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Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

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You Live, You Learn

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Re: Another question for teachers.....

Posted by JenniferEver

Kids get "rewarded" by good grades anyway, so there is an incentive, there's always an incentive, but since grades won't really "matter" until HS (or Jr High, depending on what kind of HS you want to go to), it's hard for kids to wrap their minds around the importance of good grades. Parents incentivize good grades all the time, even though kids are "supposed to" get good grades anyway. i don't really see anything wrong with teachers doing it in class. For kids, whether it's stars or a pizza party, putting something in currency they can understand is good.

I don't see a problem with it.

but that is a NATURAL incentive

imo there is a difference

just like when you have a job...a paycheck is a NATURAL incentive

i am not going to be getting any tickets at the end of the day for doing my responsibilities

Posted 9/26/06 6:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Another question for teachers.....

Unfortunatly, many students just don't do their homework because they're supposed to and many times they don't have parents at home that are able to help or that care to help. Or, that think that a plethora of other things are more important than doing homework. The children are learning these behaviors from their parents, and students just don't do their work. I try a combination of rewarding for good behaviors, and having consequences for incorrect behaviors.

For example, if a student does not have their homework they have to write their name down and sign that they did not have their work, and then complete it during recess. At the end of the week, students that did not have their name written down for homework or other inappropriate behaviors, get a ticket and their name gets drawn for a prize.

Many of my students would complete their work with or without the rewards. But I also have many students who won't do their homework without having consequences.

Posted 9/26/06 6:12 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: Another question for teachers.....

I teach 1st grade and not so much this year yet -- but in the past I've had problems with kids doing their homework. So I do a reward chart and when the kids fill up 25 stickers for doing their HW 25 times --- they get a little prize.

The prices are little toys that would go in goodie bags that I get from the party store in Brooklyn and they are inexpensive -- but I have found that the kids respond to it.

Posted 9/26/06 6:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Another question for teachers.....

I teach 3rd grade...The students are expected to complete their HW in my class...they are not rewarded for doing so. I do try to "catch" the students in my class "being good" though. Students are given a small sticker when I "catch" them going out of their way do do something nice for another student, help someone who is having difficulty in a subject, make a new friend, etc. All students are expected to "be good" but its something different for a student to go above and beyond and those are the students who I reward. Is this what you think the teacher meant?

Posted 9/26/06 6:43 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Another question for teachers.....

sorry...i should have specified....

this is 8th grade i'm talking about

Posted 9/26/06 7:02 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

Um, no way. You do your homework because it's like the bare minimum expectation.

Posted 9/26/06 7:14 PM

My boys

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Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

Is this a special ed classroom? Is student taught in 6th grade special ed and the classroom teacher did the same exact things. There was a hw chart and everytime they did it they got a star...these would lead to a hw pass that they could choose a subject not to do hw in for one night.

There were also star charts on each child's desk (there were only 9)......when they were being good, working hard, cooperating they got a star......they needed a predetermined amount of stars by the end of the week to get free time on Fridays.

Unfortunately even these things only worked for a short time.

Posted 9/26/06 7:24 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

Posted by betty

Is this a special ed classroom? Is student taught in 6th grade special ed and the classroom teacher did the same exact things. There was a hw chart and everytime they did it they got a star...these would lead to a hw pass that they could choose a subject not to do hw in for one night.

There were also star charts on each child's desk (there were only 9)......when they were being good, working hard, cooperating they got a star......they needed a predetermined amount of stars by the end of the week to get free time on Fridays.

Unfortunately even these things only worked for a short time.

nope, not a special ed class at all.

Posted 9/26/06 7:27 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

My natural incentive was that my parents would have been all over my butt if they heard I didn't do my homework. In fact, my mom refused to hear that I had no homework - she would tell me "you must have something you can study....."

I think the problem is that a lot of parents are not involved enough in what their children should be doing at school The teachers get frustrated so they try something they think will work.

Posted 9/26/06 7:34 PM

it's me

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Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

Posted by mosh913

I personally don't think there is anything wrong with it. If that's her management plan and it works, then more power to her. I once heard someone compare being a student to having a job. We get paid for our job, and they should get some sort of reward too. I've heard of giving tickets for caught being kind, not caught working hard. I use a class marble jar, and have table points as well as the "super student" of the day. They're all incentives for kids to work hard, and follow the rules, especially in the first few weeks of school when they're learning the routines and procedures.

I agree. I always tell my staff to "catch em" doing something good, and praise them however fit.

Posted 9/26/06 7:44 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

Posted by Redhead

Posted by JenniferEver

Kids get "rewarded" by good grades anyway, so there is an incentive, there's always an incentive, but since grades won't really "matter" until HS (or Jr High, depending on what kind of HS you want to go to), it's hard for kids to wrap their minds around the importance of good grades. Parents incentivize good grades all the time, even though kids are "supposed to" get good grades anyway. i don't really see anything wrong with teachers doing it in class. For kids, whether it's stars or a pizza party, putting something in currency they can understand is good.

I don't see a problem with it.

but that is a NATURAL incentive

imo there is a difference

just like when you have a job...a paycheck is a NATURAL incentive

i am not going to be getting any tickets at the end of the day for doing my responsibilities

But even at work there are rewards for doing your job well. bonuses, casual fridays, picnics, dinners, etc.

Posted 9/26/06 9:33 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question for Middle School Teachers.....

I only believe in this in the event that there is an issue with homework not getting done in the class. Some kids need that external motivation. I do not believe it should be done prior to any issues though . . . . and it should be done on a private as needed basis if it is only a handful of kids . . . .

Posted 9/26/06 10:06 PM
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