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Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

That sex is so complicated...too many things going on for me to concentrate on getting an "O"

DH won't do it if the baby is if the baby wakes up during it, I have to try and hide my belly.

For some strange reason, I thought stretch marks would be limited to my stomach. They are all over.

Yeast infections are common.

Heartburn is a never ending headache.

I fear the silliest things. Irrational fears. Fear that ocean waves will kill the baby. Fear that if I push at all during #2, it will cause contractions. Fear that in a luke warm tub, my body will be too relaxed and I will go into labor.

That maternity clothes are hard to find. I should have bought a size bigger in the beginning.

This intense hunger is horrible. Having to tell your DH that if he wants something when he gets home he better hide it from me before he leaves.

If you read about being pregnant, you are being too crazy...If you cheat and eat McDonald's you don't care. Everyone is judging you at all times.

Posted 10/24/06 9:11 PM
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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

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Posted 9/27/07 10:58 AM

Is it summer yet?

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

Posted by MrsJ

What are some things no one ever told you about pregnancy?

I'll start:

I didn't know my boobs would look like roadmaps with all the veins!

I didn't know that the bigger you got...the harder it was to (ahem...) clean yourself up after going to the bathroom (both ways!! Chat Icon )

WHAT???? Oh no, you're scaring me!! Is that really what happens???

Well, I guess now, I can't say "no one told me, because you just did!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 11:01 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

Posted by jambalady

WHAT???? Oh no, you're scaring me!! Is that really what happens???

Well, I guess now, I can't say "no one told me, because you just did!!Chat Icon

This post is too funny and I can say at only 28 weeks SOOO Much of it is true!!!

Posted 9/27/07 11:18 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon OMG this post was hysterical (it's really not good cuz I WILL literally pee myself) ..... and sooo true! Also no one ever told me everyday something different would hurt & that my DH would be so cute & sweet- he talks to my belly & often, the baby moves- that's amazing. Congratulations everyone Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 11:31 AM

Welcome 2010!

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

Okay, these have probably been posted, but no one told me about:

itchy breasts

Oh, and the peeing on yourself thing. I think I did that every so slightly this weekendChat Icon . Yuck!

Posted 9/27/07 12:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

My mother wanted me to have a baby so badly that she told me all these wonderful things about pregnancy. She claims she never felt better than when she was pregnant. And I feel really stupid because I believed my mom and never really understood my friends when they were pregnant and tired or not feeling well.

Posted 9/27/07 1:33 PM

Saltricia's been awhile!

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

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i can relate to just about everything you all have said...what no one told me was that my back would be hurting so much and i'm only 9 weeks and the shortness of breath so early on!!

Posted 9/27/07 2:30 PM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

good lord, you should give this to a teenager!!!!!

Posted 9/27/07 3:28 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

OMG this is too funny and a little bit scary.

Okay I am only 5 weeks but the exahustion.. I really think no one told me because you can't even describe how tired you get.

Posted 9/27/07 5:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

what 'psyotica' (Sp?) is and how much your butt would hurt!!!

Also, no one told me there is no escaping waddling!

Posted 9/27/07 5:44 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

This is the most hysterical thing I have evr read.

Yes, teenagers should read these thread Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 6:15 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

That my feet would become cinderblocks.....

That you still get cramps.......

Round ligament pain?? W.T.F.!!!!!

your fingers will look like sausages......

Your a$$ gets pg too!!!

A whole new meaning to the word "tired"

peeing is such a disappointment. You have to go so bad and then hardly anything comes out! Not to mention the 4x a night I get up to pee.

Back pain!!

Strange people who feel the need to rub your stomache

so many more.....

Posted 9/27/07 6:21 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/07

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

Since this is my second, heres a couple about "labor"

I never knew the L & D nurse was going to get in the bed with me, kneel between my legs and push my knees in to my ears!

I did not realize that right after birth, I would get such a rush of adrenline that I wanted to run around the block!

I did not know that right after birth the nurse takes you in the bathroom (in all your glory) and helps you wash yourself with a squeeze bottle....Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/07 6:28 PM

There's no place like home

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

I'm only 10 1/2 weeks but here is what I have learned so far that no one told me.

That I wouldn't fit in any of my old pants as early as 9 weeks. (Haven't gained weight either)

That you have to pee 100 times a day and most of the time some gas escapes at the same time. Chat Icon So much fun at the office..

That you would yearn for the days when you could poop normally.

That I would increase an entire bra size by 8 weeks.

That I would find it difficult to stay up past 8:30 pm on week nights.

Posted 9/27/07 6:35 PM

Feeling Blessed

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...


Posted 2/20/08 4:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

that I would be scared to death everyday before taking a poo because of the pain!

that my nippies would look so strange

Posted 2/20/08 4:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

That your FIL would give you advise on having a babyChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/08 5:56 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

OMG this is a geat threadChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon What I have to look foward toChat Icon

Posted 2/20/08 6:49 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

No one mentioned the "snail trail".

Posted 2/20/08 9:36 PM

Prayers to those who need them

Member since 5/05

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

OMG I did not realize this was so old at first and I thought that Diane and JoAnne (WoodIAM) were Pregnant and I missed the news!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/08 10:00 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

Leg cramps in the middle of the night

round ligament pain - had this and thought i was in labor

nose bleeds - got one over the summer at the beach that scared the crap out of my mom.

while some maternity clothes are nice, the majority of them have more bows and lace then any top should have.

you pee yourself when you sneeze or laugh hard

heartburn is a nightmare

Posted 2/20/08 10:08 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

That the peeing on yourself thing lasts after you've given birth.

That people will feel comfortable asking you if you're going to breastfeed or not - like talking about your boobs is normal everyday conversation.

That people will say the RUDEST things to you about your face changing without ever thinking they are being rude and calling you ugly.

Posted 2/20/08 10:46 PM

Our family is complete

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

that after all these things, I would be brave enough to go through this all AGAIN! Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/08 11:08 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Things People Never Told You ABout being Pregnant...

Posted by Disneygirl

That my nipples would itch like crazy especially when I'm out in public! Chat Icon

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I thought that was just happening to me!!! Some days my nips itch like crazy, all I want to do is sit and scratch the heck out of them!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Also, people said I would be tired but in a million years I was not prepared for the sheer and complete exhaustion that I am feeling these days. I can hardly get through a day sometimes!!!

Posted 2/20/08 11:27 PM
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