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Is it appropriate to "tote" a small dog into stores with you??

Forum Opinion Poll
Not Appropriate 129 75.44%
Appropriate 33 19.30%
Other-Explain 9 5.26%

Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

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-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by beautyq115

I don't think dogs should be allowed in stores, restaurants etc....

I agree!!

Posted 8/17/06 11:57 AM

L'amore vince sempre

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Mrs. B

Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by Lolita4Life

Posted by BabyCote2006

I can't stand it when I see people toting around pets like a child. Leave the thing at home and shop like a human. Unless your pet intends to swipe their credit card to pay - leave em home!

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"thing"??? Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 12:00 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

No - I don't think its appropriate to "tote" around dogs in shopping carts. Shoppings carts are meant to put food inside - and in the front if you choose you can put your child inside it also.

Posted 8/17/06 12:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Not appropriate in a shopping cart, even in a non-food store like BRU but carrying a dog under your arm to pop in and get a pack of gum or something is ok by me.

Posted 8/17/06 12:46 PM

it's me

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

dog lover but not a fan

Posted 8/17/06 1:10 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Not appropriate at all, I wish I could tote my 22 lb Pug around but he's too heavy! Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 1:22 PM

Mom of 3

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

I don't think dogs belong in stores unless the store clearly has signs that it welcomes pets. I don't think people should have to be subjected to an allergy or asthma attack b/c someone wants to carry their dog around while they do errands. Even hypoallergenic dogs can cause allergy/asthma attacks.

I've never seen pets brought on planes, but I don't travel by air that often. I'd hate to find out that I'm seated next to someone who brought a cat on the plane (I'm very allergic), but I'd probably just try to switch seats and move as far away as possible. Are only dogs of a certain size allowed to ride in the cabin with the passengers?

Posted 8/17/06 1:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by MrsS2005

Are only dogs of a certain size allowed to ride in the cabin with the passengers?

Yes. I an not sure if the airline themselves regulate it, or if it is an FAA regulation. I know the *tote* that the dog must be kept in has to fit under the seat during take-off & landing.

Posted 8/17/06 1:30 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by Tanaholic

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by Tanaholic

As far as doing it as a "fashion accessory" as many have called it...that is the last thing I do it for.

I have to say, I hate when people make a leap and assume that b/c I have a small dog I treat them like they are a *Fashion Accessory* It really bothers me that people assumeChat Icon

BTW, how does Lola do in the stroller? I was pretty set against getting one in the beginning, but the more I get asked to bring my two little ones to people's houses & stuff, the more practical it seems, especially when most times their house/yard is not small-dog friendly.

Exactly why are small dogs viewed as fashion accesories? I don't get it! Paris hilton has nothing to do with me bringing Lola to a store!!!


She does good in the stroller. She just lays down in it and watches everyone. I throw a treat in their if I see her getting antsy. I got it originally for when I wanted to go walking around my neighborhood and she coulld'nt keep up lol. But now I leave it in my car and use it all the time.

I think I may be doing some shopping this weekend....are there any parts that she chews, etc? That is one of my biggest concerns. When I first was bringing Pyxie around in her bag, she thought the zippers were tastyChat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 1:36 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by skew

can't we just agree to disagree? opnions and feedback are always welcomed but the immauture name calling is taking it a little too far.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 1:37 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by BlessedBMommi

I'm glad this thread is civil Chat Icon I know we have some hardcore dog lovers here. Myself included Chat Icon

Wishful Thinking when you posted this.....
Name Calling started after that......
Can't everyone just agree to disagree...granted not everyone will have the same opinions.....

Posted 8/17/06 1:46 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

No - I don't think its appropriate to "tote" around dogs in shopping carts. Shoppings carts are meant to put food inside - and in the front if you choose you can put your child inside it also.

I'm assumming that if the puppy is inside his/her tote that the person will be carrying the tote on their shoulders and not putting them on the shopping cart....But I guess every pet owner is not the same...that I wouldn't agree on....keep the tote on your shoulder...not on the shopping cart....

Posted 8/17/06 1:49 PM


Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

i wish i could bring my dog everywhere, but in shopping carts imo it's inappropiate

Posted 8/17/06 1:50 PM


Member since 1/06

1671 total posts


Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by Lolita4Life

"Dont hate the player, hate the game"

plain and simple if you have a problem with dogs in stores, talk to the store and try to get them to change their rules rather than complaingin about the people who are actually abiding them. If a store allows pets, then it isnt "rude" of the "idiot" to bring their "thing" with themChat Icon

Exactly! Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/06 1:55 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by lilacwine

I can't stand it when I see idiots bring their tiny dogs and cats on the subway and in the passenger cabins of planes. It's extremely inconsiderate and potentially very dangerous to people with allergies.

sorry, i'm going to have to disagree with you there...(and i AM an allergy sufferer).....
the airlines allow for small pets in passenger cabins - and charge enough damn $$$ for them long as they're in the proper carry-on, i see nothing wrong with it.

I agree with this, but in their own carriers, not loose.

Posted 8/17/06 1:57 PM


Member since 10/05

6039 total posts


Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by SweetTooth

Posted by BlessedBMommi

Posted by BabyAvocado

Inappropriate. Dogs don't belong in MOST stores. I just don't see why it's necessary. And this didn't use to be such an issue until Paris Hilton made it the latest "fashion craze". If it's okay for someone to carry around their Yorkie, then it should be okay for me to carry around my 90lb Bull Mastiff - but I guarantee you people would speak up and have a BIG problem with me walking into Walmart or someplace with her. And yes, she has major separation anxiety issues. We deal.

I think comparing dogs (no matter HOW clean) to children (no matter HOW dirty) is ridiculous. Children are human, dogs are animals, period.

As for the other stuff:

Subways - necessary
Airplane cabins - necessary, legal, and regulated
Shopping carts - unacceptable
Carrying your small dog in an appropriate tote, if necessary, NOT as a fashion accessory, fine.

I agree with you girl!!!!I'd love to tote around my 75lb American Bulldog as well so she can eat those little dogs as a snack Chat Icon

I totally agree with this as well...
I don't have a dog, but if I did I wouldn't it be bringing it to stores except maybe Petco. I don't think any kind of animals belong in any stores unless it is a "helper" animal. Besides the allergy thing, no matter how well trained, you never know how an animal will act in a strange environment. What if some little kid runs up to your dog and scares it or pulls its tail? What if some sort of alarm goes off?

Also here's another thing to consider - unless you have the proper restraints, a dog travelling in a car is very dangerous. What if you got into an accident? Your dog would become a projectile and maybe be ejected from the car or injure someone else in the car.

If the dog is inside the tote...his tail is inside as well. You only probably see their head protuding from the tote...but there are probably bags that will not be like that therefore I'd think that as responsible dog owner, you'd prefer one where only the dog's head is out.....
As far as traveling in a all comes down to being a responsible dog owner. I take my pup to my parent's home on the days that I'm working because I don't want her to be crated for 9 to 10 hours in a crate and I secure the soft crate in the back with the seat belts to avoid her being a projectile in the case of an accident or from the soft tote being move around by her. If I'd be traveling by foot with her, then definitely a smaller hard crate might be a better option. So we really have to assume and hope for the dog's well being that their owner is a responsible dog owner and will take into accountand consider all those things when traveling.

Posted 8/17/06 1:58 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by MrsS2005

Are only dogs of a certain size allowed to ride in the cabin with the passengers?

Yes. I an not sure if the airline themselves regulate it, or if it is an FAA regulation. I know the *tote* that the dog must be kept in has to fit under the seat during take-off & landing.

I know jet blue states that dog and carrier must not exceed 20 pounds and carrier needs to be 17 inches x 12 1/2 x 8

Posted 8/17/06 1:58 PM


Member since 5/05

2771 total posts


Re: Poll-Is it appropriate to "tote" dogs into stores??

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Posted by Jessica

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by muchinluvmichi

it is not appropriate AT ALL
not even on an airplane..pple come b4 pets, if someone has alergies they should not have to suffer b/c ur cat or dog is secured properly...pple could die b/c of their allergies...

so if mrs. miller is flying down to florida for the winter, where is she supposed to put fluffy?? in the overhead compartment? or in the luggage compartment where the temp drops to below freezing? Chat Icon
and trust me, i hear what you're saying - b/c i'm allergic to cats - but only if i come in close contact with one or am around the area where all of its dander has collected, etc....
so if fluffy is secured properly underneath the seat in front of mrs miller - i don't see anything wrong with it.

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Couldn't have said it better myself

if a cat comes near me i could potentially die--do u know how UNSANITARY airplanes r as far as fresh air...shoudl i die b/c mrs miller wants to tote her cat..i think not

die ??? REALLY how do you go outside ? ETS do you get shots?? you should if it is as dangerous as you say.

Message edited 8/18/2006 10:36:12 AM.

Posted 8/18/06 10:34 AM
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