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How did you tell your husband

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Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: How did you tell your husband

We were I bought a pregnancy test to test after I missed my period just to be sure, so like 4 days before i was due with AF, I had a dream I took a test and it was +, so I woke up at like 6am and took the test by myself, well that + sign came up right away, I almost passed out! I started screming my DH's name on the top of my lungs, he got so scared he jumped up and ran into the wall trying to get into the bathroom--lol I felt so bad, but when I told him he was so happy we just hugged and staired at the test for like an hour in shock--lol

Posted 8/19/06 10:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How did you tell your husband

heres a copy of my post from last friday..

he's due home in 30 minutes... it might not be a total suprise... we were ttc and he called about 1 hour ago and said to meet him at the bar for happy hour i told him to come home first... he said how he such a horrible day and doesnt want go drive back and forth... i said.... babe... just come home... he goes... uhhhhhhh... is it good news or bad news... again i said just come home babe please... he said okay fine... but i still want to go to happy hour... p.s. there NO way we are sitting a bar tonight... oh no!!!

my plan was to cook him a whole meal with baby in it!! - baby lamp chops, baby spinach, baby carrots, baby red potatoes... but there is no way i can keep it in until it hits him....

ETS: how he reacted...

well dh finally come home and i heard him pullling iup the street, he said he walked slowly up the walkway looking at the stuff hanging on the front door... he opened the door and said really?... your not f%&#@n around? I said no... then he goes really.... then he said i've been waiting to her that all day (since i talked to him that he wanted to striaght to the bar) - i have it all on video..then i showed him all the tests and stuff.. we just both sat down and had a nice moment together...

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Message edited 8/19/2006 10:35:47 AM.

Posted 8/19/06 10:34 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

Posted by FelAndJon

We looked at the test together Chat Icon

me too! I was shocked- he wasn't. It was our first try!

Posted 8/19/06 10:39 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

Can you believe I knew I was pregnant for 2 days before I told my DH? I even suspected a week before that...but never said anything!

I thought it would be memorable to tell him on Christmas Day! I had originally thought to write a Christmas card "to Daddy", or wrap up some baby item, but he really didn't know we were trying and we're not that sort of people anyway to get all mushy over it just wouldn't have been "us," although I kind of wish I had told him under our first Christmas tree.

Anyhow, I took another test that AM as he laid in bed (little did I know he was thinking how peaceful Christmas morning is without kids running around!!). I jumped into bed and said I had a surprise...and showed him the test. His first response was, "Those things are frequently wrong, aren't they?" Chat Icon After that he was excited. We hosted dinner that evening and would kind of wink at each other knowing we had our own little secret...

Posted 8/19/06 10:46 AM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

I left the test on the bathroom counter so he saw it when he came home from work.

Posted 8/19/06 11:44 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

71 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

He was with me THIS MORNING when I woke him up and said - you "want to do a little science experiment?" and all he said was - "Is that a cup of pee?" with a confused face on. Chat Icon

As he woke up he figured it out and it was a BFP!

Posted 8/19/06 11:47 AM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

He got a delivery of something he ordered. It came when he was at work. I took the original contents out of the box and filled the box up with the pg test, I love Daddy bib, towels and burpcloth. When he came home I told him his package came and he opened it up.Chat Icon It took him a minute to get what was going on. It was cuteChat Icon

Posted 8/19/06 12:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

242 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

I also waited for two days before telling my husband .....( I told him on his 30th bday

I snuck out of the bedroom before he woke up and came back in the bedroom after his alarm went off and said..."Happy 30th Bday Daddy" and presented him with the test....

It wa a great moment!

Posted 8/19/06 3:15 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: How did you tell your husband

I had plans of doing it all cute like buying a little mets outfit, but he was home when i took it so i took it over to bed and woke him up. It took a little while for him to get it! But when he did he said NICE!!! Then fell back asleep! When he woke up 15 min. later he came into the br (i was in the shower) and said was that a dream or are u? I said congrats big pop! lol It was great!!

Posted 8/19/06 8:03 PM
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