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Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

2592 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

I jinxed myself by reading this post. One of these stupid crickets followed me into my garage. It hopped away to fast to catch it. Hopefully his friends are still outsideChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 9:16 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Oh my god Kara, we have them too! I HATE CRICKETS!!! I'm hoping that once it gets colder, they will go away!!

Posted 9/6/06 11:48 AM


Member since 1/06

9758 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Who needs an exterminator? I'll send my dog over. She loves catching them!

Posted 9/6/06 11:53 AM

"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05

1252 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Posted by dita

Who needs an exterminator? I'll send my dog over. She loves catching them!

lol deal

Posted 9/14/06 4:19 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Posted by Meaghan729

I live in Farmingdale and we get them too - so do our neighbors!

We also have this problem in our basement. DH and I argue who is going to kill it and usually DH does it Chat Icon . They gross me out. I hear them in front of my house and it is so annoying. I am not a big bug person to begin with. I think we are going to have buy some sort of spray.

Posted 9/14/06 6:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1908 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

We've had problems in the basement with the dark black ones until the first frost then they disappear. I just sprayed the baseboards with Ortho Home Defense Max and that has helped - but I think you all jinxed me - we'd had some in the family room but hadn't seen them for a few days since we sprayed - until just now when one crawled by!!!

Posted 9/14/06 7:03 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

189 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

we noticed a couple of weeks ago a few crickets that my cat had killed. it looks like they may be coming in by the fireplace. we need a pet safe way to get rid of them.

Posted 9/14/06 10:58 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

They're disgusting but even worse, last week I was in the basement near my DH's toolbench and found a petrified cricket in an old baby food jar. My DH caught it last year and wanted to show my son but forgot about it. Chat Icon I was disgusted for days afterwards...but I guess its better than a live one.

Posted 9/14/06 11:18 PM


Member since 3/06

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His Baby

Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Cave or Camel Crickets........are what those monsters are called. Me & DH think it looks like a mix of a cricket, spider and a shrimp all-in-one. It seems to be the new up & coming Long Island Bug. (LOL)

When me and DH came back from our honeymoon, we saw one in our basement Chat Icon Saw two more after that and that was it. I ended up doing so much research cuz it was a creature I've never ever seen before and needed to know what the heck it was?

My friend didnt know what I was talking about until I showed her a pic on the computer.....then a few weeks later, she was getting them. She got alot more than me and this year they came back to her.

I hear they originated from Mexico but have been on the Island for years and years. Originally on the North Shore then worked their way down to the South Shore.

Exterminators have said that they do like damp, dark basements and if you see one, its an accident. They get in your house by mistake. End of summer till now is busy season.......Thankfully once the cold weather comes, they're Gone!!

These bugs are coming more and more first noone knew what these things were. The exterminator also said that MANY people have them in their house but have no idea, b/c they usually just come out at night.

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Posted 9/15/06 3:43 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Posted by tray831

Cave or Camel Crickets........are what those monsters are called. Me & DH think it looks like a mix of a cricket, spider and a shrimp all-in-one. It seems to be the new up & coming Long Island Bug. (LOL)

When me and DH came back from our honeymoon, we saw one in our basement Chat Icon Saw two more after that and that was it. I ended up doing so much research cuz it was a creature I've never ever seen before and needed to know what the heck it was?

My friend didnt know what I was talking about until I showed her a pic on the computer.....then a few weeks later, she was getting them. She got alot more than me and this year they came back to her.

I hear they originated from Mexico but have been on the Island for years and years. Originally on the North Shore then worked their way down to the South Shore.

Exterminators have said that they do like damp, dark basements and if you see one, its an accident. They get in your house by mistake. End of summer till now is busy season.......Thankfully once the cold weather comes, they're Gone!!

These bugs are coming more and more first noone knew what these things were. The exterminator also said that MANY people have them in their house but have no idea, b/c they usually just come out at night.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I live in NJ, and I've been seeing lots of them in my house. We have a finished basement and spend all our time down there. The other night there was one sitting on my couch! Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/06 3:47 PM

"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05

1252 total posts


Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Wow! I see I'm not alone. I can't wait till the DEAD OF WINTER when all bugs die.
I hate bugs. We're blessed with a multitude of them. I feel like I moved into the woods.
We found one on the first floor the other day and it was BIG.

LOL about the shrimp spider combo are just so CREEPY looking.
DH is a pro now at killing bugs.
Fortuntately I don't scream my head off anymore, I just say "honey, KILL" lolChat Icon

Message edited 9/15/2006 10:24:55 PM.

Posted 9/15/06 10:24 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: Insect/weather proofing foundation / Crickets in house??

Posted by dita

Who needs an exterminator? I'll send my dog over. She loves catching them!

HaHaChat Icon That's what Misty does!!! Not a cricket nor an ant stand a chance in H*ll of lasting in our house. Between Misty and Espresso they are dead meat!!!

Posted 9/16/06 9:36 PM
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