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Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My parents are paying for the shower, but I doubt that they will buy me anything- even somethiong small. My IL's put $1000 towards the nursery furniture and DH and I will be paying the difference.

Posted 7/26/06 3:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love Hypnobabies

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Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My parents are buying the crib. No offers from ILs, yet. Although I think MIL is going to give us a shower.

Posted 7/26/06 3:21 PM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My mom said my parents want to buy the nursery furniture (they are SO happy to be getting a grandchild).

I know my mom will host a shower for me and buy tons of clothes and things.

As far as IL's, it is weird. They moved back to Poland and DH is now in charge of their American money. They haven't offered to buy anything for the baby but DH may buy something with money from their account and then lie and tell me that they said to buy itChat Icon

Posted 7/26/06 6:02 PM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

So far they are splitting the nursery furniture and my shower...they are very generous!

Posted 7/26/06 7:28 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My parents bought us the nursery furniture and DD's entire wardrobe (clothes, blankets, bibs, sheets, etc.).

My IL's bought the stroller.

Posted 7/26/06 8:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06

812 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My parents are getting the nursery furniture, high chair, cradle, bedding for crib and cradle and Britax car seat if no one else gets it. Thank God for them- they're so excited and would get us everything if we let them!

At this rate, I'm only having a shower with my family. His family has been terrible to me and they think it's wrong for me to have a shower. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 11:11 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My mom threw my shower and my parents purchased the baby furniture. My IL's purchased the glider.

Posted 7/28/06 7:52 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

my inlaws bought our furniture

Posted 7/28/06 10:04 AM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: Are your parents or IL's getting anything "special" for the baby?

My IL's are buying the crib and my Mother, who spends money on this child everyday, bought us a video camera.

Posted 7/28/06 2:12 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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