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UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

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Complete Happiness :)

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Posted by kelleherkm

Posted by Marcie

Any word yet, Kathy?

No!!! And I'm freaking out! I'm about the throw up from the anxiety!!!

They usually call with blood results by 11:30-12noon!! Now it's 12:30 - what should I do?

The could be running a little late - maybe give it another 1/2 hour and maybe call them.
Did they maybe call your home #? I would check my answering machine.

And about the freaking out Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am sure they are going to call with great news!

Posted 8/31/05 12:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

I already checked my home machine. Oh man. The wait is horrible!
If I dont hear from them by 1pm I guess I will call them.

Message edited 8/31/2005 12:35:10 PM.

Posted 8/31/05 12:34 PM

Be a big girl!

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Sending you lots of beta vibes!!!

{{{{{beta beta beta}}}}}}

Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 12:35 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

I called them and got voice mail and left a message. I have a terrible feeling about this. I think Im going to throw up. All of a sudden my boobs dont hurt anymore!!! I really need to know whats going on before I have a stroke.

Posted 8/31/05 1:01 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

{{{{{{{{{{ doubling vibes }}}}}}}}}}}}

{{{{{{{{{{ doubling vibes }}}}}}}}}}}}

And here are a few hugs until you hear from the Dr Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 1:02 PM

life is good

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

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Posted 8/31/05 1:06 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

oh kathy, please try to calm down...everything is going to be just perfect!!!

i'm praying for you!!!

Posted 8/31/05 1:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Kathy, its so easy for us to say this but PLEASE try not to worry ... I'm sure this is just the office taking forever to call you back, and nothing more. You know how I feel about my lousy doctor's office, so try not to obsess over the fact they haevn't called yet Chat Icon

As for your symptoms, its your nerves talking.. please just try to remember that symptoms fluctuate SO much throughout pregnancy, and what you are feeling is 100% normal

Thinking of you! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 1:22 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

I'm Chat Icon that they are taking so long!

Please relax!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 1:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Oh I know it's hard but please relax.

I'm sure the fluctuation of your symptoms is normal.

Chat Icon

{{{{{{{{sticky vibes}}}}}}}}}

Message edited 8/31/2005 1:58:34 PM.

Posted 8/31/05 1:27 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

27789 total posts

LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

They can just be short handed today and that is why it is taking so long. I know it is sooooo much easier said - but try to relax - you are going to get yourself all worked up for nothing. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 1:33 PM


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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Try to relax, like Marcie said, they may just be understaffed today. Here are some more hugs! Im sure you are just fine!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:08 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Kathy -- If this helps -- my Dr. always calls IMMEDIATELY when there is bad news, but the goods news, well they feel there is no rush. Chat Icon

So this may in fact be a very GOOD sign!! I am hoping and Chat Icon for you!!!

Posted 8/31/05 2:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Wishing you lots of sticky doubling vibes!! I remember the first time I called to find out if my numbers doubled and they took FOREVER to call back! I called every hour on the hour and left a message, and was convinced they hadn't called me back because it was bad news, but it was just because they were busy, and I was so anxious that when they finally called back and gave me the results, I started BAWLING over the phone Chat Icon Don't worry, they're busy but they will get back to you and I'm sure it's good news! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:10 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Thanks Girls! I'm doing better now. I went for a walk at lunch and tried to calm down. The receptionist sai d they are backed up and if I dont hear from them by 3pm to call them back. So, that's what I will do...

Ugh the waiting really stinks!! I will let you guys know when I hear something.

Keep praying for me please. I dont think I've ever prayed so much in my life as I have today!

Posted 8/31/05 2:17 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Posted by kelleherkm

Thanks Girls! I'm doing better now. I went for a walk at lunch and tried to calm down. The receptionist sai d they are backed up and if I dont hear from them by 3pm to call them back. So, that's what I will do...

Ugh the waiting really stinks!! I will let you guys know when I hear something.

Keep praying for me please. I dont think I've ever prayed so much in my life as I have today!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I told you I thought they were backed up. Try to keep yourself busy for a little while - it will make the time go a little quicker Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:19 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

OK they beta on Monday was was supposed to double by today (which would make it around 280) well, it is 371!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M FINE and I have my first sono on Wednesday!!!!! OMG OMG I am going to throw up because Im so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You girls helped keep me sane today - THANK YOU!

Posted 8/31/05 2:25 PM

life is good

Member since 5/05

2013 total posts


Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Posted by kelleherkm

OK they beta on Monday was was supposed to double by today (which would make it around 280) well, it is 371!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M FINE and I have my first sono on Wednesday!!!!! OMG OMG I am going to throw up because Im so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You girls helped keep me sane today - THANK YOU!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:26 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

27789 total posts

LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

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I Told you there was NOTHING to worry about!!!


Posted 8/31/05 2:30 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Posted by kelleherkm

OK they beta on Monday was was supposed to double by today (which would make it around 280) well, it is 371!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M FINE and I have my first sono on Wednesday!!!!! OMG OMG I am going to throw up because Im so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You girls helped keep me sane today - THANK YOU!

Chat Icon Thank God!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My stomach was in knots reading through the thread to get to this post! Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:31 PM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

I am so happy to hear your good news!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I'm glad you went for the walk and calmed down before you got the call!

Posted 8/31/05 2:33 PM

My twins are one!!!

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2540 total posts


Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

I am so happy for you!!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:38 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

see, you worried over nothing. Kathy, that is WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:38 PM

So Big... So Fast!

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Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon GREAT NEWS!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATED with new beta - 8/31/05 OK I need to ask for another set of vibes from my TTC girls...

Wonderful news Kathy Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 2:44 PM
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