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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
For me, yes and no.
I did not think I would be married at this point, I figured I would be over 30 when I met someone and got married.
I thought that I would be happy and settled with my career instead of always looking for the next best thing...
I thought I would definitely be a parent by now.
I did not think I would be a homeowner - and I am!
I thought my sister and I would have a better relationship...she is going on 21 and I will be 29...I thought we'd be more "buddies" and we are so far from that..
Anyone else?
Posted 3/18/06 9:26 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05 26170 total posts
Name: MrsERod™®
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
Posted 3/18/06 9:29 PM |
You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05 31871 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
it is turning out the way i thought it would be..
it is still in progress
Posted 3/18/06 9:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3353 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
that would have to be a big NO! Although I am thankful for what I have in life, I really had thought by the time I was 28 I would have done so much more and just be in a better place
Posted 3/18/06 9:30 PM |
Come on in

Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
Posted by Redhead
it is turning out the way i thought it would be..
it is still in progress
Same here
Posted 3/18/06 9:31 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
absolutely how i hoped it would be
Posted 3/18/06 10:04 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
This is an interesting question. I hoped that I would be married to Tom (since I met when him when I was 17 I dreampt about this as a young girl), and I am married to him so this worked out. I never thought I would be a teacher or a homeowner. I did think I would have kids by 29 but it is not a big deal yet. So, I have to say I have married the man I always wanted, traveled a lot, own a home, have a great career...I think I am better off than I thought I would be.
Posted 3/18/06 10:10 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
i'm not sure where i thought i'd be at 25, but its definitely different that where i am: i didnt think i'd be married already (actually, i hadnt really planned on getting married at all )
i wouldve been finishing up Med school this year, but i'm just going back now for nursing.
i Definitely didn't think that i'd still be living in New York.. or even considered living on LI.
and i didnt think i'd want to have kids already (those were another thing that i didnt really think i wanted in life).
Funny how things turn out. Still, i couldnt imagine my life any other way
Posted 3/18/06 10:11 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
Lets see at 18 I was planning to go to Penn State in the next few months...And today at 30 Im still in community college ( after 3 changes in my major in 10 years!) ( LONGGGGG STORY!) and No "career"
I figured I would be married with at least 2 kids by this age. Married yes, but just last year and kids..nope , though not for lack of trying..
I lost my daughter at birth and had a M/C....sometimes I think how weird it would be to have a 9 and 5 year old right now...
funny thing, I never saw myself owning a home, so no dissapointment there....
To be honest...NOTHING has turned out as I expected....Life has hit us all with some really hard curveballs BUT I wouldnt change it...I cant imagine my life turning out anyway then it had...
Message edited 3/18/2006 10:14:59 PM.
Posted 3/18/06 10:12 PM |
Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
More or less.
I got married a little earlier than i originally thought i would... but i always knew i'd wind up back in Virginia. And I always wanted to teach.
I've still got a lot more to go though, so only time will tell
Posted 3/18/06 10:14 PM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
not at all it's better!
Posted 3/18/06 10:34 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
For me no. I thought things would be a lot different. Even though it's different from where I thought I'd be, I feel I'm right were I should be and wouldn't have it any other way. (if that makes any sense)
Posted 3/18/06 10:46 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
I'm going to say that up till this point, no. I never thought I would find someone I loved enough to marry, yet I found an amazing man. I NEVER, EVER wanted to be a teacher, yet, that's what I am and I love it.
Posted 3/18/06 11:25 PM |
Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05 6747 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
I thought by age 25 I would be married and preggo. (I got married at 33 and I am still not pregnant)
As for a job, I am always looking for the next best thing. (still trying to find myself)
I thought I would be a homeowner by NoW!!!
I thought I was going to Live in Texas my whole life. But, I had an adventure to NY for about 6 years!! I never thought I would meet someone on the internet and marry him. And Long Distance at that!!
I always thought I was going to be slim and trim my whole life. I used to be a size 0-3. Now, I will plea the fifth. LOL
I guess that sums it up!!!
Posted 3/19/06 12:10 AM |
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
not really......
Well I did think I would be married and I am but thats about it....I thought Id have a career, thought Id be happy with myself but I am not.
Posted 3/19/06 12:16 AM |
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
I had hoped to marry sooner than I did, but deep down I always knew that I'd get married when I was 32. (How, I don't know) I was 31 when I met DH.
I think I always thought I'd live on LI, and now it's likely that I won't be moving back (unless we come into a lot of money!)
I also think I will end up a career NYC teacher instead of leaving for the 'burbs. But that's ok, because I genuinely don't want to leave.
I have traveled more than I thought I would. For years I really could not afford it, but then I was able to visit lots of places.
Posted 3/19/06 8:04 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
Yeah, pretty much! The only thing is that I never thought I'd have kids before 30. But I'm quite okay with that.
Posted 3/19/06 8:09 AM |

Member since 6/05 15758 total posts
Name: Gail
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
i didn't think that i would get married at 34. i thought that i would at least have 1 child at this point. i hope by the time im 40, the kid/kids will be here. i know its in gods hands
Posted 3/19/06 8:11 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
yes, but I didnt expect it to take me so long to get PG. Other than that Im very happy with the way it turned out
Posted 3/19/06 8:24 AM |

Member since 5/05 5208 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
in some ways yes, and other ways absolutely not....
Posted 3/19/06 9:01 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
It's better than I thought it would be
Posted 3/19/06 9:03 AM |
designer mutt

Member since 5/05 4239 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
Career is definitely not where I thought it would be, but it's not BAD.
Married life is good. I thought I'd have a kid by the time I was 28, but that's not going to happen (by choice).
And, I never imagined that I'd be living in this teeny tiny condo
Posted 3/19/06 9:06 AM |
Member since 5/05 10278 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
Message edited 8/28/2011 11:43:52 PM.
Posted 3/19/06 9:20 AM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
In respect to Graduate College loan free ..check Get married ...check But/Build our house... check Have a baby ... check Zero Credit card debt... check
I wanted all those things but never thought I would have them by 26.
Life is greater then I have ever imagined. I never saw myself marrying a guy in the military and moving around and dealing with all the extra crap... but things are great... well minus deployments..
Posted 3/19/06 10:20 AM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22137 total posts
Re: Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?
It is hard to say. When I was 18, I really had a certain life set out for myself, but in a lot of ways, I was being unfair to my future self. Life has a taken a different turn and it is more like the life I thought I would have when I was 8 years old, rather than the one I thought I would have at 18. So while it is different, it is supposed to be this way. I may not own a house or have 4 kids or make a gajillion dollars, but I have a good husband, a nice apartment and a good job. So, I can't complain!
Posted 3/19/06 10:23 AM |
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