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Random question...Best Friends

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

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Random question...Best Friends

No real reason for the question...just wondering I guess.

I was out to dinner with DH and my best friend and her DH last night. Of course she and I got to talking about when we first became friends and all the stuff we have gone through since high school (so many years ago lol). We were saying how we are happy to have stuck it all out together, when it seems like soo many people make and loss friends so fast.

Ok, so how many of us have had the same best friend since high school and why? Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 10:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have had the same "best friends" since elementary school. and I have another "best friend" from college.... I am still extremely close with all of them!

Posted 10/10/06 11:11 AM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I've had the same "Best Friend" since 7th grade. She is great, and I love our friendship. I would definitely say that she is my "best girl friend" because DH is definitely truly my best friend.

Posted 10/10/06 2:12 PM

Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

Yup. My best friend and I have been an indivisible team for about 17 years now, I couldn't love her any more if she was my actual sister.
External Image

Posted 10/10/06 2:44 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

My BF & I have been friends since kindergarten! 22 years! There used to be 3 of us but one we are no longer friends with for the past 5 years. (her choice)
I have 3 others one for about 8 yrs, another for about 7 yrs and, another for about 6.

Posted 10/10/06 2:54 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

561 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

Posted by trnity44

I've had the same "Best Friend" since 7th grade. She is great, and I love our friendship. I would definitely say that she is my "best girl friend" because DH is definitely truly my best friend.

Good point!! Forgot about him there for a minute lol Chat Icon DH is actually my best friend, so she is my best girl friend.

Posted 10/10/06 5:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

561 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

Posted by evenedan

Yup. My best friend and I have been an indivisible team for about 17 years now, I couldn't love her any more if she was my actual sister.

Cute picture!

Posted 10/10/06 5:11 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

Posted by trnity44

I've had the same "Best Friend" since 7th grade. She is great, and I love our friendship. I would definitely say that she is my "best girl friend" because DH is definitely truly my best friend.

I've had mine since 5th grade but I would say the same thing. I love her to death though Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 5:27 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have the same friend since 3rd grade and while we do get on each other's nerves, we love each other like sisters.....

I have 2 best friends from HS and we are just like 3 peas in a pod, I could never lose them.

I actually don't have many other female friends, just them, that's all I need....

Posted 10/10/06 5:56 PM

#2 on the way!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I still have 2 best friends from high school...
We've had our tiffs as all friendships do... but its just cause we "get" each other and can totally be ourselves with each other....

Posted 10/10/06 5:58 PM

Positive thoughts worked!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have the same best friend from junior high school, one from college and one from after college which is going on a 10 year anniversary so to say. I would have to say it is quality not quantity. My friends are always there. We might not talk on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis but if something needs tending to we are there for eachother. I guess i have 3 best friends..

eta: all you guys are being politically correct with dh as the best friend so let's call it 4 best friends..lolChat Icon

Message edited 10/10/2006 6:36:59 PM.

Posted 10/10/06 6:35 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

one best friend is from birth-really...we grew up together-he was a groomsman...he is more like family

I have stayed friends with one best friend from childhood-we arent really best friends anymore-but we were -and we are still friends-the only 2 from our "group" so sad...

and my best friends from college-a few-we are still best friends...

Posted 10/10/06 6:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

My "best girl friend" is from freshman year in high school - we went to college together, survived living together for a year, I moved out sophomore year, didn't talk for six months, and have been back as friends since then.

I do have another close friend from kindergarden, too - over 25 years!

Posted 10/10/06 10:21 PM

Rocking the party

Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

Posted by trnity44

I've had the same "Best Friend" since 7th grade. She is great, and I love our friendship. I would definitely say that she is my "best girl friend" because DH is definitely truly my best friend.

Ditto to this except I met my best friend in 4th grade. I have other really good friends for many years as well. I know that no matter how often we talk, we'll always be there for one another.

Posted 10/11/06 8:16 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

My oldest and dearest friend and I were baptized together. I have good friends since Kindergarten and High school and college friends. I was lucky to have kept touch with so many of them

Posted 10/11/06 9:53 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have been "Best Buds" with friend Jen for 23 years....Chat Icon We have been friends since 7th grade...We Don't say best friends because ( superstitious as she is) all her Best friends through the years have turned sour. We talk every other day and she is dedicated to always staying in touch. We have been through so much... I couldn't imagine NOT having her in my life.Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/06 10:18 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

My best friend and I have been friends since 7th grade....19 years now! Chat Icon We love each other like sisters so that means we've had our share of rough patches but we respect each other so much that we've always worked through any issues that arose. We always did as much as we could together, even dressed alike in H.S. as dumb as that is. We were just recently pregnant at the same time, our boys are 2 months apart and we hope they will be as great friends as we are. I can't imagine my life without her!Chat Icon

Message edited 10/11/2006 1:14:04 PM.

Posted 10/11/06 1:10 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have a few Bestfriends I am lucky enough to have many childhood friends, my very best friend I have been friends with since 3rd grade!!, I just loe her, she is so loving, giving, sincere, supportive, and is single so has all the itme in the workd for me and my kids, most importantly she LOVES my kids to no end and my kids adore her as well.
BUT... I am lucky to say that my other bestfruends are my Mom, my aunt, another childhood friend (since 8th grade), my SIL, my hubby and my kids!!! I am blessed.Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/06 10:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have an the same best friend since 3rd grade. Sadly, she moved to Las Vegas almost 4 years ago. I miss her terribly. We still talk a few timea a week and see each other a few times a year.

Posted 10/11/06 10:45 PM


Member since 7/06

2969 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have the same best friend since 1st grade, that's 20 years... I love her as if she were my sister and couldn't possibly picture my life without her!!!!!!! We have been through eveyrthing togetherChat Icon

Posted 10/12/06 12:08 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have the same best friend since kindergarten. The best part of our friendship (which us and our families find so amazing) is that when we were in the 5th grade she moved away to Massachusetts (we lived in CT at the time) when we were in 8th grade my family moved from CT to LI. We've been friends for 30 years and only lived around the corner from eachother for 5 of those years and we've managed to stay as close as sisters all these years.

Posted 10/12/06 3:34 PM

So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Random question...Best Friends

2 of my closet friends are from growing up and going to HS together

Posted 10/12/06 7:45 PM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

8777 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

i have the same best friend i made in...

get ready...


we are more like sisters now. I love her to pieces. She knows me better than anyone else I know.

even through all of the other friend changes, groups, boyfriends, etc, we are as close as ever

Posted 10/12/06 9:32 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

Member since 6/06

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Baby Momma

Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have had the same best friend since Junior High. She was just the Matron of Honor in my wedding. I cannot imagine my life without her!!

DH has had the same best friend since he was four!!!

Message edited 10/12/2006 10:01:25 PM.

Posted 10/12/06 10:00 PM

This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06

9562 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

my best girlfriend i have been friends with since kindergarten, 23 long years together! we always joke around that we've known each other longer than we've known our little sisters! she was 1 of my BM's and i hope to return the favor to her real soon!!!!

other than her, i have alot of friends that are girls but none that i would call "best" friends.

DH is the BEST friend that i could ever have! Chat Icon

Posted 10/12/06 10:55 PM
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