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Man or woman boss?

Forum Opinion Poll
Prefer to work for a man 32 57.14%
Prefer to work for a woman 6 10.71%
no preference 18 32.14%

POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

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Happy New Year

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Posted by baghag

It doesn't matter for me- I have had good and not so good bosses from both sexes.

Same here.

Posted 9/30/05 11:27 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Posted by nov04libride

With my female bosses (I've had two) they have always been competitive with me. With my first boss they were going to fire her and keep me, but I left because I didn't like it there anyway. My current boss is jealous of me getting a higher degree and then being able to move up in positions, when she kind of stagnated because she didn't go for a terminal degree.

My secretary also talks back and is a nightmare. I don't know if it's the age difference (I'm mid 20s and she's mid 60s...I get the feeling she doesn't like listening to what I ask her to do). But men generally just seem less catty. The women here, bosses included, spend a lot of time gossiping. Men seem more on task.

I think the age REALLY makes a difference in the relationship. Even just a few years can totally change things. Our summer interns have no respect for me b/c I am in their age range- they look at me as a peer. Chat Icon

I disagree with the part about men not being as gossipy as women, though that might just be my company. 90% of the staff here is men, and they are WORSE than the women. They are just as competitive and snarky, and it seems to be directed at the females, like they are trying to keep them down and out of the running for the better positions.

Posted 9/30/05 11:32 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

A man

Posted 9/30/05 11:33 AM


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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Posted by Redhead

A man

me to !

Posted 9/30/05 11:43 AM


Member since 6/05

3321 total posts


Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Men definately.

I've worked for women before and you just want to strangle them.

Posted 9/30/05 11:56 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

If women only want to work for men- then why do we all bother working? Why don't we all just return to the kitchens? Or stick with "female" jobs like secretaries and beauticians?

Posted 9/30/05 12:00 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Posted by Sassyz75

If women only want to work for men- then why do we all bother working? Why don't we all just return to the kitchens? Or stick with "female" jobs like secretaries and beauticians?

I hate to say this, but the responses are very upsetting to me. I agree- why have we worked so hard, become so educated- when women don't even want to work for other women? Could it be that we expect men to be tough and women to be our friends, and when they turn out to be tough too- they are b1tches!!

"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a b!tch." ~ Bette Davis

Message edited 9/30/2005 12:05:37 PM.

Posted 9/30/05 12:05 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Posted by Shellyesq

Posted by Sassyz75

If women only want to work for men- then why do we all bother working? Why don't we all just return to the kitchens? Or stick with "female" jobs like secretaries and beauticians?

I hate to say this, but the responses are very upsetting to me. I agree- why have we worked so hard, become so educated- when women don't even want to work for other women? Could it be that we expect men to be tough and women to be our friends, and when they turn out to be tough too- they are b1tches!!

"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a b!tch." ~ Bette Davis

I understand what you're all saying and I do think it's due to the sexist mentality that some women become bears to work for but whatever teh reason, it seems that a lot of women tend more to be difficult to work for - they see other women more as their competition (usually only room for 1 woman at the top) and they also do feel more that they have something to prove just by virtue of being a woman. So, expectations can be completely unrealistic and the management style is more controlling, in general, than most men.

The reasons behind this are socially induced and that needs to change, of course. However, at this current time, I would in general prefer to work for a man than a woman.

Message edited 9/30/2005 12:15:36 PM.

Posted 9/30/05 12:14 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

Posted by Shellyesq

I hate to say this, but the responses are very upsetting to me. I agree- why have we worked so hard, become so educated- when women don't even want to work for other women? Could it be that we expect men to be tough and women to be our friends, and when they turn out to be tough too- they are b1tches!!

"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a b!tch." ~ Bette Davis

They bother me too, but I have to say I am not shocked. I think women are "supposed" to act a certain way, and when we try to be professional and hold people to a high standard, we are perceived as b!tches. I think we still have a long way to go in the workforce, both to get equal pay, and to be good mentors for other women.

I work in a traditionally male dominated field, but I have a female boss I think is great and she has been a great mentor to me (and so is her boss - a man.)

Message edited 9/30/2005 12:26:07 PM.

Posted 9/30/05 12:23 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

DEf a MAN- woman can be so caddy, men are whiners but they are easier to work with IMO.

edited to say : Remember the question was what do we prefer- not would we ONLY work either or.

Message edited 9/30/2005 12:26:05 PM.

Posted 9/30/05 12:24 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

As a female I would much rather work for a man. I find that women tend to favor their maile workers over the women.

Posted 9/30/05 12:26 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

I have been on both sides of the coin. I am in charge of a bunch of people. Plus i do have a boss. IMO i have just had GREAT working experiences with my male bosses. I have only had a female boss for approximately a year now. It is different but not bad. I just picked men because i have had EXCELLENT male bosses who have been very good to me.

As a female in an supervisory role....IT S*CKS. ESPECIALLY when working with FEMALES. Men so far in my experience are just much easier to work with !!!

Message edited 9/30/2005 12:27:39 PM.

Posted 9/30/05 12:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?

i definitely prefer having a male boss. i've had two female and two male bosses. the biggest difference i've seen is that my female bosses try to be my friend and then end up telling me all about their personal lives. struggles with their kids, husbands etc. as if b/c i'm a woman i can commiserate with them. but i feel like, i'm at work let's leave our personal lives out of things. i'm fine with talking about tv shows, or movies, or books etc, but i don't want to hear about your kids not doing their hw or your hubby not taking out the trash. my male bosses have kept it much more professional while still being friendly at the same time.

also from my current boss i get a very jealous vibe. i'm 28, no kids, live in manhattan. she's 50, 2 terror children (from the way she describes them), and lives in east bumble and has a 2 hour commute. i feel like she wishes she were back at my stage of life and resents me for it...

anyway, i'm leaving here soon and at my new job i'll have a male boss Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/05 12:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: POLL: Which would you prefer to work for - a man or a woman?


Posted 9/30/05 12:52 PM
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