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My boys have been home for one month!!!

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Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

Beautiful Beautiful boys! Hope their first day of school goes great.

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Posted 9/7/05 8:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I hate hypocrites!!!!!

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Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

OH Alicia I am so happy for you and the boys!!!

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Posted 9/7/05 10:03 PM

Beyond Compare

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Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

Alicia - so happy for you and your handsome little guys. Sounds like everything is falling into're such an adorable family! All the best to you!!!!

Posted 9/8/05 4:27 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

I am so glad everything is going so well!!! I love reading your updates.
The boys are just so cute and you all look so very happy - You are an inspiration to so many of us!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 1:55 PM

Little Brother

Member since 5/05

3540 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

you guys look so happy... how did the first day of school go?

Posted 9/9/05 3:32 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

Wow! One month! Congrats! You are doing a great job - those boys look so happy! Let us know how school goes?

Posted 9/9/05 7:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

180 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

HI!!! Thanks for asking about school!!! They had a half day yesterday, so we followed behind the bus in the morning to see its route and then I dropped them at school, I picked them up and they came out with HUGE smiles!!! Today, they were THRILLED to ride the bus and came home with even bigger smiles. Biruk as so excited that he went to the library and checked out two about dinosaurs and one about tigers..and Paulos was thrilled to work on the computer. They both have made friends and are sad that there is no school tomorrow!!!! They were so cute getting on that bus...they were laughing and jumping up and was so cool. Then when they sat down, they were waving hysterically/..just adorable!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 7:40 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAW! Yay! Chat Icon Chat Icon They're fitting right in! I'm so happy for them. I think it's great that they have each other too. It probably makes the transition easier for them. They're not in the same class, are they?

Posted 9/9/05 7:54 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

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Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

They sound like they are fitting right in. That is great they have made friends. Biruk and Paulos sound like they are so happy to be here and have such a wondeful mom.

Any new pics??

Posted 9/9/05 8:52 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

Posted by aliciahelene

HI!!! Thanks for asking about school!!! They had a half day yesterday, so we followed behind the bus in the morning to see its route and then I dropped them at school, I picked them up and they came out with HUGE smiles!!! Today, they were THRILLED to ride the bus and came home with even bigger smiles. Biruk as so excited that he went to the library and checked out two about dinosaurs and one about tigers..and Paulos was thrilled to work on the computer. They both have made friends and are sad that there is no school tomorrow!!!! They were so cute getting on that bus...they were laughing and jumping up and was so cool. Then when they sat down, they were waving hysterically/..just adorable!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

What grades are they in?

Posted 9/9/05 9:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

180 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

They are both in the 3rd grade!!! But I am glad they are in different classes!! They are too cute! Everything they do and appreciate just amazes me. I really feel like the luckiest woman ever. They pick out their clothes the night before and they both have such cute taste! I am amazed at how gorgeous they are. I just look at them and cant believe my eyes..these little boys whose pictures Ive kissed a thousand times are actually here, hugging and kissing me and telling me they love me. I cant describe a better feeling. The other day, a woman posted pictures from Ethiopia in June and my son Paulos was in was so wild to look at those pictures, just like I used to do, wishing I could bring him home..I looked at those pictures of him in the oprhanage and thought WOW..he is finally home..he isnt there anymore..he is was just a really cool experience..a good feeling, that my children are finally safe. Being a single mom to two boys who are fighting for attention and love is draining but so rewarding, last night Biruk asked me if I loved him when he tried to bite me (when he was getting his shots)..if he gets in trouble, he asks if I still love him. Its heartbreaking. I told him I dont like to be bitten, but I will love him ALWAYS and he cried. its just so sad. But every day, they realize more and more that I truly love them and I will love them no matter what their behavior is. It is just so sad to me that children even have to questions a parents love. I think once we get settled, we will adopt again, maybe a girl..but this wouldnt be for atleast a year. I need to let these boys adjust and grow and develop complete trust.
One exciting thing is tomorrow night is the Ethiopian New year...celebration time!!! Enkutatash..its called. they were thrilled that I told them it was coming up and they sang a song! Very cute.
I cant even begin to explain how happy I am. I went through friggin hell bringing these boys home. It has been one stressful ride and I prayed and prayed that it would be worth it once they were home, now they are home and it is beyond worth it. They are the best things that have ever happened to me.
What blew me away was we were watching news on Hurricane Katrina and we were talking about kids who lost families, etc and they want to help. This amazes me, when they lost their parents, their siblings, yet they still want to help. Sweet., sweet boys. So we will go and buy toys for the big truck in Philly thats doing a toy drive. I just found it awesome that they know they are fortunate and they want to help others. Children are so amazing. I feel so lucky to be around such resilient, young, beautiful children.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 10:26 PM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

I am SO glad to hear you stories! I can't say it enough! Good luck and my love always be at your side with these 2 wonerful boys!Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 11:23 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

Reading your posts about your beautiful boys makes me so happy! I'm so glad you are feeling so blessed!! Chat Icon Chat Icon They sound like such amazing, special boys! Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/05 8:18 PM

Love my Kiddos!

Member since 5/05

3228 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

I'm so happy to hear that they are adjusting to school and making friends. They must have been so scared. They sound like they are amazing! Enjoy every day!

Posted 9/12/05 9:42 AM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

You make me want to adopt more and more every day. Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/05 4:41 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: My boys have been home for one month!!!

That is great I am so happy for you and give you lots o f credit. Most people when adopting want little babies not older children cuz there is alot to deal with I wish you and your new family lots of love and luck

Posted 9/20/05 10:30 AM
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