last time I ever helped them. They didn't like the way I did then he can do it himself!

Chat Icon he sounds like a real gem!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 11:11 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Heres an etiquette question

UMMM YEAH. I have no Idea where Mike and his Sister came from.

Posted 7/27/05 11:12 PM
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