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Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

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LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Someone in our apartment building got mugged on Friday night right outside our building and hit over the head with a pipe....our building had a board meeting yesterday and said that this was an isolated incident and that incidents such as this one rarely happen in our neighborhood.

Regardless if they rarely happen or not, this frightens me....especially since I walk from our subway (live in queens) when i get home from work and on nights that I have school I don't get home unil after 8:30 -9:00. I know this type of crime can happen anywhere....but now I am scared and I don't want to be.

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I would also like to add that when this incident happened I was bringing the garbage out and heard the man screaming for help...i ran inside to tell DH to call for the fact that i heard it happening does not help either.

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Posted 2/21/06 2:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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life is good

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

to answer your question: I feel safe on my street - but not in my town/neighborhood. Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 2:15 PM

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??


Posted 2/21/06 2:16 PM

Mom of 3

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

There are good and bad areas in my neighborhood. We are a 5-10 minute walk from the train station, but the 2-3 blocks before the train station are not nice. I don't feel comfortable walking home from the station at night although it has gotten a little better now that they built a police station over there. DH drives me to the station and picks me up.

Posted 2/21/06 2:23 PM

Life is good...

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Yes, I feel safe. Mostly because I lived here my whole life and know every nook and cranny. So, should anything happen, I know where to run, LOL.

Posted 2/21/06 2:25 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Posted by LMFitz

to answer your question: I feel safe on my street - but not in my town/neighborhood. Chat Icon

Me too do we live in the same town? Look out your window? Chat Icon

Message edited 2/21/2006 2:27:01 PM.

Posted 2/21/06 2:25 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

I do - some others may not but I do.

Posted 2/21/06 2:26 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??


Posted 2/21/06 2:27 PM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Not in the slightest. Hence why we're moving to a place where people don't lock their cars or front doors during the day. How will I deal? Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 2:27 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Yes, I feel safe in my neighborhood.

If what happened in your area happened in mine, I might not feel so safe either for a while. But it's true, it can happen anywhere.

Posted 2/21/06 2:28 PM

Life is good...

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Posted by sasha

Not in the slightest. Hence why we're moving to a place where people don't lock their cars or front doors during the day. How will I deal? Chat Icon

Sasha, I don't care where I move, I will ALWAYS lock my doors!! DHs family moved to Texas a few years ago and people leave their cars running while they go food shopping. I could never Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

When I lived in alone in my apt in Queens something very similar happened right across the street (I mean, I could see the aftermath from my window) and it was very unnerving but I think for the most part I still felt safe because you are right, anything can happen anywhere.

Posted 2/21/06 2:28 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Honestly, I would not feel really truly safe anywhere. I live in a "good" neighborhood but who's to say some psycho isn't going to come over here because it's not expected?

It's sad but I don't think I'll ever feel safe.

Posted 2/21/06 2:33 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Well here are some saftey tips they told us about in our meeting yesterday

1) If you think you are being following try to go to a populated area, like a store.
If there is none around....

Pretend that you are waving to someone you know and shout something out like you meeting someone. They said this might scare the attacker away.

2) Walk with your keys sticking out in b/t your could always use this as a weapon if needed.

3) Be alert....walking with your ipod or walkman on you might not be able to hear an attacker approaching you.

4) If (god forbid) you get attacked scream for help or carry a whistle to alert other people you need help.

Just wanted to share Chat Icon Stay safe everyone.

Posted 2/21/06 2:34 PM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Posted by pmpkn087

Posted by sasha

Not in the slightest. Hence why we're moving to a place where people don't lock their cars or front doors during the day. How will I deal? Chat Icon

Sasha, I don't care where I move, I will ALWAYS lock my doors!! DHs family moved to Texas a few years ago and people leave their cars running while they go food shopping. I could never Chat Icon

I know! It's the NY neurosis on us!! My family cracks up when I visit because I lock the car in the garage and they always need the keys to move it. I too will be locking my doors, but it's good to know that others don' case I need to hide somewhere. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 2:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Posted by LMFitz

to answer your question: I feel safe on my street - but not in my town/neighborhood. Chat Icon

I feel the same way

Posted 2/21/06 2:35 PM

I'm a mommy :)

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Yes, I feel safe.

But, I never let my guard down, because you never know what can happen.

Posted 2/21/06 2:43 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

I feel very safe but since I grew up in Queens I am always looking around, locking doors and being xtra DH laughs at me but I don't care! Better to be safe than sorry!

Posted 2/21/06 2:43 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

yes i do

but i dont care where u move me...i'm a NYer and i lock my front door and car door all the time, even in my garage.....just my nature.

Posted 2/21/06 2:45 PM

Turning a new page

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

i now live in jersey city and I do not feel safe.
there is a major crime problem in jersey city.

we are moving to lyndhurst- and I am sure I will feel MUCH safer there.

Posted 2/21/06 2:51 PM

True love

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Posted by NewYawkah

Honestly, I would not feel really truly safe anywhere. I live in a "good" neighborhood but who's to say some psycho isn't going to come over here because it's not expected?

It's sad but I don't think I'll ever feel safe.

I totally (and sadly) agree

Posted 2/21/06 2:53 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

Posted by sasha

I know! It's the NY neurosis on us!! My family cracks up when I visit because I lock the car in the garage and they always need the keys to move it. I too will be locking my doors, but it's good to know that others don' case I need to hide somewhere. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 3:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

i never feel safe- not because i live in a bad area- my area is very safe- but in general im a scardey cat
we have an alarm - probably the only ones on the street that have one-
i used ot live in the bronx out of college- im always looking where im going and around me..i dont trust people

Posted 2/21/06 3:03 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

I do!

Posted 2/21/06 3:05 PM

The Key to your new home....

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Re: Do you feel safe in your Neighborhood??

I feel very safe-

I live in a safe area- and in a secure doorman building

but I also live with a 260 lb meat head who would love for someone to break in- it would make his day!Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/06 3:11 PM
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