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How did you furnish your home?

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Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


How did you furnish your home?

Meaning, financially, I guess.

We want to pay cash for everything so we have to do it a little at a time... I can only imagine that this is not how most people do it since I see that alot of people buy a house and instantly have it fully furnished. My SIL got a house 2 years ago and they did that ... we came to find out later that they charged everything.

Not that it matters either way, I'm just wondering how people do it in general. Do you just charge everything at once, did you use money from the sale of another home or condo, did you have a good chunk of cash saved up for just that purpose, etc?

Posted 3/22/06 9:51 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We are still in an apartment, but really needed new furniture badly. We do it a little at a time, and will continue to do that once we have a house. I would prefer to pay for it when I have the money and make do with whatever we have until we feel like we have the money in the bank to spend on furniture. For us, it is not worth having a monthly payment for furnishings and gives us time to think about how we want to decorate, one room at a time.

The only exception to this would be a washer/dryer. I would definitely consider charging that immediately! I have already told DH that I would want those before any piece of furniture!

Posted 3/22/06 9:56 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

I buy pieces when we have the cash. I refuse to pay a couch off in 2 years. Doesnt make sense to me

Posted 3/22/06 10:01 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

paid for it was part of our saving $ for house fund... so when we bought the house, we were able to furnish..

Posted 3/22/06 10:05 AM

just the girls

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We payed 1/2 in cash and 1/2 in CC thats been long payed off

Posted 3/22/06 10:10 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

When we moved into our apt, the only new things we bought were the computer desk, the bed & mattress, kitchen table and chairs. We paid in cash. The rest of the stuff was a combination of hand me downs from our parents and our old furniture. We waited until we had cash to buy new things that matched.

Posted 3/22/06 10:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We do it a little at a time. We've only been in our house for less than a year. So, last year when I was paid out for my sick time we used that money to buy living room furniture. This year when I get paid out we may use the money to buy bedroom furniture.

Posted 3/22/06 10:36 AM

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LC's Mommy

Re: How did you furnish your home?

I am wondering the same thing. We are looking to move soon and I want/need new furniture.

Posted 3/22/06 10:43 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We buy piece by piece and prefer to deal in cash (but we will use the CC and just pay it off.)

DH and I don't like matching sets, so taking our time and finding individual pieces we love works best for us.

Posted 3/22/06 10:45 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We took advantage of no-interest promotions at a couple of stores and made sure we paid it off before there were any finance charges added on.

Posted 3/22/06 10:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We do room by room. Once we have 1/2 in cash we order it. We do this buy using our Frequent Flier card for the deposit and total and then by time it comes in most of the time we have 75% of the total in cash for it and the rest we pay as we can.

Hence why it took us 3 years to get a brand new bedroom set and leather sectional. This also gives us time to really shop around and find what's perfect.

We never had an empty house just had gently used hand me downs or furniture we bought from Cort.

Posted 3/22/06 10:51 AM

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We have been purchasing things one room at a time. We had set aside enough money to purchase a couch and chair set for the living room and a bed for our master bedroom when we purchased our home; but we still have a lot of open space in our home. Neither of us came to the marriage with any furniture to speak of so we are gradually purchasing things. We saved enough for a kitchen set in January and now we are looking for a bedroom set. But we do not go out and put things on the cc without the cash in the bank to pay it off at the end of the month.

Posted 3/22/06 10:57 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

Cash only. We never use credit cards, unless they give us a year to pay it off with no interest, like Sears when we got our appliances, then we pay it each month until the payment is done. Even with our new heating and central AC install next week, we did not finance, we are paying for it in full at the time of completion (thankfully we got a nice tax return!)

I guess that's why our house isn't completly finshed and we've been here more than 5 years!

Posted 3/22/06 11:35 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We purchased it on our credit cards and paid them off immediately to earn points and rewards. We had to wait for anything else that we couldn't afford and only just got a new kitchen dinette set. We could only afford a couch and chair for our living room and just ordered another chair and ottoman to complete the set - a year laterChat Icon

Posted 3/22/06 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

3206 total posts


Re: How did you furnish your home?

Posted by Christine

We took advantage of no-interest promotions at a couple of stores and made sure we paid it off before there were any finance charges added on.


Posted 3/22/06 12:04 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

Message edited 1/30/2009 2:06:38 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 12:13 PM


Member since 5/05

4646 total posts


Re: How did you furnish your home?

Posted by Christine

We took advantage of no-interest promotions at a couple of stores and made sure we paid it off before there were any finance charges added on.

We did this w/ some stuff too at first. No payments, no interest for 2 years. We paid it off with out tax refunds.Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/06 12:21 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We're one of the rare ones. We paid cash for our living room and bedroom sets. Levitz was having a 15% off sale and we got a little bit more since we were buying two rooms worth of furniture. We're using our existing kitchen table and my mom's old dining room table for now. We also have a nursery to furnish which is more important to us than kitchen and dining room furniture, we'll get to it eventually.

Message edited 3/22/2006 12:26:12 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 12:24 PM

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Member since 11/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

we make people sit on the floor Chat Icon

we buy things a little at a time and attempt many a DIY solution.

Posted 3/22/06 12:27 PM


Member since 11/05

1984 total posts


Re: How did you furnish your home?

We plan on doing little by little--we have some furniture right now from our apartment, but most of it we need to buy new. We will probably pay cash & do little by little or we might finance them at the store--usually when they have those programs where you don't have to pay interest or anythign for two years--i think those are the best as long as you pay it off before that period is over.

Posted 3/22/06 12:57 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

When I get something in my head I want it right that second. For our dining room set we took out a no interest card that needs to be paid off by 2007. We will make sure that it is paid off completely. It really depends on the cost of what we are buying. Anything that is not THAT big of an expense we will just pay cash.

Posted 3/22/06 12:58 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: How did you furnish your home?

All of the furniture that we've bought for the new house so far has been paid for in cash, thanks to the profit that we made on the sale of our townhouse.

Posted 3/22/06 1:47 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

Posted by KaRiSsA

Posted by Christine

We took advantage of no-interest promotions at a couple of stores and made sure we paid it off before there were any finance charges added on.

We did this w/ some stuff too at first. No payments, no interest for 2 years. We paid it off with out tax refunds.Chat Icon


Posted 3/22/06 1:59 PM

Double Trouble!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

We used both forms of payment. But, before we bought a place I set aside approx. 5K for furniture, so that everything can be paid off. We live in a condo!

Posted 3/22/06 4:55 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: How did you furnish your home?

Very, very slowly. We've taken a lot of hand me downs and refinished things and we've bought things at garage sales and salvation army. the things we had to have (i.e. mattress set, couch) we had to charge because we just don't have any cash now that we own a house, but we've just restrained ourselves and resigned ourselves that we won't be one of those couples that you described that moves in and has an instantly furnished home.

Posted 3/22/06 8:21 PM
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