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Asking for prayers for my Dad... updated 8/8

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2012--A year of new beginnings

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Asking for prayers for my Dad... updated 8/8

Spent 6 hours in the ER today--my Dad might be in congestive heart failure. He has a looooong list of ailments, and it doens't look good. They are talking about intubating him and it is bad for someone with heart and lung disease, if they put him on it, he might never go off, in which case, he wants us to pull the plug. Chat Icon

I am just popping on to pick up some clothes and am going to stay with my mom tonight.

Could everyone please say a prayer for him? Thank you.

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They intubated him Monday night and he has been on a ventilator, sedated, since. He had a fever last night and they think he has an infection in his lungs. They are stabilizing his oxygen levels, but the carbon dioxide in his blood is in the 70s when it should be about 30something. This is really bad. That's why he was falling asleep so much in the last few weeks. The ER nurses and doctors were so horrible to us, they were so nasty and mean and made us feel so bad that we didn't take him in before--but he refused to go to the hospital. we have been begging him for weeks. anyway.

They think it's congestive heart failure, he's on lots of medications, but he's staying about the same.

Today it's my 30th birthday. I am praying that he will come through and give me a great present, that he'll get better and that he'll be able to be weaned off the machines. He doesn't want to live on a machine, so if they can't get him off of it, we have a very horrible decision to make.

Thank you all for your prayers. Every littel bit helps.


well, he was very restless yesterday and was shaking his head and rolling it back and forth (picture Stevie Wonder really angry) and making lots of pained faces, trying unconsciously to get the tuibes out. He was also trying to pull the tubes out with his hands but his arms are tied down with cloth restraints. The fever is down, thank God, but he's still about the same. his CO2 levels are down to what is normal for someone with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Emphysema.

They are actually able to clean out his lungs a little bit--it's disgusting what is coming up. PLEASE, smokers, PLEASE TRY TO STOP SMOKING--watching him suffer like this is all because of cigarettes and his stupid addiction to them.

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Today they are going to try to get him off of the sedative--which I am nervous about because he will be very angry and agitated when he comes off and may not cooperate (he never was a good patient). The cardiologist is supposed to come in today and hopefully he will have good news from the EEG or EKG or whatever it is. His heart is really bad though.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. Off to another night in the hospital. Chat Icon

Wow, It has been a roller coaster but finally today I have some good news!!
They have been trying to wean my dad off of the ventilator a little each day so they were unplugging the tube in his throat from the machine and seeing if he could breathe on his own! and today he finally did it!! YEsterday was the first time I saw him awake in a week, and he looked like he was in a lot of pain and he tried to write something but it was only scribble, so they had to sedate him again because he was getting really upset and agitated. SO today when we called in the morning they said that he was actually off of the machine, and the tube was out as well!!!

We spent over 4 hours there, at first watching him sleep but then he woke up and we were talking to him... it was hard for him but he did it, he keeps mumbling but hopefully that was because of the tube and not because of a lack of oxygen.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and your FMs, they mean so much to me. I will try to answer them soon, I have been living at my parents' so this is the first time i've dared tie up their phone line to use my dad's laptop.

I will keep you updated!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


It has truly been a roller coaster. My dad is finally out of ICU and is in his own room, well, in a room with 3 other cranky old guys... they are a match made in heaven!!

My dad fell the first day off of the ventilator, they had him sitting up in a chair because he had been in bed not moving for a week, and he fell out of it. He is a very big man and he hit his head on the wall, on the computer desk next to his bed, and the chair itself, he really bashed himself a good one. Thankfully he is ok, no permanent damage!!

They are keeping him there until they can get his oxygen levels stable, and until they can get all of his medicines to interact well--he is on about 20 different things and they discovered that some were counteracting others... HELLO.. why didn't they see this before??????

Anyway thank you so much for all of your prayers. I am so grateful, and I really think they helped!!

I will keep you updated!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/8/2006 10:45:39 PM.

Posted 8/1/06 12:41 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

Yikes! Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family at this trying time.
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Don't stop believing!

Posted 8/1/06 1:05 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 1:05 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

OMG...I know what your feeling my father has had four bypasses, kidney operations, a nerve in his stomach removed, and now he has parkisons (can't spell) he is its sad to say going. He doesnt remeber names, peoople, or places, except for things he did as a pathmark manager, he drools alot and you cant understand what he says. He also swears my mom is cheating on him and talks to all different men and has a secret jjob. He is now 76. So my best of prayers go out to you and your family!

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Posted 8/1/06 1:29 AM

I'm a mommy :)

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

your dad and your family are in my prayersChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 1:38 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 6:18 AM

I Love You to Pieces!

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 6:53 AM

My Loves!

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 7:06 AM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 7:09 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 7:15 AM

My miracles!

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

You have my prayers.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 8:00 AM

Better than the news!

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:00 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:17 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:22 AM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:24 AM

Our prayers were answered:)

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:25 AM

i run for bacon

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:28 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:34 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:37 AM


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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:43 AM

Don't Worry...Be Happy

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:44 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:44 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

oh sweety i am sooooo sorry! hope things get better soon!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 8:44 AM


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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:46 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: Asking for prayers for my Dad...

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Posted 8/1/06 8:49 AM
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