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Which did you ladies find to be easier to use?

Forum Opinion Poll
Powder Formula 24 60.00%
RTF 16 40.00%

Powder Formula vs. RTF?

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I love my DS!!!

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Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Which did you ladies found to be easier. I am aware that RTF is more expensive.

Posted 3/23/06 11:42 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I've never used the powder. I only use the RTF.

Posted 3/23/06 11:44 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I use powder only better because it is cheaper. If cost wasnt an issue, definitely the RTF. With powder you have to use sterile water and measure the powder and mix together.. I mean it doesnt take that long, but its just so much easier to open up the can and pour in the bottle.

Posted 3/23/06 11:46 AM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I used both but preferred the powder because it was so much easier. The powder I did not have to warm up I kept the water room temp, shook and servedChat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 11:49 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Posted by Giannas-mama

I used both but preferred the powder because it was so much easier. The powder I did not have to warm up I kept the water room temp, shook and servedChat Icon

I agree with this. Powder was much easier on the go too. Just scoop the powder in bottles, add warm water when you're ready to feed...also lighter in the diaper bag.

Posted 3/23/06 11:53 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

RTF for me.

I never switched to powder because I really don't see how it is easier. Hey, the RTF is more expensive for a reason right? Chat Icon Anyway, I worked it out and between the inconvience of powder, boiling water or buying bottled, the difference in price is only about $15/month. He's got 4 months left on formula...for $60 more I'll take the easy route, thanks. Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 12:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I've used both and prefer the powder - Especially when we go out on the weekends. All I do is fill a few bottles with water, and bring powder with me. So much easier than having to keep the bottles cool.

Posted 3/23/06 12:29 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

hmmm maybe i'll try both...It's just that RTF does sound easier but it depends on how you feel about it.

Posted 3/23/06 1:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I use powder I just sterile all the bottles in the evening so they are room temperature for teh next day. I do like ready to feed but I dont feel like warming the bottle every feeding especially at 3AM

Posted 3/23/06 1:14 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I used RTF until Nate was 4 months old. It was fine bc we didn't go out much and didn't need to worry about refridgeration. Now we can go out all day and I don't have to worry about the milk going bad or fuss with cold packs.

It's also more convenient when traveling. We've gone to NY twice and there were no worries.

Being a mom who used both, I definitely find powder formula much more convenient. When Nate goes to the ILs, I pre-fill bottles with water and put the formula in a 3-part compartment for each feeding. It's totally a matter of preference.

Posted 3/23/06 1:16 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Posted by Giannas-mama

I used both but preferred the powder because it was so much easier. The powder I did not have to warm up I kept the water room temp, shook and servedChat Icon

Same here. Whats so hard about having bottled water, throwing in powder and giving it a good shake? Chat Icon

and youre having a summer baby, room temp is all you need. If youre going on vaca lets say, you dont have to lug ten bottles of RTF, you will find bottled water anywhere. (Yes you will also find formula anywhere, but most mommies get good deals in one place and like to stick to buying there, you'll prob pay more at any vaca spot for formula anywhere)... just threw that thought in.. i know, tangent Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 1:17 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I guess there advantages to both...

Posted 3/23/06 1:21 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Posted by bedda26

I guess there advantages to both...

Yes I believe there are. I just wanted to add that for travel, I use the RTF 8oz cans so I don't have to worry about refridgerating bottles. Just pop open and pour, and it's also already room temp. Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 2:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Posted by BabyAvocado

Posted by bedda26

I guess there advantages to both...

Yes I believe there are. I just wanted to add that for travel, I use the RTF 8oz cans so I don't have to worry about refridgerating bottles. Just pop open and pour, and it's also already room temp. Chat Icon

Powder user here! I prefered it.

I did try a can of RTF once when we were going to be out, but Aidan never ate 8oz at a feeding so that would be wasted if he didn't finish it up since it then needs to be refrigerated.
I guess 2oz is not much waste, but for us I could measure exactly what was needed with the powder.

Posted 3/23/06 2:14 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I've used both, but prefer powder. I also love that small divided container used to store premeasured amts. while out.

Posted 3/23/06 3:25 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

We use RTF. I tried powder and he was hungry more often. Once I switched back to RTF, all was normal again. Weird I know. I never thought that would happen. Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 3:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

We always used RTF. If we were out I'd throw a 4oz or 8oz can of it in the diaper bag with a clean bottle. Just easier for us. And we always gave her room temp or cold from the fridge bottles.

Posted 3/23/06 3:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Powder is easier on my pocket!

Posted 3/23/06 3:47 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

We use rtf because she digests it better, but powder was def easier for traveling, middle of the night feedings, etc.

Posted 3/23/06 3:59 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I use both b/c my DS doesn't care, but I prefer's just less work, IMO.

Posted 3/23/06 4:14 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Another powder mommy here. I definitely find it easy. I always keep a kettle of boiled wather on the stove and it is room temp always and ready to make a bottle. I also find it easier to use powder on the go. Alex rarely ate 8oz at one time.

Posted 3/23/06 4:15 PM

Stop kissing me!

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

Posted by sarahsmommy

We always used RTF. If we were out I'd throw a 4oz or 8oz can of it in the diaper bag with a clean bottle. Just easier for us. And we always gave her room temp or cold from the fridge bottles.

I also use RTF, DD takes it room temp or from the frig so it is easier for me. We will see what happend in the summer.

Posted 3/23/06 4:28 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I never used RTF. A year of RTF is so much more expensive and the effort to make the powdered seemed simple enough. My tried and true method is making it a bottle at a time. ie, 6 oz bottle: boil 3 oz water, add 3 oz cold filtered water = perfect temp formula - faster than heating up a bottle that's already made.

ETA: if I was going out somewhere, Id bring along a bottle of water, heated and then add the powder when the baby was ready to eat

Message edited 3/23/2006 5:11:26 PM.

Posted 3/23/06 5:10 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

powder here....I put the powder in the bottles, carry bottled water and just mix it when needed.

Just as a note....if you try both, do it for two weeks or more. Don't switch on a daily basis or use both regularly.....the difference is too hard on the babys' system. pick one and stick with it.

Posted 3/23/06 8:16 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Powder Formula vs. RTF?

I have no choice. Since Enfamil Gentlease is a fairly new formula, it's only available in powder. I'm sure once it's gained more popularity RTF will become available. I actually like the powdered, because it's very easy when you're on the go.

Posted 3/23/06 8:19 PM
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