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just got home from the hospital with kryssy

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Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

hide you may but if it was your husband that was died possibly by what brookhaven did not do would you bring your child there? let me know if you ever have to go through what i went through and then come to me!which i pray to god you never do!!! you have no clue what happen and let's just say only a sellect few do only becaue i am in a possible mal practice suite against that hospital. i am a nurses aid out of practice but i still have my training and know what i was looking for!!! as to the fact of someone maybe having a heart attack while they where attending to my daughter is not in account here, my daughter for all we knew at the time could have had a brain bleed! so yes because of her signs where stable i asked, but if they where not i would have requested for a helecopter to take her to stoney brook! i live 2 sec. from brookhaven airport. but never will my child go to that hospital! either way whether or not i had asked or not they where her for my daughter, and thank god it was not more serious,but if it had they still would have been here and not at the heart attack, that is why in a matter of 5 miles we have 4 ambulence companies!

Posted 6/26/06 5:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by unbelievable

Posted by EMTsWife

Janet you have to be kidding me, call and get the guy in trouble? Before you shoot your mouth off please understand the facts, I am sure that the ambulance driver was willing to help, its just that there only is a select number of ambulance and personnel running at any one particular shift, so your first Demand was that the driver take your daughter to the hospital of your choice and not to the nearest one thus taking up time and when the driver explained that the severity of your daughter injuries didn't warrant an ambulance escort, you get ****** and want to "get him in trouble?" the time that it took for the ambulance to take your daughter to the hospital of your choice, could have cost someone their life, I hope that someone on the other side of town was not having a heart attack or stroke and cost someone their life, So if it makes you feel better pick up the phone and get him in trouble and in closing I really hope and pray that that person was not a volunteer. DIAL AWAY!

I applaud you for speaking your mind but why hide ???? You seem to be passionate about this but hide .. it loses it's affect.

Chat Icon Chat Icon to Kryssy

well i for one DON'T applaud this person for "speaking their mind"....because they did so under the guise of a FAKE SCREENAME - Chat Icon
she certainly won't be winning don's award this week!! Chat Icon

Hope Kryssy feels better soon janet! Chat Icon
and feel free to "shoot your mouth off" anytime! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/26/2006 5:38:02 PM.

Posted 6/26/06 5:35 PM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

thanks christina! i will! and for the fakie i hope she NEVER has to go through what i went through and continue to go though. but karma is a nasty thing

Posted 6/26/06 5:43 PM

22 Months?!!!!

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by MrsERod

she certainly won't be winning don's award this week!! Chat Icon

or will she? Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 5:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

Posted by MrsERod

she certainly won't be winning don's award this week!! Chat Icon

or will she? Chat Icon

what do you mean by this?

Posted 6/26/06 5:45 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by janet

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

Posted by MrsERod

she certainly won't be winning don's award this week!! Chat Icon

or will she? Chat Icon

what do you mean by this?

that little award thing i'm doing

erod made a joke that the fakie wouldnt be winning

and i said she might

jokingly of course

Posted 6/26/06 5:46 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

Posted by MrsERod

she certainly won't be winning don's award this week!! Chat Icon

or will she? Chat Icon


saying what you want to say, does NOT count when you have to create a fake screename in order to say it!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 5:47 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

Posted by MrsERod

she certainly won't be winning don's award this week!! Chat Icon

or will she? Chat Icon


saying what you want to say, does NOT count when you have to create a fake screename in order to say it!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

there will be no influencing of the judge Chat Icon


the captain will say that posting under a fake name loses you points

Posted 6/26/06 5:50 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

there will be no influencing of the judge Chat Icon


the captain will say that posting under a fake name loses you points

c'mon don...even I know you can't be influenced! Chat Icon
(unless of course you smother your argument with sauce..Chat Icon )

but i will say this:

Chat Icon should automatically be disqualified! Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 5:52 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

13659 total posts

And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

there will be no influencing of the judge Chat Icon


the captain will say that posting under a fake name loses you points

c'mon don...even I know you can't be influenced! Chat Icon
(unless of course you smother your argument with sauce..Chat Icon )

but i will say this:

Chat Icon should automatically be disqualified! Chat Icon

the committe will take the above suggestion under advisement

Posted 6/26/06 5:55 PM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

ok what award thing? mrs clueless checking in!

Posted 6/26/06 5:55 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

13659 total posts

And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

if you do a search on my name, there's a thread about it

i will bump for you

Posted 6/26/06 5:56 PM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

ok thank you!

Posted 6/26/06 5:59 PM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by janet

hide you may but if it was your husband that was died possibly by what brookhaven did not do would you bring your child there? let me know if you ever have to go through what i went through and then come to me!which i pray to god you never do!!! you have no clue what happen and let's just say only a sellect few do only becaue i am in a possible mal practice suite against that hospital. i am a nurses aid out of practice but i still have my training and know what i was looking for!!! as to the fact of someone maybe having a heart attack while they where attending to my daughter is not in account here, my daughter for all we knew at the time could have had a brain bleed! so yes because of her signs where stable i asked, but if they where not i would have requested for a helecopter to take her to stoney brook! i live 2 sec. from brookhaven airport. but never will my child go to that hospital! either way whether or not i had asked or not they where her for my daughter, and thank god it was not more serious,but if it had they still would have been here and not at the heart attack, that is why in a matter of 5 miles we have 4 ambulence companies!'ve gone through so much...please don't let anything that this person said upset you.Chat Icon

How is Kryssy feeling today? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 7:15 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My son got hurt last night and we took him to Brookhaven. I did not want to go there but it is the closest to me. I KNOW how you feel about that place!!

Posted 6/26/06 7:56 PM

Life is good!

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 7:57 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

OMG, Janet, you have a black cloud following you these days. I'm so sorry, honey. Thank Goodness Kryssy is ok. What a jackass ambulance driver. Chat Icon You did what you felt was right as a good mommy should. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 8:18 PM

My Babies

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 8:42 PM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

thank you all for all your true concern for kryssy! she is doing ok today. she stayed awake threw the whole night till about 6 this morning. she finally feel asleep and when she got up said her headache was gone. so she is ok!! thank god! tomorrow she will join me at camp!Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 8:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by hazeleyes33

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My son got hurt last night and we took him to Brookhaven. I did not want to go there but it is the closest to me. I KNOW how you feel about that place!!

oh my what happen to your son? i hope he is ok?Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 8:45 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by janet

thank you all for all your true concern for kryssy! she is doing ok today. she stayed awake threw the whole night till about 6 this morning. she finally feel asleep and when she got up said her headache was gone. so she is ok!! thank god! tomorrow she will join me at camp!Chat Icon

so glad to hear her headache went away and she is feeling better
Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 8:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

Posted by DebG

Posted by janet

thank you all for all your true concern for kryssy! she is doing ok today. she stayed awake threw the whole night till about 6 this morning. she finally feel asleep and when she got up said her headache was gone. so she is ok!! thank god! tomorrow she will join me at camp!Chat Icon

so glad to hear her headache went away and she is feeling better
Chat Icon

Me too! Chat Icon for Kryssy!

Posted 6/26/06 10:23 PM

Making big changes

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

I'm glad she's okay! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 10:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

awww janet you just made me scared when i read that headline. give kryssy a hug for me please.
we never liked brookhaven (from what joseph tells me) but i never wanted to say anything to you when you were going through your tough times.

Posted 6/26/06 10:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: just got home from the hospital with kryssy

I am so sorry...... I hope she is feeling better Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 6:26 AM
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