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Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

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Happy New Year

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Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

my DH got in trouble!! Chat Icon Usually it's me that's getting yelled at for gaining too much weight or not going to child birth classes or something like that. This time it was DH that got in trouble, even though he wasn't even there.

I had an internal (which btw - I'm warning you less pg ladies now - internals S U C K alot, so get ready) and as he was feeling around for the head (I warned you TMI) he says "So are you sexually active?" I said "No, not so much anymore." "And why not?" Dr says. "Because my husband won't put out anymore." I say matter-of-factly.

He starts going off about how DH HAS to do his "duty" and that he better take care of business if this baby is ever going to come out, and that there's no excuses, he got me into this mess, he better help get me out of it...yada yada yada... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I couldn't help but start laughing hysterically. I sit up and see that his face is completely serious. Then the Dr. says "I am NOT joking. That cervix is totally closed and you have ALOT of work to do!" Chat Icon

So... as it stands I am 36 wks, 0cm dilated, 0% effaced, and the baby's head is no where near my's still "floating" as the Dr put it. Judging by my mother's labor, mine isn't looking too pretty, he said. BUT the good news is... (if you ask me anyway Chat Icon ) ... a c-section is looking very probable right now! Chat Icon Chat Icon

And DH has strict orders from the Dr to put out and put out as often as possible for the next few weeks!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 7:38 PM
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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

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Posted 5/31/05 7:58 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

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Posted 5/31/05 8:04 PM

and Dylan too!

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Chat Icon Chat Icon DOCTOR'S ORDERS!!!!

Posted 5/31/05 8:28 PM

My Ray of sunshine

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can not believe that. Thanks for the laugh. Best of luck and you better get busy. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 8:31 PM


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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

You know, what is it with men and not wanting to have sex at the very end of pregnancy??? I asked DH the other night and he told me he wasn't "comfortable" with it. I said, "'re not going to hit me."

I don't think he liked that too much.Chat Icon

Maybe you should have asked your doctor to write a doctor's note and hand it to your DH....that would have been too funny!!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 8:53 PM


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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Don't worry, at 36 weeks I was not effaced or dilated one bit, but when my water broke at 37 weeks, he arrived a few hours later.... Just because your not dilated or effaced, doesn't mean you'll end up having a c/s! You've got time! Now get your DH working!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 9:09 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

SO i guess we wont be hearing much from you the next few weeks...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 9:19 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Posted by Stefanie

You know, what is it with men and not wanting to have sex at the very end of pregnancy??? I asked DH the other night and he told me he wasn't "comfortable" with it. I said, "'re not going to hit me."

I don't think he liked that too much.Chat Icon

Maybe you should have asked your doctor to write a doctor's note and hand it to your DH....that would have been too funny!!!Chat Icon

You ain't kidding. My DH said the SAME thing about not being "comfortable" Chat Icon

That comment about not hitting him - You are too funny!! Chat Icon

Can I tell you HOW tempted I was to ask for a note!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 9:30 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Posted by Princessmaris

SO i guess we wont be hearing much from you the next few weeks...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Unlikely Chat Icon but I can hope he'll listen to the Dr!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/05 9:32 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Chat Icon It's true, sex a degree.

I have to admit, I'm very surprised your OB is saying at 36 weeks and no progress that a v-birth isn't looking good. Chat Icon It only takes one day for all that to change.Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 7:05 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

My doctor wrote my husband a prescription to have sex with me. My DH nearly died when I brought it home and gave it to him.

It got to the point that every time I went to the doctor ( I was late) everyone in the office would ask if DH "stepped up to the plate". It was hysterical.

Also Sandra - I wouldn't worry about being not dilated or effaced. The day before I had Ava I was only 1cm and not effaced at all. Things change in a matter of seconds!!!!!

Posted 6/1/05 7:54 AM


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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Posted by Nancy

Chat Icon It's true, sex a degree.

I have to admit, I'm very surprised your OB is saying at 36 weeks and no progress that a v-birth isn't looking good. Chat Icon It only takes one day for all that to change.Chat Icon

Thats right!! I remember I was at the Doctors office, got my exam he said I wasn't ready yet and said "see you next week!" A few hours later I was in labor!

Posted 6/1/05 8:08 AM

My Heart and Soul

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

you girls are so funny!! I love it!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 9:12 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

These stories are so funny. I'm laughing at my desk, people must think i'm loosing it.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 9:16 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Posted by lorimarie

My doctor wrote my husband a prescription to have sex with me. My DH nearly died when I brought it home and gave it to him.

It got to the point that every time I went to the doctor ( I was late) everyone in the office would ask if DH "stepped up to the plate". It was hysterical.

Also Sandra - I wouldn't worry about being not dilated or effaced. The day before I had Ava I was only 1cm and not effaced at all. Things change in a matter of seconds!!!!!

OMG that is HYSTERICAL!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I SOOOO wish I would've asked for it in writing!!

I know there is still hope for me to actually go into labor, I just was hoping I would go a little early. But the Dr is going by my mom's labor...she was 20 days late and in labor for 3 days. Chat Icon At this point I'm actually sort of hoping for a scheduled c-section.

Posted 6/1/05 9:26 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Posted by BabyAvocado

I know there is still hope for me to actually go into labor, I just was hoping I would go a little early. But the Dr is going by my mom's labor...she was 20 days late and in labor for 3 days. Chat Icon At this point I'm actually sort of hoping for a scheduled c-section.

I have three sisters and my mom had 7 kids...I had such an easy labor compared to all of them. Chat Icon I was even induced. You just never know.Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 9:40 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

All I know is that I was a mad horny woman at the end of my pregnancy and hubby wouldn't put out. Those hormones were making me crazy!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 10:17 AM

So Big... So Fast!

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Too Funny! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 10:23 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Defintely get that note!!!!

Posted 6/1/05 10:34 AM

My love.

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

"she was 20 days late and in labor for 3 days."

OMG - poor woman!!!

This whole thread is hysterical! Well Lot's of BD dance and Labor Dust to you Sandra - I hope you have an easy labor (or c-section)

I can't wait for the arrival of all the new babies this month!

Posted 6/1/05 10:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

OMG...that is too funny. I would have been so embarrased

Posted 6/1/05 11:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

Until you have recovered from major stomach surgery don't wish too hard for the c/s...there is A LOT more to a c/s recovery than most v-births. Even girls with positive c/s experiences will tell you that.

Posted 6/1/05 11:40 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

i had a c/s and a vbirth and neither of them were that bad.

i wish my dh wouldnt put out! mine wont leave me alone. bigger my belly gets more he likes it!!!Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 12:31 PM


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Re: Went to the Dr today and... VERY TMI WARNING

OMG...I can't believe he said that!!! I guess your DH better get moving on in on you!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

This also scares me to a certain degree...I'm 17 weeks and I'm the one who's afraid to do the deed with DH and we really haven't had it in a loooonnnngggg while.

Posted 6/1/05 1:00 PM
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