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ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Baby girls & beagles rock!

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ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

So Ive been out of the house a month. My brother has been out for years. My room and my bros room are in the basement and my sisters room is upstairs next to my parents room.

Anyway, I still have a ton of stuff in my room that needs to be gone through and stuff that I need to find places for. I told them that Id get to it asap but I needed to get the school year started and I have been swamped with grad work and school work.

PS..My little bratty 16 year old sister starts complaining that she wants my room and that I need to get my sh it out. I told her the world does not revolve around her and that I need time to do it blahblah. My parents agreed. NOT to brothers room has been totally empty for years and we use it for storage.

ANyway I was just talking to my dad on the phone and he tells me he and my sister picked out paint for HER new room and that he PACKED up my stuff and put it out in the basement (we have a large room outside our rooms) for me to go through when I get a chance.

I AM SOOOOOO MAD!!!! First of all, he could have frekkin asked! and second of all, she always gets exactly what she wants cause she yells and complains about it until my parents just give in. If she wanted to go downstairs so bad she could have taken my brothers room!

ARGH...I am so upset and I feel that packing up the rest of that room is something I kinda "needed" to do, ya know? I guess it sounds dumb, but I spent 20 years of my life there!!

Thanks for listening guys...Im gonna go over there to check out the damage.

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Posted 9/16/06 8:56 PM
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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 9:16 PM

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 9:18 PM

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Chat Icon I feel your Dad did the same to me for my little brother & MADE me come pick up like 9 HUGE boxes because there was no room for them.

It stinks ...but take the time to go thru them there & take home what you want & get rid of the rest. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/06 9:21 PM


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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

i;m sorry jenChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/06 9:21 PM

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 9:40 PM

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 10:05 PM

big brother <3

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

JMHO, but my dad did the same thing to me but threw everything away. I didn't get a warning that it was getting thrown away...One week everything was there, the next my room was a work out room with a treadmill and putting green. I think you are lucky that he took the time to box it up for you.

Message edited 9/16/2006 10:07:56 PM.

Posted 9/16/06 10:07 PM


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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Something similar happened with me and it still kills me to go home and not have "a place"...

I totally understand. Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/06 10:09 PM

5 years!!!!

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Posted by nov04libride

JMHO, but my dad did the same thing to me but threw everything away. I didn't get a warning that it was getting thrown away...One week everything was there, the next my room was a work out room with a treadmill and putting green. I think you are lucky that he took the time to box it up for you.

I completely agree. Atleast they didnt throw everything out and was nice enough to pack it all up and leave it for you to go through.

Posted 9/16/06 10:17 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 10:24 PM

Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Ok I just got home from a hysterical crying fight with my sister and father.

My sister is just the most selfish person on the planet...

25 years of my life just gone...they even PAINTED the room.

And they didnt "box" everything up more like threw everything in bags ... My antique jewelry box from my gram that is like my most prized possession was on the floor with my jewelry like thrown on the top of it...DIAMOND jewelry.

My mom apparently had no clue they did this and is LIVID...she is out with my aunt and has been all day.

My dad just called to apologize....and I get it..he is a man and wouldnt understand why this would be so important for me, but Im just so hurt. I havent cried like this is such a long time. The thought of my sister and father going through all my stuff makes me want to puke.

Posted 9/16/06 10:29 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 10:40 PM

Three Under Four!!! :-)

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Posted by Wendy1220

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Posted 9/16/06 10:41 PM

My Happy Girl

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 10:42 PM


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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Posted by Jen2999

Ok I just got home from a hysterical crying fight with my sister and father.

My sister is just the most selfish person on the planet...

25 years of my life just gone...they even PAINTED the room.

And they didnt "box" everything up more like threw everything in bags ... My antique jewelry box from my gram that is like my most prized possession was on the floor with my jewelry like thrown on the top of it...DIAMOND jewelry.

My mom apparently had no clue they did this and is LIVID...she is out with my aunt and has been all day.

My dad just called to apologize....and I get it..he is a man and wouldnt understand why this would be so important for me, but Im just so hurt. I havent cried like this is such a long time. The thought of my sister and father going through all my stuff makes me want to puke.

Aww..I completely understand. My mom did a lot of this for me. She did it in a respectful way, but basically, by the time I got back from the honeymoon I was gone from that room. It was so upsetting to go back. I got to have one last "night" in it and that was it.

It is hard to go back and not have that "place" --- I don't know if I am the only one right now that completely understands, but I really do. The paint is different? Totally hard.

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Posted 9/16/06 10:59 PM

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 11:04 PM


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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Posted 9/16/06 11:07 PM


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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

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Sorry you are going through this! Go over there and give em hell! Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/06 11:12 PM

Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

The thing that kills me my brother sh it is still exactly how he left it. His cologne bottles still on the shelf, pajamas in the drawers, movies on his tv stand...

and he has seriously not lived home in 4 or 5 years!!!

I was going over there tues, wed and thurs this week cause DH will be away and my plan was to go through more stuff which they KNEW.

My mom is playing all innocent and trying to play me against my dad even more which is lovely.

Posted 9/16/06 11:55 PM

Life is Good!!

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

im so sorry - my parents did pratically the same thing when i got my first apt. I was so upset and angry bc i went there one week after moving out and my old room was empty except for two boxes of my stuff.
family and little siblings can be loads of fun at times!!

Posted 9/17/06 12:50 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

I would feel the same way!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon My room at my Moms I consider my room still!

Posted 9/17/06 1:16 AM

Three Under Four!!! :-)

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

Well, I'm glad you're out of there to start your NEW life!!! Sorry you had to go through this!!!

Posted 9/17/06 1:18 AM

is not the girl you knew

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

my dad did the same thing almost--- except he threw out EVERYTHING of mine. eveyrthing. there was sooooo much cenitmental things he threw out (like my things from my grandpa who died, the ONLY picture i had of my sister i never met, etc)

so to be honest i dont really see why you are so upset....Chat Icon

nothing of yours was thrown away? they meerly moved it out of the room... maybe to light a fire under ya to go thrrew it.

i dont see the big deal AT ALL to be honest. why would you be upset your sister has the room and wanted to paint it??

i can see more that youd be upset that your brothers room is still empty.... but paint? and moving your things?

im sorry and i really hope im not comign off as bytchy, i dont mean to by any means, i just dont see the big deal.

sorry youre upset over it.

Posted 9/17/06 1:36 AM

My bunny

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Re: ugh I am so upset with my dad right now...

i wouldnt be too upset!

your stuff didnt get thrown out.

is your room bigger than your sisters? when my older sister moved out, i repainted her room when the car still down the block. i was in the smaller bedroom for 20 years, i had enough.

you have a beautiful house and a wonderful new husband - does it really matter if your siister took your old room?

Posted 9/17/06 6:59 AM
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