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August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

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So its been a long 36-40 weeks depending on when in the Month you are due.

Besides that its been a long hot summer with our "big" bellies. But we are almost at the finish line.

I personally am starting to get very nervous. Our new house is still completely not ready for a baby!!!! Our bedroom and the baby's bedroom are both gutted. Hopefully Sunday we get a lot accomplished!!! Plus I have new bedroom and living room furniture being delivered and I have NO idea where they are going to go!!!!

Other than that I am anxiously waiting. I've had all the signs (mucus plug, bloody show, contractions....just no Chat Icon )

Posted 8/4/06 11:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Little Angel

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Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I can't believe we are almost there!! I too am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my baby Chat Icon I've had contractions on 3 different occasions, but it was false labor. I was so disappoited. Chat Icon I'm almost 38 weeks and go for my first internal next Wednesday. I also have a growth sono scheduled for Monday. Now that I'm so close to the finish line I just can't take it anymore. I just want to finally meet my baby girl!!

Labor vibes to all August mommies!!!

Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/06 12:11 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

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Still not completely ready. I still have to pack my bag and wash clothes and I need sheets for the bassinet. I bought my 1st pack of diapers yesterday Chat Icon The nesting instinct in me wants to scrub my house from top to bottom but everytime I get started I need to stop and take a nap!

I found myself now over analzying every little cramp and twinge I feel now. I know I still have a few weeks but hopeing I go a little early. Chat Icon

Good luck to all the August mommies! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/06 12:12 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

42 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Yeah I have a few weeks to go till my due date too(8/27) but I'm keeping my fingers crossed I go a little early. I think my baby dropped a little over night into this morning b/c I'm feeling some pressure and I'm peeing more frequently. This is my 2nd and I think I'm just as nervous this time! LOL! Well good luck to everyone this month.
Oh by the way any body from out this way? I'm delivering in Riverhead. I live in Center Moriches.

Posted 8/4/06 1:09 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/05

38 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

i am ready to meet our little girl also...bags are packed, bassinet set up, car seat will be installed this weekend.
i have 2 weeks till the due date and have had no signs yet...well just one, i think i lost the plug.
best wishes to all!!!
stay cool!

Posted 8/4/06 1:42 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

is anyone else getting really really nervous????

i don't know if i'm over excited, but i can't sleep at night.

Posted 8/7/06 8:05 AM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

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Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I am! I can't sleep either! First off I'm up every hour to pee and then I can't go back to sleep because I just have so much on my mind. I just wish I knew when she was planning on making her grand entrance Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 9:33 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by MrsSchwags

is anyone else getting really really nervous????

i don't know if i'm over excited, but i can't sleep at night.

Yes! I'm not nervous about labor but I'm anxious about becomig a mommy. I'm going to miss being pregnant though. I had a fairly easy pregnancy and love being able to feel the baby. I am also still working full time so that keeps my mind off of things.

Good luck to us all and here's to a quick and easy delivery to healthy August babies!

Posted 8/7/06 9:43 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

that would make life so much easier if there was a set day. So we know this is it. I am over analyzing every sign and symptom also.

I think There is suppose to be a full moon this week...maybe that will push some of us ahead!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 9:44 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I'm dying to know if it's a Chat Icon or a Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 9:49 AM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by shamrock12472

I'm dying to know if it's a Chat Icon or a Chat Icon

Me too. Now that I'm at the end the suspense is killing me!

Posted 8/7/06 11:08 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I give you girls credit! I caved in and had to find out. I was getting sick of yellow and green!!!

Posted 8/7/06 12:02 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I can't belieive I ended up a july mommy!!!! Good Luck to all!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/7/06 1:41 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

42 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by Disneygirl

Posted by shamrock12472

I'm dying to know if it's a Chat Icon or a Chat Icon

Me too. Now that I'm at the end the suspense is killing me!

Oh you girls are not kidding! I'm dying if I don't know soon. I just went to the doc a day early b/c I have been having contractions,pressure,backache,bathroom every few minutes (#1 and or #2 alot) and I lost a pretty good size peice of my mucus plug. BUT I'm only 1 cm. Well atleast something is starting. Maybe getting checked will get something going a little more. And they want me to go to another sono to check weight(this will be my 7th I think b/c of GD)

Posted 8/7/06 3:18 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

As of last tuesday, I was also 1 cm dialated and I think I have lost some of the MP.

I heard that the more internals you get the quicker this process goes!!! That would be nice..I'd get one every day lol. Chat Icon

I go back to the Dr's tomorrow for my 38 week appt. Hopefully something comes out of it!

Posted 8/7/06 3:56 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

42 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by MrsSchwags

As of last tuesday, I was also 1 cm dialated and I think I have lost some of the MP.

I heard that the more internals you get the quicker this process goes!!! That would be nice..I'd get one every day lol. Chat Icon

I go back to the Dr's tomorrow for my 38 week appt. Hopefully something comes out of it!

How did you do? Anything more happening?

Posted 8/8/06 11:57 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I go at 3pm! I'll let ya know when I get back!

Posted 8/8/06 12:01 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

42 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Good luck!!!

Posted 8/8/06 12:02 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/06

42 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

What is your due date again? Sorry. I know we are pretty close, mine is 8/27.

Posted 8/8/06 12:03 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by mrshdchevy

What is your due date again? Sorry. I know we are pretty close, mine is 8/27.

8/23..15 days to go!!!

Posted 8/8/06 12:06 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by MrsSchwags

I go at 3pm! I'll let ya know when I get back!

Good luck! I don't feel anything. I might have had some contractions but nothing that I can say really were. I haven't had an internal yet. I go to the doctor this Thursday.

Let us know how it goes!

Posted 8/8/06 12:10 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/05

38 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

i go back to the dr tomorrow night. i have been feeling, what i think are mild contractions, but i will see what the dr says about the pains.
anyone have a non stress test done?? i had one last week and will have another one this appointment.

Posted 8/8/06 4:02 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Posted by StephC128

i go back to the dr tomorrow night. i have been feeling, what i think are mild contractions, but i will see what the dr says about the pains.
anyone have a non stress test done?? i had one last week and will have another one this appointment.

No, I haven't had a stress test. I hope all goes well at the drs!

Posted 8/8/06 4:35 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

Back from the doctors....I am still only 1 cm. He said see you next week!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I was hoping to speed this along!

Posted 8/8/06 8:50 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: August Mommies!!! It's OUR MONTH!!!

I am due on August 22nd. I had my 3rd internal today and there is nothing going on yet. I haven't had any of the signs yet. I have a feeling I'm going to be late. I just hope this baby doesn't wait until Sept to come. Chat Icon The baby is measuring around 7 pounds right now. The nursery is all set up and it looks so cute. I'm so excited/nervous!!

Posted 8/8/06 9:29 PM
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