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Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

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Me and the guys

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Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I went out today to buy a great pair of jeans. I looked online and found that Barney's was suppose to have the best selection. So, with Amex in hand and DH in tow I began my quest. I enter Barney's and I am really excited!! I just know that here somewhere is the perfect pair for me and I am ready to pay $200 if I need to in order to make them mine. DH and I happily go through the piles and piles of jeans pulling out the washes that we prefer. I take about 6 pairs into the dressing room and try to squeeze my apparently huge a$$ into them. I walk out of the dressing room in near tears, cursing whoever decided that this was a good way to spend our day. DH says to try a different size. After all we just guessed at what number size I would be. I go up a size and still they all hang around my buttcrack, accentuate my crotch like a neon sign and some even have...... tapered legs!!!! I come out of the dressing room and holding back tears ask DH to kindly help me out of what is obviously he!!.

Who designs these jeans?!! I am 5'3, 115 lbs.and built like a woman, but today I felt like I have a body ready for scientific study. Apparently, If you are slim and short you should be built like a boy!! I have a JLo booty!! I can't help it I was born that way!!!

So, does anyone know where I should go or a brand that would fit a freakishly built woman such as myself?Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/06 11:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

DKNY! I love their jeans.

Posted 1/22/06 11:36 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

LOL I have the same problem, I am only 5'2" but have always had a J Lo booty myself. The only jeans that fit me and I like the way they look are Gap - usually the bootcut stretch jeans.

Posted 1/22/06 11:37 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I hear NY&Co. makes GREAT jeans....

Posted 1/22/06 11:38 PM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Posted by karacg

I hear NY&Co. makes GREAT jeans....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

They do - for everyday wear to the grocery store, etc. They're a little frumpy. I have a couple pairs, bootcut and flare, i think. They don't make any good "HOT BOOTY" jeans. Get DH on that! Please! When I want "hot jeans" I have to go elsewhere - and that's my absolute favorite store!

Posted 1/22/06 11:40 PM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

first- Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ok, i seriosly could've written this post word for word! (errr... ok, minus the 115 pounds part Chat Icon Chat Icon ). i looked (actively, not passively) for over a Month and a Half to find a pair of jeans that actually FIT me! i swear, most of them either made me look like i had a 'package', bubbled out above my butt crack, barely covered my butt crack, fit my waiste but were puffy in the zipper area... i could go on and on. Stretch? nope- on me, apparently it stretches in all the wrong spots. and Tapered? seriously? aren't there laws against that??? Chat Icon

anyway, a week before christmas, when i had just about abandoned all hope, the gods of the holiday season shun down on me, and i actualyl found TWO pair (different styles, too) Chat Icon in American Eagle that not only fit right, but also made my hiney looked pretty hot WHILST efficiently covering the crack area Chat Icon

so long story, long. Have you tried AE?? it's defintely worth a shot.

Good Luck!!! i Completely feel your pain and frustration Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/06 11:41 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

If you are looking to spend that kind of money on jeans you can go to Bloomingdales. There have a huge section of jeans where you have to be able to find something that fits you.

I myself have come to LOVE Abercrombie& Fitch jeans....They fit me the best
I am close to you in height and weight...

Posted 1/23/06 6:49 AM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Posted by Redhead

If you are looking to spend that kind of money on jeans you can go to Bloomingdales. There have a huge section of jeans where you have to be able to find something that fits you.

I myself have come to LOVE Abercrombie& Fitch jeans....They fit me the best
I am close to you in height and weight...

I love AF jeans too!!!!

Posted 1/23/06 6:53 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I just bought another pair on sat Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 6:57 AM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Being 6 ft tall I am so limited as to where to find good jeans. I honestly buy my jeans from NY & Co since they are stylish and they carry for tall. I have yet to find anyone else who does both

Posted 1/23/06 8:05 AM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Posted by dooodles

Being 6 ft tall I am so limited as to where to find good jeans. I honestly buy my jeans from NY & Co since they are stylish and they carry for tall. I have yet to find anyone else who does both

probably the one and only thing I never liked about being tall- finding jeans/pants that are long AND stylish! Chat Icon. There's the Buckle (online) that sells BKE jeans- very nice and they come as long as 35 1/2!!

Good luck Heidi. I would try A&F like the OP's suggested. They're great jeans and I"m sure you'll find something there. Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 8:20 AM

Big Sister to Be!

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

i am pretty close to your height and weight and I've found jeans that fit me great at the Gap

Posted 1/23/06 8:32 AM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Try the Gap curvy! Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 8:33 AM

My Love

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I feel your pain. I just said this weekend that i desperatly need jeans and I am absolutly dreading it. I bought a pair of jeans about 3 yrs ago--the best jeans I have even owned and I have worn them down to its last threads--if i had known those were the only random brand that would ever fit my body, Id have bought every pair they had Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 8:36 AM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Posted by muchinluvmichi

if i had known those were the only random brand that would ever fit my body, Id have bought every pair they had Chat Icon

I can totally relate to that!
I usually find jeans on sale at Filene's basement or someplace like that & then can never find another like it ever again!

I refuse to hem jeans, so I will only get ones that come in short, or petite & I can never find cool looking dark wash straight jeans.
I just usually settle for "not too frumpy"
My current pair are from Raefella petites & I boguth them at Filene's basemnt--They also have that brand at Lord & Taylor ( I have some work pants from them)

Posted 1/23/06 9:25 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

NY&CO. has a new line of jeans that are awesome. Also Gap has a petite & curvy section for jeans. They're great. Anne Taylor is great too.

Posted 1/23/06 9:29 AM

big brother <3

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I am short and curvy, and my favorites are from Express and the Limited. I have a pair of Sevens, but I must be the only person who they don't look really good on.

Posted 1/23/06 9:35 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I'm sorry you had such a hard time finding jeans but I have to say that the most amazing part of that story to me was that your DH WAS WITH YOU! Hell if I can get my DH to go shopping with me for ANYTHING!! Chat Icon

Anyway, I've always liked the way Express jeans fit. Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 9:37 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I think the Bloomingdales in NYC on lexington and 60th has the best selection of jeans. Just be careful because on weekends their jeans section is a mob scene.

Find the brand you like the fit of and then worry about the size. I find that a size in one brand may not get past my hips in another.

My favorites are Seven, Paige Denim and Citizens of Humanity but, it really depends on your body type. Spend the time - its worh it Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 9:41 AM

Double Trouble!

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Chat Icon

Ok..I am embarrassed to say this, but I have a few pairs from Mandees to the Rescue Chat Icon and I love them!!! I also have some from the Gap.

But, I am still on the hunt for a REALLY GOOD pair..

Good luck on your search!Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 10:09 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I always had a horrible time with this. I just bought two new pairs.

Rock and Republic....EXCELLENT!!! $185 but so worth it!!

Big Star...Also great...not as much a dressy jean but only $85...bargain! LOL

Posted 1/23/06 10:13 AM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I like NY&Co jeans. I can't bring myself to spend $200 (but have dropped that much or close to it on makeup- it's just priorities!)

I went to Old Navy with a friend once because she wanted jeans. She has a real "hourglass" figure, not fat at all and yet she hated everything she tried on. Then she tried on a pair of men's carpenter jeans and they looked awesome. We could not figure out why, since she could not have a more womanly figure. Maybe you should look at men's jeans?

Posted 1/23/06 10:37 AM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

i second AE! they have petite lengths too...some are way too low cut for me, i don't need the whole world to see my vagina, but if you buy the favorites, they are pretty good about covering.

Posted 1/23/06 10:41 AM

Come on in

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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

I am convinced men make these jeans. Chat Icon

I just got 3 pairs of jeans that I swear actually fit me in the store, got home, washed them and when I went to wear them they did not fit Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hate hate hate hate hate shopping for jeans and bathing suits. I am just going to hire my own designer because nothing ever fits right.

Though NY&co has jeans that will wear down to the threads. I did find a pair of Ralph Lauren Jeans that are great sexy jeans.

Posted 1/23/06 10:42 AM


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Re: Who the he!! makes jeans that are made for a woman!!!!!

Posted by BNL2005

i second AE! they have petite lengths too...some are way too low cut for me, i don't need the whole world to see my vagina, but if you buy the favorites, they are pretty good about covering.


Posted 1/23/06 10:42 AM
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