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She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

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Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

My son just got over having bronchiolitis @ 6 weeks. Thats also viral so there was nothing more to do once they ruled out that it wasnt something else causing the fever. We were at the ER 2x and at the pediatrician 5 out of 7 days that week (2 weeks ago) He was not keeping anything down which is why we ended up at the ER. Ultimately he was on straight Pedialyte for a day or 2 - thank God he was keeping that down b/c they tried at the hospital to get an IV into him - 5x!! It was beyond heartbreaking and I had to resist the urge to scoop him up and flee. If they did urine and bloodtests on your daughter, it sounds like they've pretty much confirmed its viral. Did they suggest a spinal tap? Not that you want to do it (of course!) but when I was at the ER (LIJ) they said they will generally do that as part of the work up for a newborn with a fever. My pediatrician was insisting on seeing my son everyday once they didnt keep him at the hospital but he was having trouble breathing so I know he wanted to stay on top of that. Its very upsetting as a Mother to have a sick child, especially one so young so I can totally sympathize. Neither of my other children were sick this young - its so hard to feel like you cant do much more than you are doing. As long as you are in constant contact with your pediatrician so they are aware of your daughters constant state of being, and shes staying hydrated - which is the most important thing with a virus since they cant do much else - you are doing a great job. Follow your gut though, if you feel like she needs to be seen again, even if its everyday, dont hesitate to call the doctors office. I'd rather be the "PITA parent" than sit home worrying if its something else. I hope to hear she's feeling 100% very soon.

Posted 7/21/06 8:15 AM
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LIF Infant

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Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

I hope everything is okay. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 8:26 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

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Posted 7/21/06 8:32 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Posted by Elizabeth

My son just got over having bronchiolitis @ 6 weeks. Thats also viral so there was nothing more to do once they ruled out that it wasnt something else causing the fever. We were at the ER 2x and at the pediatrician 5 out of 7 days that week (2 weeks ago) He was not keeping anything down which is why we ended up at the ER. Ultimately he was on straight Pedialyte for a day or 2 - thank God he was keeping that down b/c they tried at the hospital to get an IV into him - 5x!! It was beyond heartbreaking and I had to resist the urge to scoop him up and flee. If they did urine and bloodtests on your daughter, it sounds like they've pretty much confirmed its viral. Did they suggest a spinal tap? Not that you want to do it (of course!) but when I was at the ER (LIJ) they said they will generally do that as part of the work up for a newborn with a fever. My pediatrician was insisting on seeing my son everyday once they didnt keep him at the hospital but he was having trouble breathing so I know he wanted to stay on top of that. Its very upsetting as a Mother to have a sick child, especially one so young so I can totally sympathize. Neither of my other children were sick this young - its so hard to feel like you cant do much more than you are doing. As long as you are in constant contact with your pediatrician so they are aware of your daughters constant state of being, and shes staying hydrated - which is the most important thing with a virus since they cant do much else - you are doing a great job. Follow your gut though, if you feel like she needs to be seen again, even if its everyday, dont hesitate to call the doctors office. I'd rather be the "PITA parent" than sit home worrying if its something else. I hope to hear she's feeling 100% very soon.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon 's to you and you DS. As for Gracie they suggested a spinal tap if the fever does not go away, BUT only as a last resort. I pray it does not come to that.

Posted 7/21/06 8:53 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Posted by Stacey1403

Was she around anyone who was sick at all?

Nope. I have no clue how she got this!!! Actually a friend kids had strep two weeks ago. I hung out with my friend (who was not sick) without the kids (hers and mine) so I doubt it is from her. That is the only person who I knew had sick kids recently, but as I stated Grace was not around them.

Posted 7/21/06 8:56 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Maddie had very high fevers (101, 102, 103) when she was three weeks old. It was coxsackie. It ran its course. It's so scary when they're sick.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

eta. any newborn with a fever has to be hospitalized & has to get a spinal tap. I know you know it already but I wouldn't want a new mom to think that a newborn with a fever is ok. Maddie was hospitalized for 4 days.

Message edited 7/21/2006 9:07:52 AM.

Posted 7/21/06 9:06 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Posted by nrthshgrl

Maddie had very high fevers (101, 102, 103) when she was three weeks old. It was coxsackie. It ran its course. It's so scary when they're sick.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

eta. any newborn with a fever has to be hospitalized & has to get a spinal tap. I know you know it already but I wouldn't want a new mom to think that a newborn with a fever is ok. Maddie was hospitalized for 4 days.

Here fever has been between 98.9 and 101.5 consistantly. I never went above 101.5, I think that is why they did not do the spnal tap yet, I don't know.

BTW: WHat is coxsacie???

Posted 7/21/06 9:09 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

It really does sound like she has cosackie (sp?). It's a virus that's VERY common for young babies in the summer, marked with high fevers and lethargy. Also, with cosackie it's VERY common for the fever to go away and then come back. Alex had it for a few days. It wasn't fun, but she was fine after about 5 or 6 days... don't worry that your daughter is only 9 weeks old - Alex was in daycare at that time and she had her first cold around then and she recovered just fine... you'll be so amazed at how resilient they are...

Posted 7/21/06 9:28 AM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Steven was sick with RSV with numerous dr visits and 2 ER visits. The day after he was given the all clear sign from the RSV he started 21 days of on and off fevers. The dr said since he was in the hospital he probably caught something there!!!!

It was absolutely horrible! I felt so bad for him and felt there was nothing I could do be hold him and I did!

Know that you are a good mother giving your daughter everything she needs!

Posted 7/21/06 9:35 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Posted by Bxgell2

It really does sound like she has cosackie (sp?). It's a virus that's VERY common for young babies in the summer, marked with high fevers and lethargy. Also, with cosackie it's VERY common for the fever to go away and then come back. Alex had it for a few days. It wasn't fun, but she was fine after about 5 or 6 days... don't worry that your daughter is only 9 weeks old - Alex was in daycare at that time and she had her first cold around then and she recovered just fine... you'll be so amazed at how resilient they are...

Honestly, it does sound like coxsackie. Most fevers don't get that high with it, usually they're just low grade. It does go away & come back. Maybe it was because Maddie's immune system was so new?? The reason she needed to be hospitalized was that they were unsure if it was menegitis. They did multiple spinal taps in ER but they couldn't get a sample without blood. Finally I told them they couldnt' touch her anymore & asked what the alternative was. it was to stay in the hospital.

Posted 7/21/06 10:07 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

Posted by dandr10199

Thanks ladies! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I feel so much better reading all of your responses. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you that everything will be OK and that you are doing a good job as a mommy.

I am happy to report that Gracie's fever has not reared its ugly head in 3 hours and she kept the last two feedings down. I pray that this is the beginning of the end of this virus. Chat Icon

yay - I hope that is the end of the yucky virus. Feel better GracieChat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 10:10 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

BUMP for update...we are back from the doctor.

Posted 7/21/06 12:26 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

I am sorry little Gracie has to go through this -- and you too! I hope you're both feeling well in no time! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 12:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: She is only 9 weeks old and Gracie has a virus (UPDATED 7/21)

I hope you are both feeling better real soon!!!

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Posted 7/21/06 12:33 PM
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