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OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Alright, I had my sono today to measure the baby's growth since I have been measuring 4 weeks ahead for the last couple of months.

They baby looks great and is fine. My amniotic fluid level is high though...and she is BIG!

I am 35 weeks 3 days pregnant...and her little chubby body is already measuring in at 37 weeks 5 days!!

But wait, it gets better....her HEAD is measuring at 39 weeks 5 days!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

And....better YET is her weight!!!!!! She weighs 7 lbs 1 oz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I have to have another glucose test even though I passed the last one w/flying colors. If I do have gestational diabetes they are inducing me at 37 weeks...which is a little over 2 weeks away!! If I DONT have GB, they will probably take me in 3 weeks because at this rate of growth, I'm going to have a 10-11 lb baby! Chat Icon

So I have to see my regular dr on Monday and the have the glucose test...then I have to have another sono to see how her growth has increased.

OMG girls...I could be down to the last 2 weeks and my baby is soo BIG!! This is surreal!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message edited 4/6/2006 8:33:50 PM.

Posted 4/5/06 7:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

best of luck!!

Posted 4/5/06 7:04 PM


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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

wow- what a big girl! are you having another glucose test because of her size?

Posted 4/5/06 7:06 PM

2 1/2

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD lUCK!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:10 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

OH WOW!!!!!

Posted 4/5/06 7:15 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Posted by -Lisa-

wow- what a big girl! are you having another glucose test because of her size?

Yes, they are worried that I may have GB since she is so big. But my test last time came back fine - passed with flying colors. So, the dr said maybe its GB but maybe she is just a big baby on her own.

Either way I seriously doubt they're goint to let me go to term ....I'll have this baby before May 8th I'm pretty sure of that.Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:21 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Good Luck!!!

Posted 4/5/06 7:21 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Those tests aren't completely accurate. I had GD and they said I would have a 9-10lb baby and he was only 8lbs. Try not to worryChat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:23 PM

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

wow 2-3 weeks! HOW EXCITING!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:33 PM

He's here!!

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Chat Icon she's almost here!!! congrats momma Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:35 PM

Best Friends

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

looks like you'll be an April mommy. You must be getting so excited. Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:43 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Kathy- I know you already know what happened with me...

After they did my amnio and found out I was like 2 weeks ahead of the game- I had the baby the very next day- NO ONE EVER UPDATED MY CHART...

So when I delivered a almost 8lb baby at what my chart said was 36 weeks (when in fact I was 38) they swore I had GD- They had to stick a needle in my babies foot every 2 hrs to test his levels...

Is it possible they just screwed up your due date? (Because when it boils down to it, thats exactly what happened to me) I think they should do all other tests to make sure its not GD... but is the fact that you could possibly be further along, a question???

Either way- its gonna be soon... how exciting!

Posted 4/5/06 7:44 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Posted by Princessmaris

Kathy- I know you already know what happened with me...

After they did my amnio and found out I was like 2 weeks ahead of the game- I had the baby the very next day- NO ONE EVER UPDATED MY CHART...

So when I delivered a almost 8lb baby at what my chart said was 36 weeks (when in fact I was 38) they swore I had GD- They had to stick a needle in my babies foot every 2 hrs to test his levels...

Is it possible they just screwed up your due date? (Because when it boils down to it, thats exactly what happened to me) I think they should do all other tests to make sure its not GD... but is the fact that you could possibly be further along, a question???
Either way- its gonna be soon... how exciting!

We're pretty sure about my due date becasue I was seeing an RE when I got PG and we were doing IUIs and having blood they are pretty sure about when I concieved.

And at my level 2 sono at 20wks, everything was right on target. I also passed my glucose test and dont feel like my sugar is off at all - so I dont know what it is.

I'm going to see my OB Monday and see what she thinks. All I know is I better get that hospital bag packed this weekend just incase!

Thanks for the suggestions too, I'm going to talk to my dr about it. Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:48 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Posted by MrsJ

Posted by Princessmaris

Kathy- I know you already know what happened with me...

After they did my amnio and found out I was like 2 weeks ahead of the game- I had the baby the very next day- NO ONE EVER UPDATED MY CHART...

So when I delivered a almost 8lb baby at what my chart said was 36 weeks (when in fact I was 38) they swore I had GD- They had to stick a needle in my babies foot every 2 hrs to test his levels...

Is it possible they just screwed up your due date? (Because when it boils down to it, thats exactly what happened to me) I think they should do all other tests to make sure its not GD... but is the fact that you could possibly be further along, a question???
Either way- its gonna be soon... how exciting!

We're pretty sure about my due date becasue I was seeing an RE when I got PG and we were doing IUIs and having blood they are pretty sure about when I concieved.

And at my level 2 sono at 20wks, everything was right on target. I also passed my glucose test and dont feel like my sugar is off at all - so I dont know what it is.

I'm going to see my OB Monday and see what she thinks. All I know is I better get that hospital bag packed this weekend just incase!

Thanks for the suggestions too, I'm going to talk to my dr about it. Chat Icon

I forgot about all that....

Hmmm....Well I guess it will be one of those mysterys you'll never really know....

Weight wise those things are off all the time... but to be measuring that far ahead its gotta be one or the other (you gotta a BIG baby, or you are in fact further along)

Are you effaced or dialating yet??? SOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting!

Your story just reminds me so much of mine (although totally different situation) I ended work early... thinking Id have time to myself, and the very week that my time off began is when I found out I was further along blah blah blah, and had the baby that week!

Its all gonna go so fastChat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 7:53 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

On Monday when I see my OB I'll have my first internal so we'll see if I'm dialated or anything yet!Chat Icon I'm hoping I am...because the nurses at my doctors office really seem to think Im going to end up with a c/s and I really dont want that if I can avoid it.

Posted 4/5/06 8:06 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Wow! That is a big baby....I can't believe how soon your little one will be here!

Posted 4/5/06 8:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

OMG- are you scared???
I would be terrified at that big old girlie?
Ok maybe I shouldnt have said that..Chat Icon

I cant believe ho big she is!

Its sooo close now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im so excited ! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good luck with the glucose! LEt me know how it goes!

Posted 4/5/06 8:34 PM


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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Sounds like my first pregnancy! Andrew was born at 37 weeks at 9 1/2 lbs..... I did not have GD. I just grow them big! Had I gone full term, I would have had an 11-12 lb baby! That's why they are keeping close eye on me this time. So far, she is measuring smaller, but I will have another sono at 36 weeks to check out her size (I am 34 weeks now).

Posted 4/5/06 8:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Holy MolyChat Icon big baby already! But how exciting, you could be an April mommy!

At 32 weeks, my chunker weighed almost 5lbs, I could just imagine how much she gained now at almost 36 weeks.

I may be an April mommy too, if she gets too big, I'll know in 2 weeks!

Good luck! I hope you don't have GD, and just grow big babies!!

I cannot believe how fast time as flown, it feels like yesterday we got our BFP's, I am only 3 days ahead of you!

Good luck! She'll be here soon! So exciting!!

Posted 4/5/06 9:00 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Yipee!! Diamond birthstone for the princess!

Good luck with everying!

Posted 4/5/06 9:07 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

good luck. that's all great news!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 9:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Kathy that's so excitingChat Icon Chat Icon and what a big girl you haveChat Icon all the more to love!!!

Get packing, best wishes and good luckChat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 9:13 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Kathy - I am so excited for you! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hope they let you go early so you don't have an 11lbs. baby. Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 10:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

oh my gosh Kathy, what a big girl you are going to have!! But a HEALTHY girl is most important, and as long as you and baby are both ok, that's all that matters

BEST of luck to you these next few weeks.. I honestly cannot believe you are about to be a Mommy, your pregnancy FLEW by !!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/06 10:18 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: OK Had my Sono Today...I have one BIG BABY!

Good luck!!

Posted 4/6/06 6:24 AM
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