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Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

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I'm two!

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Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

When my siblings and I were younger and someone sent us a gift, my mom would have us write them a thank-you card, or make a phone call to the person to thank them. I even remember not being old enough to write sentences, so my mom would make the letters out of dashes on the paper and I would trace over them.

But I've been a little annoyed lately about gifts that I've sent to my nephews, or DH's step-brother, and haven't gotten any kind of acknowledgement for those gifts whatsoever.
I don't really blame the kids; I blame their parents. And I'm kinda surprised at my MIL, because she's one of those proper southern women who's all about etiquette. She obviously never taught her son how to write a thank-you letter though (he's 14!) Chat Icon

Anybody else feel this way?

Posted 4/26/06 1:55 PM
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Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I agree, DH's neices will not even get on the phone with him to thank him. I don't understand it.

Posted 4/26/06 1:58 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I am with you 100% on this one

Posted 4/26/06 1:59 PM

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Honestly, I don't care at all about a thank you card. As long as I know the kid liked the gift, I'm happy.

I agree it's polite to do - and kids should be taught to write them. I'm teaching my kids to do it. I just never cared about getting one myself.

Posted 4/26/06 1:59 PM

Turning a new page

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

this is a must
my step mother never taught my brother & sister this. It annoys me to no end.
I remember as a child ALWAYS having thank you card stationary around.

Posted 4/26/06 2:02 PM

New Year, New Beginnings!

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by marymoon

I am with you 100% on this one

Me too

Posted 4/26/06 2:04 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I always get them from my nieces and nephew because their moms make sure they do. I always appreciate it and they are really cute.

On a related note, only 3 of my 23 Senior year Economics kids followed proper business letter format after I gave them a model letter. Now that is inexcusableChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 2:04 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I agree.. my mother used to do the dashes also and have me trace the letters.

Even a phone call is okay.

Posted 4/26/06 2:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I'm on board - drives me crazy!!!!

I have one set of nieces & nephews who ALWAYS call sometimes write. Then other who we GET NO THANKS WHATSOEVER!!!!!

Posted 4/26/06 2:05 PM

Another on the way!

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I agree, it is important that kids learn to do this.

Posted 4/26/06 2:08 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I totally agree with you.

The problem I have on my side of the family is that they don't even say thank you when you hand them something - whether it be a gift or passing food to them at the dinner table Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 2:09 PM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

My side they always do, but DH's side NEVER even acknowledge gifts. Our first Christmas dating I bought a Bratz doll for one niece and she told me it was the wrong oneChat Icon Now DH buys them gift cards.

Posted 4/26/06 2:11 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

My SIL is CONSTANTLY having parties for my nephews, so it seems like every other month I'm sending them a gift and get no thanks for it. I know they appreciate it, but a little recognition for having to schlep all the way to the post office and mail a gift would be nice!

I just got an invite for my nephew's first holy communion, and obviously I'm not going to make it because it's like 2 weeks before my due date. So, another gift to send Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 2:12 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Marissa will either call or send a card in the mail to show her appreciation. Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 2:14 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by jilmadison

I agree, it is important that kids learn to do this.

I agree with this....

Posted 4/26/06 2:15 PM

big brother <3

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I hear ya! My DH still doesn't know how to write a thank you. You really have to start kids early.

Posted 4/26/06 2:19 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

yes!!! Chat Icon

My cousin's sweet 16 was january 12th.

Rich and I bought her a VERY nice, expensive bracelet.

NO TY!!!!
3.5 months later!!!

Posted 4/26/06 2:25 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

My one SIL who has class, gets them in the mail---my one neice is 3 yrs old--so i don't expect anything, but it is always there...

My other SIL, who has very little class--her 15 yr old is so spolied and I never r'cvd a note, or a phone call. And this year I didn't give anything for her b.d. Throughout the years never got any acknowledgements.

My DH's sister, nothing, but she has said to get them only smaller gifts--she does the bigger gifts...if that matters.

We had to write thank you notes as kids, but I rarely got mine in the mail. But I surely believe in them and write them quite frequently myself.

Posted 4/26/06 2:45 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I also agree. My kids always send thank you's even though they are 7 and 2. My dd will either sign her name or use her rubber stamp.
I get annoyed when I don't get one either because it is like they just had the party for a gift!

Posted 4/26/06 2:51 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by jilmadison

I agree, it is important that kids learn to do this.

I agree as well. My Mom sends my niece and nephews gifts for every single holiday and not only does she not get a thank you, but my sister never even acknowledges the gifts.

Posted 4/26/06 2:56 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I always get them from my nieces and nephew because their moms make sure they do. I always appreciate it and they are really cute.

On a related note, only 3 of my 23 Senior year Economics kids followed proper business letter format after I gave them a model letter. Now that is inexcusableChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree that children should send out thank you cards when their receive gifts (and so should adults!).

As for those Senior year economic students, how is their grammar?

Posted 4/26/06 4:06 PM

To a healthy 2013

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

my niece and nephew alway's writes thank you notes

Posted 4/26/06 4:09 PM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

This is my biggest pet peeve and not just with kids but adults as well. I can't tell you how many times I have sent a birthday gift, engagement gift, new baby gift etc and never received a thank you much less an acknowledgment of the gift. It takes two minutes to write a thank you note.Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 4:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/06

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Message edited 11/5/2006 11:22:44 AM.

Posted 4/26/06 4:11 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Do kids not know how to write thank-you's anymore?

I totally agree with you!

I really think this day in age of email...the art of letter writing has been lost!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/06 4:13 PM
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