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I heart New York

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Merry Christmas !!!

Member since 10/06

3308 total posts


I heart New York

I would never want to live anywhere else. My family is here, my friends are here, I grew up here, and my roots are here.

New York is a place where no matter how many times you have seen something, it always amazes you. New York is a place where you can drive an hour East, and be in a totally different environment. New York to me, is the heartbeat of the United States.

Feel Free to add your comments.

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Posted 10/10/06 3:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: I heart New York

Posted by HollaGirl

I would never want to live anywhere else. My family is here, my friends are here, I grew up here, and my roots are here.

New York is a place where no matter how many times you have seen something, it always amazes you. New York is a place where you can drive an hour East, and be in a totally different environment. New York to me, is the heartbeat of the United States.

Feel Free to add your comments.

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Posted 10/10/06 3:21 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

6655 total posts


Re: I heart New York

For all of the things I complain about with regards to living here, every time I go away I just love coming home. The energy and diversity and the whole New York experience is just something you can't get anywhere else. New Yorker's are my favorite people! We tell it like it is as, when it matters most, support the hell out of each other! Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 3:23 PM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: I heart New York

Posted by HollaGirl
New York to me, is the heartbeat of the United States.

That pretty much sums up how I feel about NY as well.

You've got museums, mountains, beaches, great food, parks......everything within your reach.

Posted 10/10/06 3:23 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I love NY too, I was just not able to live comfortably there so now, I love NC just as much....I will always love ny, my roots are there as well

Posted 10/10/06 3:24 PM

Love my little boy!

Member since 6/05

2489 total posts


Re: I heart New York

i would also never leave NY, everything is here, my friends and family. if i had to struggle to live here i would!!

Posted 10/10/06 3:25 PM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: I heart New York

Posted by HollaGirl

I would never want to live anywhere else. My family is here, my friends are here, I grew up here, and my roots are here.

New York is a place where no matter how many times you have seen something, it always amazes you. New York is a place where you can drive an hour East, and be in a totally different environment. New York to me, is the heartbeat of the United States.

Feel Free to add your comments.

Chat Icon

I 100% agree. Hubby and I often fantasize about moving some place else where we can have a bigger house, lower taxes,etc. But it's always just that- fantasy. The truth is I could never leave here- my family, my friends, my roots.
I get emotional just thinking about leaving.
In our opinion- a bigger house would be great- but without family and friends to share it with- what's the point?

Posted 10/10/06 3:26 PM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I puffy heart New York as well.

I love everything about it. For all it's "negative" there are so many more positives.

How can you beat:

Going sleigh riding at Bethpage GC in the winter
The Long Beach boardwalk in the summer
The wineries in the late summer/fall
Going pumpkin/apple picking in Jamesport in the fall
NEW YORK CITY - nuff said
The shopping, the resturants, the views . . .

I could go on and on

Posted 10/10/06 3:26 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I love NY too!
My accent is desired by so many people in this country.
Chat Icon

ETA: Dont know why there isnt a "spinoff" to LI subject line on this thread though.

Me = not born yesterday Chat Icon

Message edited 10/10/2006 3:33:49 PM.

Posted 10/10/06 3:27 PM


Member since 5/05

20997 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I do love NY! Everytime I leave here, I do miss it and cant wait to come home.
I love the things that I cant appreciate elsewhere...BAGELS, good pizza, (when i was single) going out till 4am and going out after 4am and then finding a place to eat at 4am.
The change of seasons, the accent that follows everywhere. Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 3:27 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I love NY too, but my DH does not.

Posted 10/10/06 3:28 PM

Merry Christmas !!!

Member since 10/06

3308 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I still get giddy when I walk the streets of Manhattan, or have dinner in the village.

When I go to Times Square, and see so many different people, from so many walks of love, it feels awesome.

When I see TOURISTS, who come here on vacation, and think it is the most fabulous place in the world. It's like Disney World for adults.

Posted 10/10/06 3:29 PM


Member since 5/05

1573 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I love New York, too.

I would kind of like to love it from afar for a while though.

Posted 10/10/06 3:30 PM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: I heart New York

Posted by anonttcer

I 100% agree. Hubby and I often fantasize about moving some place else where we can have a bigger house, lower taxes,etc. But it's always just that- fantasy. The truth is I could never leave here- my family, my friends, my roots.
I get emotional just thinking about leaving.
In our opinion- a bigger house would be great- but without family and friends to share it with- what's the point?

That last sentence says it all "In our opinion - a bigger house would be great - but without family and friends to share it with - what's the point?Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 3:31 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

2527 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I Chat Icon NY!!

I love our weather! I love that I can go from NY City! to Montauk in a matter of less then 2 hrs!

I love that I can ski at great resorts for a weekend trip or even a day trip.

We have it all, great people, food, weather, beaches, shopping, sight seeing, skiing, boating, fishing, water sports, local airports, hiking, wildlife, sports, I can go on and on!

Posted 10/10/06 3:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I love NY, and LI in particular. I love the water, and boats, parks, great restaurants. And I love where i live - my neighborhood is the cutests. I would be really upset if I ever had to move.

I also work in the city but some days i walk to work slowly and just stare up at the buildings. The whole thing is just amazing and there is nothing in the world like driving into the city and seeing the skyline on the horizon.

Posted 10/10/06 3:31 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I agree!

I live in Manhattan and sometimes I am still amazed that I live here. This is a city where people dream about coming to their whole lives, where countless TV shows and movies take place.

About once a week I go to Central Park after work wtih my daughter and my sister and neice (who is 16 months). She runs over to other kids and we start talking to their parents. Its amazing what wonderful people live here and where they come from, how couples met, etc...

Its a great city!!

However, I have to say that I think one day we will have to leave the city Chat Icon We will outgrow our 1 bedroom apartment and if elementry school is anywhere near the cost of daycare, we just won't be able to afford it. I also want Jordana to have the experience of playing in a backyard and wtih neighbors outside. I don't know where i would go. The suburbs are so far from the city, I can't imagine commuting 45 minutes a day to get home to see my baby girl.

Posted 10/10/06 3:35 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I definitely Chat Icon NY! I have lived in London and Boston and nothing compares to NY. While both other cities are great, NY is home. There is an energy here that cannot be created anywhere else.

Hollagirl, I Chat Icon you too! Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 3:39 PM

Merry Christmas !!!

Member since 10/06

3308 total posts


Re: I heart New York

Posted by hmpena

I definitely Chat Icon NY! I have lived in London and Boston and nothing compares to NY. While both other cities are great, NY is home. There is an energy here that cannot be created anywhere else.

Hollagirl, I Chat Icon you too! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Heart you too beautiful!

Posted 10/10/06 3:40 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I LOVE living in NY. I live in Queens and think it's one of the best places to live. I don't see myself moving any time soon.

I don't understand why, if people find it so difficult and/or repulsing, do they stay?

Posted 10/10/06 3:46 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: I heart New York

I AM New York. I am sure I would not be the same person if I was not born and bred here. there is something about a native New Yorker that you just can't "get" by moving here.

I certainly wouldn't live anywhere else in the USA, voluntarily at least.

my fav ode to my fav city

In New York freedom looks like too many choices
In New York I found a friend to drown out the other voices
Voices on the cell phone
Voices from home
Voices of the hard sell
Voices down the stairwell
In New York, just got a place in New York

In New York summers get hot well into the hundreds
You can walk around the block without a change of clothing
Hot as a hair dryer in your face
Hot as handbag and a can of mace
New York, I just got a place in New York
New York, New York

In New York you can forget, forget how to sit still
Tell yourself you will stay in
But it's down to Alphaville

New York, New York, New York
New York, New York, New York

The Irish have been coming here for years
Feel like they own the place
They got the airport, city hall, concrete, asphalt, they even got the police
Irish, Italians, Jews and Hispanics
Religious nuts, political fanatics in the stew
Living happily not like me and you
That's where I lost you...New York

New York, New York
New York, New York

In New York I lost it all to you and your vices
Still I'm staying on to figure out my mid life crisis
I hit an iceberg in my life
But you know I'm still afloat
You lose your balance, lose your wife
In the queue for the lifeboat

You got to put the women and children first
But you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York

New York, New York
New York, New York

In the stillness of the evening
When the sun has had its day
I heard your voice a-whispering
Come away child

New York, New York

Posted 10/10/06 3:47 PM

Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06

5804 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I could never see me living anywhere else. Its the most amazing place to live (even though its expensive).

Posted 10/10/06 4:03 PM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I Love NY too!

I would miss the change of seasons too much!!

NY has the best of everythingChat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 4:06 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: I heart New York

I live very far away from New York and have done for 7 years, but I still feel (and sound) very much a New Yorker...

I think the old adage is can take the girl out of New York, but you can't take the New York out of the girl.

Posted 10/10/06 4:12 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: I heart New York

Posted by McSullivan

I love New York, too.

I would kind of like to love it from afar for a while though.

This kind of sums up how I feel as well.

Posted 10/10/06 4:14 PM
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